Site Needs Reformation! (Grievances)

  • Thread starter McLaren
No, it's not the same in that sense, but one isn't really showing more than the other. At the end of the day the tackle is hidden and the poses they were in wern't suggestive or explicit in any way, I do think it's odd for a member to post that but I don't in any way find it offensive or material of an adult nature.
I'm a bit shocked some of you are thinking paper, or yellow dot is the same as a bikini...

A bikini is only a bit of material.

So, you'd actually go to a swimming pool, see a man with a yellow dot over his ying-yang or paper, and find it ok?

Wow....BTW, notice that people at swimming pools tend to cover a whole breast, or a much greater region of the lower area.

In the shots posted, there is no visible body part which would, if exposed in the real world, result in your ejection from a municipal pool, or arrest. Whether or not it's a photoshopped yellow blob, or a piece of A4, what is on show is not obscene. Of course if you went to a pool with a yellow blob on your chopper, or a piece of paper, you'd expose yourself as soon as you moved, but these are still shots, none of which would result in the batting of an eyelid by the Obscene Publications Act people.
How would these affect negatively or traumatize a child? I think he'd be giggling for a moment and move on to something else... These were not sexually suggestive poses.
Um... yes. Besides
A. I am a child
B. 8/9 (actually 72/83) of the boys (most under 14 years old, some even still in elementary school) I know do and have viewed pornographic materials for years. Most of them do this obsessively.
Ah, yes, our world is corrupt... you're all b!7ch!n9 about terrorists, but look at your own kids!
Or maybe it was just the school, cause all of the 11 kids who dont look at pornography are from my new school. The fact remains that we're all still perverts.
Anyway they're better than the Dodge Durango commercial that got recalled.... in a Mens bathroom:
'wow its so long'
'its 6 inches longer'
And the TAG body spray commercials.
Then again, people thought the Corvette commercial in which the kid dreams he drives a C6 around NYC were offensive, prompting a recall of that too. :irked: I never even got to see it.
Is it explicit? No.

Is it sexually suggestive? No.

If I had kids, would I want them to see them? No, not really.

Is it disturbing? Yes.

Do I want to see more of this on GTP? No.
Rogue Ssv
Um... yes. Besides
A. I am a child
B. 8/9 (actually 72/83) of the boys (most under 14 years old, some even still in elementary school) I know do and have viewed pornographic materials for years. Most of them do this obsessively.
Ah, yes, our world is corrupt... you're all b!7ch!n9 about terrorists, but.

A. The fact that you, as a youth are not offended does not mean that other youths will not be offended, nor does it mean it's not offensive to anyone else.
B. The "stats" you provide about what type of material your classmates chose to view is irrelevant to this discussion. GTP has strict rules against pornography.
What does a discussion of how corrupt (presumably you mean morally) have to do with complaining about terrorists, besides which, who is complaining about terrorists?
A. The fact that you, as a youth are not offended does not mean that other youths will not be offended, nor does it mean it's not offensive to anyone else.
I mean, I'm 13. My mom wouldn't approve of me looking at a page with those pictures on it. I don't think it's offensive, but just weird, and a bit sickening. :indiff:
How would these affect negatively or traumatize a child? I think he'd be giggling for a moment and move on to something else... These were not sexually suggestive poses.
So, you're saying Casio's leaning to the side, with his finger on his mouth was not a bit of sexual pose?

The image is gone now, but for those of you may have seen it, it did have a sexual stance to it.
No offence Casio.
Rogue Ssv
Uh... riight, Im leaving now
(to myself) that was stupid... as usual...

No need to leave or feel stupid. You posted your comments and thoughts on the topic, because we disagree on the validity of your points isn't a reason to feel stupid, but rather to evaluate them yourself and come back with proof or a better explanation, or concede that they weren't as valid as you thought, in which case you see why they were picked apart (for lack of a better term) and can improve your logic in the future. At least in my opinion. :)

I mean, I'm 13. My mom wouldn't approve of me looking at a page with those pictures on it. I don't think it's offensive, but just weird, and a bit sickening.
Right, and in my opinion GTP ought not be the kind of site or forum you have to minimize or close whenever your parents or siblings walk by.

In any event, what I meant to add above was, I don't think McLaren's original goal was to create a thread about a few "offensive" pics, but rather to comment on general decline of quality posts and quality threads in the Rumble Strip.
Ah... well I wouldnt know as I only joined a month or so ago.
And yes Casio's first pic was kind of sexually weird.
And my mom wouldnt approve, but she doesnt even approve of the news. Says its too violent. What the heck!? If I cant even watch World News Tonight in peace, what can I do?
Wow... I'd hate to see most of these users in a European beach. All the topless women walking around as it's the most natural thing, holding their child's hand and making sandcastles.

Then again, European censors aren't as strict as US ones, which goes to show why Euro TV doesn't have problems with showing topless women in commercials at 2 in the afternoon.

I'm thinking there's a difference between suggestiveness and pr0n. The Evian advert, however suggestive, is perfectly legal and even nice to watch. A full frontal, spread-eagled picture of Jenna Jameson doing what she does best is, although nice to watch ;), not acceptable in either market.

Although Casio's and Ashley's picture will probably traumatize me and give me nightmares, they also make me laugh. I don't find them offensive and I think most GTP users are tolerant enough to have a giggle while watching them and moving on.

As to posting quality, it was bound to happen. Close the convo forum and many users will take their convo elsewhere. IMs are the best option and I've been using those with many GTP members; but some members still prefer to go back to the old days of GTP chatting. I honestly don't think the actual amount of slowchatting is as abundant as it was when the convo forum existed, since convos and low-quality posts were taken to every sub-forum. Now it's more frowned upon and users tend to do it less... but it'll never disappear.
Yes,, we're all mature here. Not 12 year olds talking about obscene stuff in Lab.
Come on, even I was mature enough to do that. So all of you must be. I agree with Diego wholly--and they were pretty funny.
So, you're saying Casio's leaning to the side, with his finger on his mouth was not a bit of sexual pose?

