SlideFX -- Did we tandem?

  • Thread starter SFX_Pwner
I'll just wait til you get on then. This game bores me without teammates.

Msg me when ur loading up, I'm gonna play B:AC til then.
Cool, cool, Well I'm good and hammered at this point so I hope you don't mind a drunk me.

Even though I've been drunk through every single SFX meeting since I was recruited when Sam and Adam felt sorry for me.


I did have about 10 berts and I just got home so, SNERF.

EDIT: are you about on? My attention span is faltering.
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I'm outside as well but I'll be back in a moment. Already have 2 in there "can I tryout?!?!" LOLOL
Everytime i see Cloud Nine written somewhere, i have to think of that team on Fortza and their cyber war with the old SJD. I laughed audible.

Everytime i see Group's signature, i think it would be a cool name for a japanese partsmaker. I'd definitely rock some Error Code parts.

Make it happen!
I know, right? Imagine the red Majorforce 86 with ERROR CODE in bold, capital letters on its windscreen banner. Too cool.

And it can be done if you put your mind to it :)

Edit: Imagine how cool it would be if everyone was a part of this and we all moved to like a warehouse somewhere to establish "Error Code parts"

Ah, a man can only dream lol

But yeah er

Cool hhhhhwip
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Killer lobby last night! I think we had a 15-20 lap train of 5 or 6 cars around ARM-R at one point. Good times.
Killer lobby last night! I think we had a 15-20 lap train of 5 or 6 cars around ARM-R at one point. Good times.

I miss lobbies like that!

And basics of laying fibre glass and even carbon fibre is actually quite simple, guess its just hard to perfect the techniques etc
I've seen videos on how to mold fiberglass. Looks simple.
Just getting products that actually fit well, and the actual widening part is probably where the skill comes in.
Yeah thats true, think like 60-70% of your time goes into mould making, but thats obviously for the first one.
Anyone watching BTCC? That was a proper dirty move by Plato!

Yh i actually hate him! He could have clearly given him space. Well on the first incident, havnt watched the last race today.
I'll be honest here, as much as I love Plato as a driver, that last manover into the last corner was absolutely stupid and I do hope he gets penalised for it. No need for such dirty driving.

Good job Rob Collard getting 5th for the Ebay 3s. :D
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Last race I'm on about. In the last corner he basically pushed Sheddon in to the gravel under braking to gain 2nd place. He claimed he lockedup his brakes but there was no smoke at all, he was on Sheddons bumper all down the back straight and he just didn't brake, he used the Hondas back bumper as his brakes.
Jheez, gonna have to watch the last race in a mo. Dont like him at all!

Bk one of my close friend works pit side for west surrey racing (ebay 3 series) and theyre not m3's lol

Edit: if i remember correctly theyre 2litre turbo charged. E90 m3's have e92 front ends
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@Adam - Yeah that's what I'm on about, haha. Just no need for that. :/

@Jub - I know they're E90s. I never ment to put M3s. Was just a bit in a rage because of Platos dirty driving on the last lap. :/