SlideFX -- We're recruiting. The requirements? Hands and eyeballs.

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Ordered all the paper stuff for my bank account today. Should be here on Monday, so I'll order Outsiders sometime next week. I doubt I'll get it anytime soon tho. They are still dealing with all the pre-orders lol.
Pwner, if I'm not around when the thread gets locked, feel free to re-make it.
Just reported the thread, couldn't be bothered finding a mod to message, lol.

I'm off to bed because I'm about to pass out, catch you later guys.
Night Adam... I probs won't be on tomorrow until around 6-7PM tomorrow. I'm out with the big brother and fam tomorrow. Oh fun times... XD
You guys suck, nobody drifted with me tonight! I had to make do with D-Maxxers and some BURSTies. Poor show! :(
I have a good excuse! :P

Hahaha, this is true! Although you could just steal someone elses internet!

If you need any tips on the new OP for the new thread - check out my thread that got Stickied for that precise reason ;)
Tried that. Only one wireless connection it's secured. Also, I have a great idea for the OP, it's called copy and paste. :P
Sean I was gonna join you, then I thought... That TSS lobby is pretty full let's join that. I then drifted for about an hour before going off to take a poop and then buy a Merc C63 which drifts amazingly stock.

I may drift with you tomorrow, although US D1 qualifying is tomorrow and so is the D-Max Drift Matsuri so you might be outta luck unless you plan on going to these. :P
I've been invited along to the Drift Matsuri - So I might as well make an appearance if I'm on!
Going to head to bed just now anyway - been a long week!
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