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  • Thread starter McLaren

And so my Christmas shopping begins. Technically speaking, these are being bundled in alongside the CD player I'm intending to pick up for my youngest sister and since oh gods she's turning 13 not too long later I'll count these as a birthday gift too. No idea if she'll like them, just gonna frame it as "hey give it a shot here's a bit of stuff to try".
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And so my Christmas shopping begins. Technically speaking, these are being bundled in alongside the CD player I'm intending to pick up for my youngest sister and since oh gods she's turning 13 not too long later I'll count these as a birthday gift too. No idea if she'll like them, just gonna frame it as "hey give it a shot here's a bit of stuff to try".
Goldfinger aye? Now there's a band I haven't listened to in a couple of decades. Nice variety there. Hope she likes them.
I have been wanting this jersey for quite some time now. (Over a year...) And finally pulled the trigger as prices have been cut quite a bit.

Bought a hat too to even out what I was saving with the price cut on the jersey because why not :P

Got this yesterday, but forgot to post it. Based on my research, it was a CD given out to people at a Kenny Chesney concert years ago. Contains 6 tracks, most of which I have never heard before. I stumbled upon it on eBay and I thought it looked interesting and for only a few bucks, why the heck not?! :D
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I had to re-order the shocks for the 944 and I decided to put down a little more money and get the Bilstein B6.


I'm getting new keys cut for the car to see if I can remedy the issue I'm having with the locks. They current keys are pretty chewed up from years and years of usage - There may be an issue with the driver-side lock tumbler, but I'm hoping that isn't the case, otherwise I will have to take apart the door panel and remove some bits from the locking mechanism to fix it.

A new lanyard since mine literally just came apart.

Not that I don't like the cheesy steering-wheel that came with the '83 944, I just want something that'll had a little personal touch without going overboard.


Stop-Tech slotted rotors.

I also bought some new tubing for the wiper fluid reservoir, as well as a new cap. I'll have to find time to re-do all of that, but it'll look mint once I get it all completed.

Considering all of the work that is going into this car, I'm likely going to keep it as long as I can. If I do sell it, I want to sell it at a profit, meaning that I will have to squash any other issues. Meanwhile, my next big purchase will probably be a new fuse box, and building a new wiring harness but I wanted a few QOL things since I just did a big mechanical parts haul.

That said, I should probably let this thread be - Time to make my own build thread lol

It's coming along :D:cheers:
A friend suggested I try No Man's Sky, and since it's on sale in the XBox store for $25, I picked it up.

While browsing the store, I noticed Ducati 90th Anniversary, a spin off of the origina Ride game, was on sale for just $2.50 so I got that as well.

Due to Covid, I'm not traveling this holidays so I decided to renovate my bedroom.

Got a new bed (140px200cm), mattress, sheets (not in the pictures), desk (160x80cm the one in the picture is smaller) and a small sofa to chill, play games or watch Netflix.

Now I only need to order a nice chair. I'm thinking of buying a gaming chair. Tried an Omen today and it was amazing. It sucks they all have flashy colors. If someone knows of a good, comfortable and flexible one in black, let me know.

Also got an adaptor for my iPad pro so I can connect it to my 4K TV and transfer my photos from my camera through USB A.

Edit: @phillkillv2 the book is a masterpiece imo. Very depressive at times but makes you think about your place in this world pretty much with each paragraph or page. It's not a normal book though. It doesn't have a beginning and an end. It was never finished and was only published for the first time almost 50 years after Pessoa's death.

Get it. You won't regret it. Let me know what you think afterwards.
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Edit: @phillkillv2 the book is a masterpiece imo. Very depressive at times but makes you think about your place in this world pretty much with each paragraph or page. It's not a normal book though. It doesn't have a beginning and an end. It was never finished and was only published for the first time almost 50 years after Pessoa's death.

Get it. You won't regret it. Let me know what you think afterwards.
Quoting because tags in edits don't always give a notification 👍

Two things I ordered coincidentally both arrived today, fortunately before I had to leave for work (and with just enough time to spare to get them installed/set up): The Radeon 5700 XT I ordered a couple weeks ago, and the Apple Watch Series 6 that I ordered Wednesday.

The 5700 XT is my first time going team red (at least as far as desktop GPUs are concerned), and the Series 6 is my first smartwatch... exciting.
I caved and bought a Nintendo Switch. Grabbed digital copies of Zelda Breath of the Wild and Super Mario 3D All-Stars to play Sunshine again after well over a decade. Now that my memory is already full, I also need a memory card now. :lol:

Enjoy. I got a Switch for Zelda BOTW too and didn't stop till I almost beat it. Game is pretty much done. Just need to beat the final boss.

A friend suggested I try No Man's Sky, and since it's on sale in the XBox store for $25, I picked it up.

While browsing the store, I noticed Ducati 90th Anniversary, a spin off of the origina Ride game, was on sale for just $2.50 so I got that as well.

NMS is a good game BUT there is a LOT to do.
And that depends if you want to spend your time on this game.
It's a game full of stuff to discover.