Sick's Race Room - CLOSED - Thank you to all who participated

Which Unicorn Cars do you have?

  • Total voters
Result from Round 3 at Autopolis Short

Race 1:
Race 1.jpg

Race 2:
Race 2.jpg

Wed Leaderboard.jpg
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Many apologies for last Wednesday - I didn't realise that there was an update and by the time this was downloaded we were over half an hour late. A few hardy souls hung around and we were able to hold one short race. It was decided to reschedule the Suzuka Round for this Wednesday 3rd March.
An excellent new documentary on Sky, about Steve McQueen lost motorsport film. Called Day Of The Champions. New series of Car SOS starts on Thursday, restoring classic cars.
I did them last night but apparently did not click POST!
I've often done that. I'm there thinking "Why haven't I got any replies"? Oh that's why!

...there's a new rule added. 55 points for 3rd spot in the next race. :)

Well done Harsk. 👍

Sorry @Sick Cylinder I haven't been around since my GTS still won't update because of a lack of free hard drive space. Something's got to give!