Slightly Mad Studios is Working on Its Own Console

Damn right they're worried, you think the establishment was worried about Donald Trump?

They all laughed when his name was thrown around.

What if this box is priced competitively and outperforms the other consoles?
Word of mouth will take off, youtube reviews will flood in and the thing will sell itself.

Or it could all go south no one knows until we have a price point and hardware specs.

Fortunately, market trends aren't subject to gerrymandering and the electoral college system. You might still convince a few bozos to buy into it, but that's not gonna result in it being everyone's console.
If it weren't for the I-Pod or smartphones the Zune was a great product

I agree, the Zune was a great product and in many ways was superior to the iPod but it was a victim of the time it launched, the Apple fad was all conquering and the ecosystem (iTunes etc) was just too established.

I see the future as .games being streamed and consoles as we know them now a thing of the past .

Maybe this is ahead of the curve . I know some big players are heading that way now .

But look at the failure of OnLive and Playstation Now, the world really doesn't seem ready for games being streamed any time soon. Most people still don't have adequate internet speeds for 4K gaming for starters.
Wouldn't y'all feel silly if it turns out to be the next best thing since slice bread.

Trying to revolutionize a consumer segment has worked amazingly well in the past.

I really do dig the design 👍 But design only isn't good enough to sell a console. Still trying to see in which way they want to convince gamers and families to buy their console and how they are going to attrackt development for it? I simply fail to see but hey... I am a simple soul...

Does this thing come with a hammer? So the buyer can break the light bar thing with it? It's quite ugly as well, so no thanks SMS, I will stick to my Playstation :D.
An invitational e-Sport tournament showcasing these devices with PC3 would be welcome. I’m sure there’d be no lack of willing participants.
"Oh ****, what the?!" ...was my initial reaction. :eek: Thinking about it a bit more now...well, it certainly lives up to its name, it looks unlike anything else I've ever seen, at least in regard to consoles...

Seriously, it takes a different approach, I find it kinda refreshing. It's not just black, or white, or with a wacky's got...

Oh my God it has neons, are they...are they referencing Running In The 90's? know, cars, 90's neon lights. do I even respond to this? Is it ridiculously brilliant or brilliantly ridiculous?!?

Edit: Hold up, is this the first ever console with built-in RGB? :confused:
I don’t see the market for this. It’s going to be much more expensive than already established big-name consoles and people who want a gaming PC will build a gaming PC that runs a desktop OS. So who exactly is the target audience here?

Don’t even get me started on that name either. “Mad Box” is up there with “LaFerrari” for self-absorbed stupid product names.
Damn right they're worried, you think the establishment was worried about Donald Trump?

They all laughed when his name was thrown around.

What if this box is priced competitively and outperforms the other consoles?
Word of mouth will take off, youtube reviews will flood in and the thing will sell itself.

Or it could all go south no one knows until we have a price point and hardware specs.

Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo won't give this a second thought. The most important thing for a video game console is games. Unless they lock down some heavy hitting exclusives, this thing will be DOA (assuming it ever actually comes out, which I wouldn't count on).
Damn right they're worried, you think the establishment was worried about Donald Trump?

They all laughed when his name was thrown around.

What if this box is priced competitively and outperforms the other consoles?
Word of mouth will take off, youtube reviews will flood in and the thing will sell itself.

Or it could all go south no one knows until we have a price point and hardware specs.

Yeah i'm sure Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft are shaking in their boots right now over this.
I won't give this a second thought either, I just like competition but will never leave PC.
Speaking of PC Chikane you need to get on one so you can try the best rendition of the P1 on rFactor.
To me the design looks like someone mixed a Nespresso machine with a bunny head. As the render with the clear front shows watercooling lines this would put the size around a mini/midi size pc case. I think that would be to big to put next to a tv in a living room.

I don't think the specs are all that crazy, the current consoles can already output 4k. And the components will probably be a lot cheaper when they release it in 2022. So that should be possible.

But for me the most important things when buying a new console are the games and i think that is going the be the hardest part for the studio. as they don't have a game that is a system seller. It seems like it is the same when the xbox one came out. They only told they had the best specs and forgot the most important part, the games.
Casually introducing a console amongst the behemoths of Microsoft and Sony is a risky move. People know and trust those brands, as they have a large reputation with games that are popular and a fanbase to boot. Who the hell will buy a console from a developer who has only become famous for one game? People will not drop $500 for a console created by a brand they don't trust, for the same reason that people buy a Toyota over a Great Wall. People trust Toyota because they have been in the industry for years, and have a reputation for producing good quality cars at a decent price. OK, they may not produce the most exciting vehicles, but they produce vehicles that are reliable and take people from A to B. The same is true for Sony and Microsoft; they produce consoles at an affordable price for the masses. SMS are going out on a limb here - who is responsible for market research? They are putting themselves into a hotly contested market which is not going to welcome new contenders kindly. This just seems like a pointless exercise which will simply backfire and put SMS into the 🤬. Stick to making games, not consoles.
For me project cars never worked right on a standard ps4, always frame lagging me down 5 seconds a lap or more even. I managed a top 20 in an Indy car tt last thanksgiving and that was the last time I played online with it, solo car in tt mode. At times, even a lone car frame rate lags on my ps4.

Gt sport, with better visuals, is a crisp smooth play at over 50 fps seemingly even on my dusty 2 year old ps4. I don't get it, slightly mad can't get their games to play right on the current consoles so they make a new console? Why not just only make it PC.... maybe because the PC market for sims is oh so competitive they'd be killed against some of the pc super sims...
For me project cars never worked right on a standard ps4, always frame lagging me down 5 seconds a lap or more even. I managed a top 20 in an Indy car tt last thanksgiving and that was the last time I played online with it, solo car in tt mode. At times, even a lone car frame rate lags on my ps4.

Gt sport, with better visuals, is a crisp smooth play at over 50 fps seemingly even on my dusty 2 year old ps4. I don't get it, slightly mad can't get their games to play right on the current consoles so they make a new console? Why not just only make it PC.... maybe because the PC market for sims is oh so competitive they'd be killed against some of the pc super sims...
To be honest, there's alot more going on in PC2 than GTS & in my opinion it is a better game, I've not had any major issues with it but I'm the 1X so.

Regarding Sony & PD I got fed up with kaz not listening to fans/waiting ages for features & shutting services down so I jumped ship.

I kept an eye on Project cars & heard about @IanBell's reputation, but I thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, so I bought a 1X & PC2.

It is a fantastic game, it just needs a little tidying up around the edges, 3 to 6 more months of support should sort it nicely. Maybe another DLC if he wants to rake a bit more cash in.

@IanBell says no game is truly finished, well how about you break that mold & finish PC2 before attempting to sell us a PC/Console hybrid? You've obviously got the funds & resources to do so.

The problem is, Microsoft and Sony don't make much, if anything on the consoles themselves. They make their money off the licensing fee's they charge developers, their 1st party titles, or online services. Now, I certainly could be misunderstanding things, but SMS doesn't seem to be planning on charging licensing fee's, their only title is in a niche genre and they haven't said anything about their networking plans. So how exactly they are planning on actually making money off this venture really is confusing.

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