The image is gone now, but for those of you may have seen it, it did have a sexual stance to it.
No offence Casio.

That one? For me, sorry, but no. This look like an art mock-up, a joke, not a sexually suggestive pose.

This is more what I'd consider as a suggestive pose, and yet it's fully clothed. - edit: link corrected, thanks Diego

By the way, these are taken from the selection of avatars in this forum's control panel:

... heck, even this:

If some parents were to be horrified by what has been posted here so far, I think they seriously need to lighten up a bit. We have young kids at home, and I certainly felt unconfortable at times when watching certain movies with them, when some scenes were turning a bit too much erotic, therefore I switched channels for a few minutes. I certainly don't want them to become sexually aroused, (or myself becoming sexually aroused) in my presence. But being exposed to a bit of skin isn't necessarily something erotic.

Funny how most people don't mind their kids sometimes being exposed to gruesome violence, yet the're totally appalled as soon as they see a bit too much flesh...
As for the post reporting text, I am a bit suprised the default is so user-unfriendly. As I obviously never use the feature, I never read it in detail but it most certainly will be changed immediately.
Thanks, Jordan. 👍
Yeah thanks Jordan, I always felt guilty because it said 'please only use this to report spamming and other serious stuff like adverting' while I was only helping a new member, reporting a duplicate thread or a mistake like that.
Oh, the statue of David. Such a lovely statue. It's a shame that I was once forced to remove it as part of my avatar.


Oh, and the mods are still very prompt with the bannings. Kudos, to you guys.
Now that was funny^!:lol: Don't know you guys now right away who he is. I'm baffled.

I think the moderstors let a lot of stuff go, then erase or warn about other things that might be the same or even not as bad. I recall Omnis posting something about a girl's area just yesterday, then I wrote a little thing about it too. I was moderated by Famine, for obvious reasons seeing as I even disgusted myself with that comment, but Omnis's was pretty dirty too. Stuff like this happens every now and then, but it doesn't annoy me or anything.

It's hard to say that I want the moderation to be more stringent, because I like the way we have a ittle freedom over in the Rumble Strip--it just makes eveything that much funnier--but I can see how younger members may be affected and may learn some bad habits. I'm past the soak-everything-up-like-a-sponge stage, but people like Rogue Ssv (sorry, had to pick on you) might not be. I don't know, call a psychologist.
You'll never have it so that there's a perfectly defined line that you can't cross, each moderator has a slightly different view on whats acceptable in a give topic of conversation and what isn't, since everyone is their own individual. So there is a bit of a grey area, but anyone with an ounce of common sense knows when their posting a comment that's pushing the ball a bit, you do that at your own risk.

Sorry I didn't see this post earlier. I was the non-named moderator who mentioned the pictures as "borderline" and curbed additional pictures from being posted. Had I felt the pictures were meant to be offensive then I would have addressed it accordingly. Feel free to PM myself with ANY personal concerns that you may have with my moderation. If you 'feel' that I have overlooked or misjudged a situation, please give me additional will not fall on deaf ears. Alternative perspectives are welcome and my inbox is always read. I'm a big boy, I can handle criticisms and I know you are only posting this because you want to better GTP because you care about the community and for that I am grateful for your attention. I guess what came to my mind when moderating that thread at the time was the Red Hot Chille Peppers photo:


Seems that this was acceptable for retail stores to stock the CD and the Poster.

The other issues you brought up are being addressed, even as I type this out.

Rogue Ssv
Im working on it ;)
Although I still make some stupid choices and can be ignorant and agressive, I AM working on it:)

I'm going to give you a small piece of additional advice, because I like you.

If you're going to learn from other members' actions, as you appear to be doing, please check that they've got the green "Quality Posts" badge first. While this does include me, I'm not necessarily encouraging you to BE me, just to be more like people who've been voted, by the populace, to be Quality Posters. Recently it's seemed that, although you're capable of good posts, you've been learning habits from some members you shouldn't desire to ape. Your recent spate of multiple posting - you knew that the server was on the fritz, and persisted anyway - has brought your name up once again, and we generally don't issue two temporary bans to the same member...

It is, however, gratifying to see your improvement since your first period of membership - and that you recognise that more improvements can be made.
The ignorant adressed that I didnt know at first that I was megaposting, then didnt know what was causing it, then could still only get down to a double post after reading McLarens FAQ.
But seriously? 81 POSTS?! I dont know how that came about.... I only clicked 17 times. Then I gave up and went back to the home page, and it worked. When I realised I made a few last posts following McLarens FAQ and stopped posting for the night.
Anyway, thank you Famine, and I will try and follow your advice. :)
Umm, other than the profanity issue here, I'd like to post another annoying problem.

- Posting questions that have been asked before.

We should include something like "please use the search feature to search for the question you are asking and make absolutely sure that it has not been asked before you post a new thread, to make sure there are no double-threads." to the AUP. Too many ignorant new members around that are posting pointless threads. And we should give them a quiz out of 5 or 10 before they can activate the account :D
Umm, other than the profanity issue here, I'd like to post another annoying problem.

- Posting questions that have been asked before.

We should include something like "please use the search feature to search for the question you are asking and make absolutely sure that it has not been asked before you post a new thread, to make sure there are no double-threads." to the AUP. Too many ignorant new members around that are posting pointless threads. And we should give them a quiz out of 5 or 10 before they can activate the account :D
I'm sure this thread would be an interesting read on this matter.