side mirror question

ok the new f1 2006 game is to have side view mirrors running in real time on two psp's...have we gotten any word as to if this is going to be the case for gthd?
I did talk to a lad at electronics boutique about the capabilities between ps3 and psp, he mentioned that it was likely that the psp would become a rear view mirror in gt:hd, in which case it would also seem likely that it would have the capability to become a side mirror. Yet who would go to the trouble of buying 2 psp's for such an addition? I would rather hit L1 unless i could afford the PSP's of course :sly:

Anyway this is merely specualtion on my part, from something i heard in a game shop. It seems plausible.
well its not that im going to buy 2 psp's...i alreeady have them. one was a gift( i lent this to a friend, he took it on a flight, they lost his luggage, he didnt get it back for 2 months so after 3 weeks i bought another one.
I really like the idea of using the PSP as either side or the rear view mirror. Sure you 'd have to buy two if you wanted to use them for side mirrors, but it would be a nice touch from PD.
well i cant remember but i think 3 and or 4 have the option of connecting 2 more ps2's together to have a tri monitor setup...does any body remember that?

You can for sure with GT4, as that's what the Subaru simulator uses. Three PS2's with 3 copies of the game.