- 312
- USA, California
Just 1 thing about GTA 5:
As long as not been proven that GTA 5 is highly decent for drifting (no matter how long will take to the people dig into diferent cars and upgrades configs), this game do not exists for me. I´m saving cash for GT6 instead, cose i don´t know what will be to GT5 after GT6 be released, specialy about the community and if the online gameplay will still be accessible or not.
But no worries and no rushes... same as there is no online mode avaliable for GTA 5 yet, and probably there will be issues at the start, same probably will happen to GT6 after lunch. Specialy GT6, where fix updates are part of the history of his precessor.
Oh, and for those who whine about not have free roam on GT6... just remember:
FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE TRACKS, with generator BS. Next year you guys will be competing on who will build the best Ebisu replica.
Dogs, deers, planes, boats, bikes, aliens, buying stocks, making your own crew, barber shop, buying properties, I can go further lol. You are missing out man.