I had to re-order the shocks for the 944 and I decided to put down a little more money and get the Bilstein B6.
I'm getting new keys cut for the car to see if I can remedy the issue I'm having with the locks. They current keys are pretty chewed up from years and years of usage - There may be an issue with the driver-side lock tumbler, but I'm hoping that isn't the case, otherwise I will have to take apart the door panel and remove some bits from the locking mechanism to fix it.
A new lanyard since mine literally just came apart.
Not that I don't like the cheesy steering-wheel that came with the '83 944, I just want something that'll had a little personal touch without going overboard.
Stop-Tech slotted rotors.
I also bought some new tubing for the wiper fluid reservoir, as well as a new cap. I'll have to find time to re-do all of that, but it'll look mint once I get it all completed.
Considering all of the work that is going into this car, I'm likely going to keep it as long as I can. If I do sell it, I want to sell it at a profit, meaning that I will have to squash any other issues. Meanwhile, my next big purchase will probably be a new fuse box, and building a new wiring harness but I wanted a few QOL things since I just did a big mechanical parts haul.
That said, I should probably let this thread be - Time to make my own build thread lol
It's coming along