Skewed Counter Steering (SCS)

  • Thread starter SCS Spitsy
mm yeah true.. mabi its because you did'nt hit record O_o

and bally.. was nice to see we did'nt get banned for saying potato..

really dont know how i did'nt get banned on for the tsu thread XD

Well... once i hit the record button we all just start s*cking at drifting lol so there is no point for recording.

And connor... It was not just the TSU thread lmao
well there was also the EDC round 1 livestream.. but he was'nt there.. so not as fun..

but yeah tomorrow.. get aload of us in at tsubuka or something do like 5-6 laps? save the replay see what happens :)
Anyway... Iḿ gonna get off here no and get some sleep before i wake up as a zombie later.. xD

Goodbye and hope we can drift tomorrow:D
Oh and before I go...

Justin Shreeve wrote on my FB wall. uJelly? :D :sly:
Hey Sakuma


Anyone know if PSN is back up yet? If so Sakuma I'll send over your BTR. XD
Connor want to know the funny thing:

Your on my PSN list, but apparently GT5 doesn't like you so your not on my friend list on GT5. LMAO. XD

EDIT: It's ok, I refreshed the list and your there now. Check your Received Items, there's a present waiting for you!
thanks for the good lucks! :)

and get on joey!

this BTR... OMG! <3 430bhp and drifts amazing <3
Seems you guys are quite popular, Would be nice to get on and see what you guys are like on the track.
Seems you guys are quite popular, Would be nice to get on and see what you guys are like on the track.

Not too good yet beccause some of us started like 3-4 days ago... We are very popular on Forza that's probably why :L
Only stuff I know from Forza is a couple of friends in the racing team that were called RZR on Forza 3, that's the extent of my knowledge for that game lol
Not really been racing in foa so i don't know them lol. SCS is one of the most popular drift tams on forza but forza got boring.... lol So we have been sort of moved to gT5. We are still on forza aswell tho