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Nope... well I have no idea what the magazine was about, thought it was something like FHM or Stuff but I still haven't opened it yet... :lol:
I'm guessing you will be severely disappointed. :lol:
Bought new glasses! They'll be here in 10 days or so.

Yes....they are Ferrari branded :lol:
Were they ridiculously over-priced when you bought them, as well?
Were they ridiculously over-priced when you bought them, as well?

$79.99 with $240 for my lens, a lot better then the $600 Ray Ban's the optometrist tried to sell me. I got em at Costco where everything is mind bogglingly cheap.
$79.99 with $240 for my lens, a lot better then the $600 Ray Ban's the optometrist tried to sell me. I got em at Costco where everything is mind bogglingly cheap.

Dang, your lenses cost nearly twice as much as mine... got my last set of glasses for $140 from Costco with $60 frames or so. Or are you getting the Transition lenses?
$79.99 with $240 for my lens, a lot better then the $600 Ray Ban's the optometrist tried to sell me. I got em at Costco where everything is mind bogglingly cheap.
That's pretty good, then. I'm assuming it's an out-of-style model then as Ferrari don't have it listed on their site with the rest of their $200+ glasses. :scared:
Dang, your lenses cost nearly twice as much as mine... got my last set of glasses for $140 from Costco with $60 frames or so. Or are you getting the Transition lenses?

Progressive, no line, bi-focals and transition lens. My lens are always the thing that gets me. I'm getting my Oakley's re-lensed too and I'm thinking about a pair of glasses for the computer since all the monitors at work are brighter then the sun with no way to adjust the colour. I have my monitor at home and my TV set to a warmer, redder tone but the ones at work are all BOOM I'M BLUE!!!!

That's pretty good, then. I'm assuming it's an out-of-style model then as Ferrari don't have it listed on their site with the rest of their $200+ glasses. :scared:

They are from the 2010 line, not that I really care. The 2011 line was significantly more expensive.
Progressive, no line, bi-focals and transition lens. My lens are always the thing that gets me. I'm getting my Oakley's re-lensed too and I'm thinking about a pair of glasses for the computer since all the monitors at work are brighter then the sun with no way to adjust the colour. I have my monitor at home and my TV set to a warmer, redder tone but the ones at work are all BOOM I'M BLUE!!!!

Find out what the models are on those monitors and I'll see about what it takes to adjust them. Also keep in mind you can adjust color profiles via Windows color management software, which is generally part of the calibration I go through when I setup new monitors at home.

Computer glasses, in my opinion, are nothing more than a gimmick built on people thinking their monitors really should be brighter than the Sun.

As for the lenses, I don't have to deal bi-focals as I just have a baller astigmatism. Down side is contacts for me have to be weighted and thus are a huge hassle whenever I attempt to go that route. Though I do need to get an examination here soon and new lenses, and a couple of pairs for frames for different outfits. Really want some frames with a bit of green in them.

But yeah, Costco is win for glasses I've found. Though will they put lenses in frames bought else where?
Find out what the models are on those monitors and I'll see about what it takes to adjust them. Also keep in mind you can adjust color profiles via Windows color management software, which is generally part of the calibration I go through when I setup new monitors at home.

Computer glasses, in my opinion, are nothing more than a gimmick built on people thinking their monitors really should be brighter than the Sun.

They are 26" Zenith TV's and 23" PDI TV's with key locks because people were "configuring" them so they could watch TV when they weren't supposed to. We also have 42" LG display boards I work on frequently. I can get the remote from out IS department lock-up but that becomes a huge hassle. And I have no idea why they default to to the retina burning setting.

Can't do the Windows calibration either since it runs a proprietary form of Linux on the TV's and a different proprietary software on the display boards (which need to be holy Jesus bright anyway).

My HP laptop at work is pretty dark though, but I hardly ever use it. My phone is the same way unless I'm watching videos.

I know for the most part computer glasses are a bit "meh" and questionable on how well they work but I'm thinking I'll looking like a massive techno-geek if I get them and for that I'll think I'm awesome. Plus apparently yellow tint helps during night and piss poor weather driving...which makes sense, my rifles have yellow tinted scopes on them.
I know for the most part computer glasses are a bit "meh" and questionable on how well they work but I'm thinking I'll looking like a massive techno-geek if I get them and for that I'll think I'm awesome. Plus apparently yellow tint helps during night and piss poor weather driving...which makes sense, my rifles have yellow tinted scopes on them.

