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  • Thread starter McLaren
The pictures aren't great because I wanted to play the damn thing!




It is a 2018 Gibson Les Paul Traditional in Heritage Cherry Sunburst and it plays like a dream.
What a beaute.
Remember that place called "Player's Choice" in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina I mentioned last year? Well predictably I went back again this year and had yet another fulfilling experience there! :D I knew I wouldn't get to go again like I did last year, so I made it count. I have gotten to where I look forward to this place more than anything else down there. :dopey:

TNN Motorsports Hardcore 4X4. I think this was one I contemplated on getting on PSN once. Glad I don't have to now! :D
Need for Speed V Rally. Funny thing is I bought the 2nd one last year and now here I am with the first! :dopey:
Test Drive Off-Road. Much like V Rally, I bought the 2nd release of this game 2 years ago (and I freaking loved it) and now I have the 1st. I have wanted this game for years now, glad to finally have it! :D
Hummer Badlands. I love Hummer's, so you can imagine why I got this one. It is however made the same company that made Ford vs. Chevy and Ford Mustang that were also for the PS2 (both of which sucked), but I am hoping it will be something more like Ford Racing 2 or 3 for instance. (which I liked) For no more than what it costs, it's a risk worth taking. I'm sure i'll be happy either way.
Midnight Club Street Racing and Midnight Club II. I honestly hate buying a predecessor and a sequel together, but since I am quite a fan of the series and these were very cheap, much cheaper than Amazon, I couldn't refuse! Crazy thing is I bought the 3rd 11 years ago around this time, bought another copy of it from Player's Choice about 3 years ago to replace my old one and now I got the other 2. How ironic.
Spyro Season of Ice. Now this one is a long time coming! I can remember when I turned 11 I think, my mom gave me a choice between this game, or some Land/Air RC truck. I chose the truck, didn't play with it much, and now it's long gone and I kind of regretted not getting this game instead, especially since I loved it's sequel. (Season of Flame) So when I went to the GBA section this time, I went specifically for this game and I finally found it! (I didn't see it last year) It costed more than I would typically pay for a GBA game, but I don't even care. I hate it took me this long to get this game, but better late than never! :)

First time anyone in my family has bought another GBA game in nearly 11 years and I can't even remember the last time I bought one.
While I have said before I am avoiding buying any new games, Player's Choice is the only place I know that carries old games for cheap, games I wish I had bought years ago and since I only go there once a year, that's why Player's Choice is a notable exception to this. Apart from Spyro Season of Ice, I haven't played any of these yet, but I probably will tomorrow. Overall, I am quite satisfied and I have a feeling I won't be disappointed with what I bought! :D
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Honestly, I'd go with 85% good, 14% less good and 1% I'm just going to sleep out here tonight. I'll take those numbers :lol:

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We've had the chair for about a week but the new rug just showed up today.


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Digging the pattern on the rug. She done good picking it out. And a 8'x10' rug for $125 was a hell of a deal.
Did it again in the dining room. :P





Now we only have one more to replace in the kitchen.


DiRT 4 was only $15 thanks to the Ultimate Sale. I've heard a bunch about HSS, so figured I'd grab that too given the deal. Not sure when I'll actually get to it, though...

One of my favorite Korean pop albums, so it makes a nice home in my collection. Shipping was incredibly fast too - I've had packages go slower from the East Coast of Canada to where I am, and yet this came in record time straight from Korea.
Got this Boundary Errant pack on kickstarter. There's only 20-something pledges left for the early early bird. ($100 +shipping)

Still deciding on a color-- probably just gonna go with black. Should be great for starting medical school. My Tenba messenger is too annoying. Gonna retire it for camera-only duty. Also want to try out my Vertx bag but that's going to be limited if I'm not allowed to carry on campus.
Next up on my Neca figure collection hunt : Rocket Launcher with Fire Damage Robocop vs Terminator 16 Bit Video Game version.

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How it actually looked like when I took some pics, this will be on display, got another one still in box, sealed for collection :D Love it.



This is a fun one for me. This will make taking the race car, 125cc shifter kart, and golf cart to race weekends a reality. Plus, I no longer need to rent hotels and I have room to take spare race tires.

This is probably the best deal I've ever gotten on anything race related.
