You should buy this:
Just search "PSP 1/2/3000 housing" on ebay, there are other nice colors if clear's not your thing.
It is a cool looking watch, but I'd have stood there staring at it for 5 minutes trying to figure out what time it was.
Do the dials on that move too?
It's pretty easy since it's just addition of numbers. For instance if the 1 and 5 lit up in the hours section it means it's 6 o'clock. It does the same thing for the minutes. It even keeps track of the month and the date. You press one of the buttons in(the one next to the minutes section to the right) and it displays the months where the hours is supposed to be and the days where the minutes are.
Do the dials on that move too?
I have a scar on my hand that still hasn't healed from when I tried to do that with my first PSP way back in 2008. It looked good, but the end result is... of questionable value.
LeichtBought 2 winter jackets from Bench and Superdry and a T-shirt from the latter as well. All for 120 GBP at Cheshire oaks this afternoon.
...reading the info from it when this coin was produce in 1993 they only made 1,418 of them, One for each man who died on the HOOD.
Nice purchase. 👍 My Great grandfather's cousin went down with the Hood, I'd like to find myself something like that, too.
New mouse on its way
Next up a new hard drive and RAM.
Eww. I used to have one and it started to peel apart. Maybe it was my fault but man. That was terrible.
axletrampI'm selling one of those. Came free with my TV.
Is it new AT?