Wanted to get the Batali Orange ones, but sadly I think they only go to size 13. Was able to find size 15 on amazon, but the regular ones were half as expensive, and the crocs website says M13/W15, so I didn't want to chance some 3rd party seller sending me a woman's size 15. Lol.
Anyway, yeah, my ($6, 85% off) red ones have been awesome but it's now dangerous for me to use them when it's wet outside. I used to only use them when it was wet outside. But, damn, that crosslite material is awesome. It doesn't smell, it's easy to wash, it's waterproof, and it's like walking on tits. I had to get another pair, but this time with the non-slip rubber outsole that will hopefully be a lot more durable and have a lot more traction in the wet.
Can't wear my birkenstocks in the wet. I can't wear them at all, actually. They smell like rotting hippie toenail armpit scrotum. I can't keep them clean or get the smell out. And they don't have any cush so my knees and ankles hurt like a mother after pounding the pavement.
Also got the last extra bold k-cup sampler from Amazon Warehouse. Score!