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  • Thread starter McLaren
Puny airsoft guns, my K98 rifle makes 2900+ fp/s and thats with a 200 grain projectile.

I mean why dont you save your money and get a real MP5 (clone)? :sly: MP5 clones go around 800$, are heck of a lot more fun and arent that expensive. Ok, you cant shoot yourselves with it for fun anymore but....:D
Thats great, but ill only get my self in trouble. I have absolutely no use for anything that powerful. And its my first one anyway, its a toy.
Just got these a few days ago:



And a shirt with this on it:


$10 each. :D
Microsoft 7000 Laser Wireless Notebook mouse, it's awesome. Plus the MSRP on it was $49.95 and I got it for $29.95 at Costco.

It's because Costco is awesome, I never had a membership until last week. This weekend alone I bought $200 worth of stuff there.
It's because Costco is awesome, I never had a membership until last week. This weekend alone I bought $200 worth of stuff there.
Replace Costco (which we don't have here) with Sam's Club and I completely agree.
Replace Costco (which we don't have here) with Sam's Club and I completely agree.

100% agree. Costco, here at least, never has anything good. The last time the wife went shopping there they had NOT ONE ITEM I wanted. From food, to cooking gear. Nada.

Sam's Club is a lot better place to shop.
Im a Sin City fan, is the extended version worth getting?? Is there that much more footage??

There's a couple minutes added to each story, but the Special Features is what makes it. 2 commentaries, lots of behind the scenes (Cast, Props, even the cars), and as I've explored so far, the whole movie in 12-15 minutes in front of the green screen. It's a must have for any Sin City fan. The novel has def. made me start searching for the other stories, as well.
Puny airsoft guns, my K98 rifle makes 2900+ fp/s and thats with a 200 grain projectile.

I mean why dont you save your money and get a real MP5 (clone)? :sly: MP5 clones go around 800$, are heck of a lot more fun and arent that expensive. Ok, you cant shoot yourselves with it for fun anymore but....:D

Wait a tick, so youre telling me that gun is stronger that a USMC .50 cal?????.........:odd:
Faster; not 'stronger.'

The .50 is a great snipping rifle, but there are better. The low velocity, compared to other, better, snipping rifles, is its downfall.

Jeebus!! Yeah, ive got absolutely no need for that lol. I dont have the space around here.
I know, I love the centre wheel, it's really smooth and easy to scroll with. I might get another one for my desktop.
I got this thinking it would be a good wireless headphone set for my iPod but alas it doesn't work that way... So, it's just a headset for my room and car. Thanks to that stupid Kalifornya law. :rolleyes:


Plantronics 855 Voyager for $70

Edit: OMFG! It does work with my ipod! This is Fing Awesome!
Ordered this tonight as a start to my home theatre. It's an Onkyo TX-SR705 700W receiver. It was almost $900 bucks at most places online but I found it for $599 shipped through B&H. The nice thing about it is that is does upscaling for HDMI. I really don't know much about this stuff but my buddy filled me in somewhat. I think I'll hook this up to the big screen in the family room for the time being though since I don't have speakers yet.

Right now I have a 5.1 Infinity system that's quite old, my parents got them when they built their first home theatre. They got something new when they bought their big screen so they gave me the old ones. I don't know if I'm going to keep them or get some new ones. My knowledge on this stuff is really limited so I don't know. I'm going to talk to my neighbor this weekend since he's so into home audio he builds his own speakers.
When I'm in need of replacing my Sony receiver, Onkyo is currently at the top of my list.

Nice buy, Joey. 👍