Yellow doesn't so much help at night but rather in situations where excessive diffused blue light can be an issue. The reason yellow/orange tinted lenses deal with haze and generally help with contrast is they block out the typically more diffused blues that dust, fog, and glare through around. They are quite nice in snowy conditions if they sun is out a bit, or kind of on/off rainy days.

I'd just look into general contrast lenses and then use them as computer glasses. Though I hear "computer" glasses have some other optimization for focusing on something up close, but that is just a matter of sitting a proper distance away from the display.

And it sucks they have everything locked up. I'd talk to who ever does ergonomics and work injuries, as the eye strain from overly bright monitors can induce headaches and other issues.
You'll have to tell me how it was. I love AB Ale. 👍
Double Bastard is my favorite ale in the world. 👍 And I just got back from a local shop and managed to pick up Highway 78! :D They didn’t even have it on the shelves yet – had to ask the store owner for it. Also picked up a bottle of Great Divide Old Ruffian:


I know this doesn’t help with your proprietary issue Joey, but just as a sort of add-on to the conversation, f.lux is one of the best pieces of freeware I’ve installed in quite a long while. The first day or two that you use it it looks funny, but after that you get used to it and it’s made just about all my late-night eye fatigue go away.
Besides food, and items that are a necessity to life, or items for other people other than myself, I say the last item I purchased was this about a week ago... and I haven't even used it yet...


Hmmm, what can this device do? I have an Edirol UA-20 with a keyboard (not a dedicated midikeyboard but a standard Roland E-36) My problem is when using FL-studio the keys on the Roland have a delay before entering the FL studio production. Any clues to reduce the delay?
Would you reccomend? some of his stuff is quite good e.g no love and drop the world but other then that I have not heard enough to warrent an album purchase.

Honestly, I don't recommend this CD. I never really liked Lil' Wayne's music except for his "freestyle" like songs, like A Milli and 6 Foot 7 Foot. I bought this CD and borrowed another from a friend because I thought "This guy is so popular, he must be doing something right." Wrong, his music is pretty much garbage when compared to other rappers; how someone could say he's the best rapper of all time truly boggles my mind.

Drop the World is a good song too, but for the love of God, do not buy the CD(Rebirth)! Just read the reviews online and you'll understand... :ill:

If I were to recommend you a rap CD it would be The Man on the Moon by Kid Cudi.
The power supply on my old external drive died (but thankfully the harddrive itself still works) so I picked up this as a second for redundancy:

Honestly, I don't recommend this CD. I never really liked Lil' Wayne's music except for his "freestyle" like songs, like A Milli and 6 Foot 7 Foot. I bought this CD and borrowed another from a friend because I thought "This guy is so popular, he must be doing something right." Wrong, his music is pretty much garbage when compared to other rappers; how someone could say he's the best rapper of all time truly boggles my mind.

Drop the World is a good song too, but for the love of God, do not buy the CD(Rebirth)! Just read the reviews online and you'll understand... :ill:

If I were to recommend you a rap CD it would be The Man on the Moon by Kid Cudi.

Hmm thanks for the reccomendation I might look into it I almost purchased kanye west new album but I had no idea what the songs where called due to the stupid back cover so im currently listening to T.I. No Mercy, Devlin Bud Sweat and Beers and Chase and Status albums which I would reccomend
Picked up a 6 pack of this from the grocery store today:

I've never tried their Pale Ale, but I've always highly enjoyed everything else that Pike brews.

Time for this bout of man flu to be... Destroyed. :mischievous: Especially as I pick up the keys for my new house later today.
Oakley Jackknife 4.0's with yellow lenses, anti-glare, the whole nine-yards. And they were about half of what the Gunnar's would have been. I'm more interested to see how they work at night more then anything.


And I got silver mirrored lens in my Oakley Wire 2.0's.


Ford Racing struts, meant for the ZX2 S/R model.



Ground Control coilover conversion kit, along with springs. Looking at an adjustable 0 to 2.5 inch ride height drop. Can't wait to get them in.
I'm doing the suspension on the Cooper in the spring. We definitely need to do some sort of Michigan meet up.
I didn't buy these from my buddy, I got them for helping him do his homework.


Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3



WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007
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