Should Polyphony Team up with Codemasters so GT6 can have great sound?

Vancouver, BC
I think so. The sounds in F1 2012 and Dirt 3 from codemasters are AMAZING!

I think this would be great.

What do you think?
No they don't need to do any teaming up, they simply need to hire (more) people who know what they're doing with sound.
They should do the same thing Turn10 did. Find some professional sound experts out there and hire them.

Without such kind of investing, they will not regain the status GT once had. Forza, pCars and other games will slowly pass GT just so.

We will see what happens. I am still stay a bit optimistical about PD, even with so many mistakes they made with GT5.
No they don't need to do any teaming up, they simply need to hire (more) people who know what they're doing with sound.


And not denying the sounds are bad is a first step towards that direction.


They should do the same thing Turn10 did. Find some professional sound experts out there and hire them.

If PD can't do the job, they need to hire someone capable of doing it. Simple. 👍
While we're at it; Polyphony Digital should team up with whomever has a Porsche AG License, so we can finally experience these master-pieces of engineering in the realm of Gran Turismo.
Kaz isn't the problem so to speak, he doesn't do the sound but it is a problem if he thinks the current sounds are perfect although now we know that was via a translator I'm really hoping something was badly lost in translation.

Like I said earlier the problem with the audio is simple, hire people that know how to record and utilise vehicle audio in games. Forza have that guy I forget the name of, Project CARS has an audio engineer, PD need to hire someone and some people that know what they're doing. That really is the only solution.
In order for GT6 to get decent sounds the first step is to fire this jack@_$!!!

Since when is it okay to write something like that about somebody on GTPlanet? This isn't that type of forum.
They will improve sound but also improve the damage physics. But Codemasters shouldn't touch anything other than that.

They shouldnt touch anything on gt.

I dont see why pd cant hire better sound people they certainly dont need another developer.
They can certainly poach individual talent from other developers though. Forza got Nick Wiswell from Bizarre Creations for example.
Kaz isn't the problem so to speak, he doesn't do the sound but it is a problem if he thinks the current sounds are perfect although now we know that was via a translator I'm really hoping something was badly lost in translation.

Like I said earlier the problem with the audio is simple, hire people that know how to record and utilise vehicle audio in games. Forza have that guy I forget the name of, Project CARS has an audio engineer, PD need to hire someone and some people that know what they're doing. That really is the only solution.

Agreed @SimonK. 👍
They can certainly poach individual talent from other developers though. Forza got Nick Wiswell from Bizarre Creations for example.

But it would seem it was not Mr. Wiswell's doing that PGR4's sound (a benchmark of sorts) was so good; the distortion in FM4, and PGR2, was his idea. But to each his own.

I'm fairly certain PD have audio engineers (it's patently obvious given the sound engine), a lack of artists in the credits (although there are some for GT5:P) is worrisome, though.

The startup sounds indicate that recording isn't an issue. The issue is artistic direction, much as it is with FM4 - I don't think anyone ever complained about PGR4's sounds, except the usual fMod aliasing (OK, that was probably just me).
The thing they need to do first is put more of a priority on sound. Sound really is one of the biggest things that keep people coming back, they need to realize this. I occasionally turn on Forza just to listen to the Merc's roar as a small example.

Things in order of importance that keep console racers coming back:
1. variety of cars
2. feel/fun in the driving
3. sound
4. graphics
5. good online/multiplayer component
6. customization (tuning, paint, liveries)

That's how I'd rate it. Right now their priorities seem to be as follows:
1. graphics
2. variety of cars
3. feel/fun in the driving
4. customization (tuning, paint)
5. good online/multiplayer component
6. sound

If they simply put more time into modeling, sampling, testing their sounds, it'd be great. They need more range in the sound as well, and if this has to happen at the sacrifice of some graphical fidelity then so be it!
While we're at it; Polyphony Digital should team up with whomever has a Porsche AG License, so we can finally experience these master-pieces of engineering in the realm of Gran Turismo.

I dont think anything good would come from bringing EA into Gran Turismo...
They can certainly poach individual talent from other developers though. Forza got Nick Wiswell from Bizarre Creations for example.

Agreed but the OP was talking about handing that part over to codemasters.
Just let them hire a better audio staff. That's all that needs to be done.

Exactly. I don't know how large their budget is, but they should have plenty to hire some more people
Yes, let's not let Codemasters near the GT series seeing as they only out did them in the Sound. Check.
Damage (even though it was canned). Check.
A.I. Check.
Real life track selection (including multiple versions of the same tracks if possible). Check.
Menu layout and ease of use. Check.
There are a few more but i'll stop now.
Yes lets not let a company who did all this help a company that CLEARLY knows nothing in any of those areas.

But seriously simply finding and hiring sound design/tech proffesionals is the way to go.
I have especially loved the part where the "genius" thinks his sounds are "perfect".
But all of you hoping its yet another misstranslation, whereas the term Driving Game, gets tossed around like it was the holy grail exscuse for why the series has fallen so far.
While I have great hopes for GT6, sound is not one of them. I get the impression they don't even believe it's an issue. Given the general decline in Japanese games development in terms of adapting to the online world and new games styles, I'm not sure what the future holds for GT.

I got Forza 3 and thought the sound was fantastic, then Forza 4 took it to a whole new level, I heard they hired some sound devs from the UK who'd worked on Project Gotham.

After driving the hell out of Forza 4 I've recently contemplated buying another PS3 and starting up GT5 again. A couple of online vids reminded me why I ditched the game in the first place, so many great cars, then you drive them and they sound like electric vehicles, totally removing you from the immersion.
Yes, let's not let Codemasters near the GT series seeing as they only out did them in the Sound. Check.
Damage (even though it was canned). Check.
A.I. Check.
Real life track selection (including multiple versions of the same tracks if possible). Check.
Menu layout and ease of use. Check.
There are a few more but i'll stop now.
Yes lets not let a company who did all this help a company that CLEARLY knows nothing in any of those areas.

But seriously simply finding and hiring sound design/tech proffesionals is the way to go.
I have especially loved the part where the "genius" thinks his sounds are "perfect".
But all of you hoping its yet another misstranslation, whereas the term Driving Game, gets tossed around like it was the holy grail exscuse for why the series has fallen so far.

Maybe Codies should make a GT competitor for the PC (and consoles)? 💡

Oh no, wait, PC is dead. I forgot...
Eve, though Codemasters did a nice job, Polyphony just needs to take out a few cars and put more time and effort into the sounds... or at least just make the premium cars sound good.