Six alarm blaze tears apart a Toronto city block

Just down the street from my house, a six-alarm fire ravaged an entire city block. The fire started early this morning and was still going when I went down this evening. There is a fire station near my place too, and fire trucks go by regularly and there are helicopters still circling overhead. The block was historical, with most of the structures standing there since the turn of the century, businesses in the same family for four generations.

Here is a public blog of some pretty nice photos of the fire:

Here is what I saw:
















Pretty serious stuff. Any other Toronto kids see/smell this major event?

Don't know if this should be in the Photo & Graphics, Events or here.

(excuse the brightness issues in some of the pictures, my laptop screen is poorly calibrated)
Nice photos. Did you hug a fireperson?

I would have done. They are real heroes.
I did not see it, not being a resident of the area; no doubt it will be in the newspapers tomorrow, however. Therefore, I did not hug a fireman/firewoman. Their bravery was unprecedented and always will be.
That's really terrible, it was all over Global News during News Hour, although I do not live in Toronto I can appreciate the historic value of the area. Its a good thing noone was hurt and was able to escape, when they were reporting about this at 6-7pm they still hadnt begun surveying the area for a cause so no clue whether it was arson or an accident.
Damn, that graffiti is SICK. I hope they don't ruin that wall when they rebuild.
The alleyway, although much longer than shown, in pictures 10 and 11 is pretty much a free for all mural space. No lack of decent paint on the walls.
They rate the magnitude of the fire based on how much emergency crew required to settle it. 6 is huge, but it was lowered to 4 when I went by to take the pictures.
My girlfriend's dad might have been at that fire (he's a TO firefighter— sort of; he's second to the chief but due to an injury he's limited to mostly inspection and office stuff). If I find any more info I'll try and update y'all.

Edit: Nope. Nothing at the moment, he was on vacation. Won't find out more 'till Mondayish.