Shuffle Races

  • Thread starter JTB10000
Many of my best hours on GT5 were spent shuffle racing. For someone like me, who hasn't got a freaking clue about tuning a car, shuffle racing leveled the playing field. Instead of racing against tuning wizards with their tweaked and honed machines, we were all racing standard cars. I suck at tuning but I don't suck at standards! :D
I race with a small group of racers, we run friday night races which are random and chosen by one of the racers at the start of the week, same on sundayn. Then once a month are going to be running 2hour and 40min races.
We did the same thing on GT5 except we had the luxury of running shuffle races after the events for those who wanted to stick around and race, it is a bigger loss to GT6 than I first thought and it does need to be brought back.
They did mention a Quick Match mode which will be added, so we can all pray it's Shuffle racing under a new name...
You really think that's what "Quick Match" is supposed to be?
I guess it's possible that shuffle would be part of it... But the description of "Quick Match" is vague... but also makes it sound like it's a self-hosted room more than a format...
Quick Match
This mode is for those who want to get in and race online right away. Matching is performed according to preset regulations, and the race will start when there are enough participants.
It kind of makes it sound like there's some computer automatic race director :boggled: hosting a room of strangers :odd: & just starting races automatically.
What does that mean preset regulations? Could mean something shuffle-like. But doesn't necessarily sound like Quick Match is just another name for shuffle.
I've tried supporting PD with GT6 and it's shortcomings, but not including shuffles is beyond a joke. It produces the most simple, fair and competitive racing without the need for a league.

I also miss seeing that little bit of orange writing whilst scrolling and thinking, SORTED! :(
I'm not currently racing online on GT6, so I didn't know shuffle was not in it. But I definitely want it back.

I wish you could impose limitations on tires too, as I remember you could only do shuffle races in sports hards. Or maybe it was PP dependent, IDK. But they better offer customization to the shuffling system.
You really think that's what "Quick Match" is supposed to be?
I guess it's possible that shuffle would be part of it... But the description of "Quick Match" is vague... but also makes it sound like it's a self-hosted room more than a format...

It kind of makes it sound like there's some computer automatic race director :boggled: hosting a room of strangers :odd: & just starting races automatically.
What does that mean preset regulations? Could mean something shuffle-like. But doesn't necessarily sound like Quick Match is just another name for shuffle.

Quick Match is matchmaking, not shuffle. ;)
One of the best features in GT5 online. It would be a very welcome addition to GT6.

I definitely miss shuffle racing! But who knows maybe it will come back in a future update....hopefully. Another thing I think they need to bring back that is kind of related to shuffle racing is the option to choose 'Random' for the track selection when the host sets the track to Vote. I just miss doing the Random Racing Lobbies I did back on GT5. Shuffle Racing and everyone would vote for Random for the track. It got pretty intense at times and others were just pure fun! Please PD Bring back Shuffle Racing and the option to choose Random track when voting for tracks!
Shuffle is the currently the 4th most wanted feature in GT6, according to this forum. If PD had no intention of ever including it in GT6, then they have seriously underestimated it's popularity among the online community.
can I ask what is and where is shuffle racing in GT5?

It's a type of racing available in online lobbies. Once connected to the internet, click on the "Open Lobby" icon, & then scroll through all the available rooms until you come to one with "Shuffle Race" written in yellow. Most rooms will have "Normal Race" written in blue, ignore these. Best to enter only Shuffle rooms with "Clean" in the main title, if you want clean racing that is of course. Try it & see what you think of it. 👍
Second post.

Shuffle racing is an online feature in GT5.

Only 2 months left of GT5 ONLINE SHUFFLE and then it's over. STILL NO SHUFFLE IN GT6, I guess they are to busy on GT7, and with what they have done with GT6 makes me want to go and buy a gaming PC not a PS4, anyway PS3 and PS4 only offer 1 driving simulator, the other games are all arcade games, and I'm getting 2 old for BING BING BANG BANG GAMES.

It's a type of racing available in online lobbies. Once connected to the internet, click on the "Open Lobby" icon, & then scroll through all the available rooms until you come to one with "Shuffle Race" written in yellow. Most rooms will have "Normal Race" written in blue, ignore these. Best to enter only Shuffle rooms with "Clean" in the main title, if you want clean racing that is of course. Try it & see what you think of it. 👍

I tried. Very funny!!