SlideFX -- Did we tandem?

  • Thread starter SFX_Pwner
Haha, yea I know, but my lack of Japanese isn't helping me :(

Edit: What do you search for all the Drift Muscle? I tried all the obviously searches but I can't find anything good :'(
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Adam... use and Yahoo Babelfish for translation... ;D

@Pwner - You gonna be on again sometime this morning? :P I'm on atm, but no-ones on at this ridiculous time. XD
Yeah I just got home from work. Gonna grab something to eat and then make my way online.
Yeaaa, but I'd rather make some extra cash and get that bit closer to an S chassis, lol :P
If you want to, you might as well take me off the roster, i guess. I don't see me getting active on GT5 anytime soon and i'm not returning to Failza either. I'll still post from time to time, but i won't be on any game that much anymore.
It's just not as fun anymore as it used to be. Can't be arsed trying to figure GT5 out, so i'll just keep the PS to watch movies. Don't know if i'll keep the Xbox.
@Pwner: Yeah, and it works WAY better, but what's the point of having 500+ euro equipment, if i'm not gonna use it. And it's not more fun either (for me).
I do see where Mark is coming from, it's just not as fun as it used to be and there's hardly ever anyone on to drift with which makes it worse.

Wouldn't be so bad if PS3 had party chat :/
Yeah, that's a major part of it too. I mean, how much of the time we were in a party was actually spent drifting? 5-10% at the most. The rest of the time we just sat in the menus talking horsepoop.
To be honest, that was th best part about chilling with everyone on Xbox, lol. The parties was better then anything I've every done on any game, yet on here, everyone just talks via the in game chat, that's why I haven't even bothered plugging in my Turtle Beaches.
To be honest, that was th best part about chilling with everyone on Xbox, lol. The parties was better then anything I've every done on any game, yet on here, everyone just talks via the in game chat, that's why I haven't even bothered plugging in my Turtle Beaches.

We could always just go back to Xbox parties..
Pwner has a point... There's nothing stopping us from using Xbox parties whilst we're on GT5 plus my mic actually works with Xbox. XD
But who's going to keep buying XBL just to talk to each other, lol.