Small OT - Kazunori: GT HD was not planned for E3 showing

  • Thread starter amar212

As new Famitsu issue is pointing out, Kazunori said that Gran Turismo HD was not planned for E3.

In the Famitsu's column Kazunori Yamauchi said he actually didn't want to show nothing about upcoming GT on E3 2006. That was also communicated to all important Sony departments.

However, three weeks before the E3 Yamauchi received the message that Ken Kutaragi from Sony wants to visit Polyphony Digital. Yamauchi was oppressed, because he knew that it could be a bad indication of Sony's intetntions about GT showing. When Kutaragi arrived, he asked Yamauchi: “Can you show Gran Turismo to the E3? Show it simply to the E3!”

Yamauchi sighed, but had a plan: From Gran Turismo 4 he possessed Hi-Res data from vehicle models, which - thus could not be used in the PS2 play - were used in the photo mode. He decided to use that models for making a demo in only three weeks. So Yamauchi assured Kutaragi that to Polyphony digital will develop a GT demo in only 3 weeks for the E3.

(thanks to & One)
Figures, he dd seem like he'd have rathered not show it in the Playstation conference show, and he was very keep to repeatedly point out that the next GT would surpass GT HD.
I found another article about it, too.

Polyphony Digital's Kazunori Yamauchi has recently gone on the record to explain some of the reasons behind the decision to display Gran Turismo HD at E3'06. Assuring GT fans that what was shown is not indicative of how Gran Turismo will really shape up on the Playstation3, Yamauchi-san explained to Famitsu that he was asked for a personal meeting with Sony Computer Entertainment president, Ken Kutaragi.

Fearing what could happen, Yamauchi-san was asked whether he would be able to have a Gran Turismo demo ready for E3, three weeks prior to the event. Resigned to the fact that he would need to have SCE's premier series ready for E3 in some shape or form, the staff members at Polyphony Digital set to work on the High-Resolution car models that were used in the Gran Turismo 4 Photo Mode, and came up with the presentation in just three weeks of work.

Now when we were kids we were always told never to leave your homework till the last minute; not that we want to deride Sony executives, but surely a lesson that all those at SCE would be well advised to heed ahead of next year's event.
Not to sound like a harpist - okay, so I am, but this is amazing. I would think this would imply that working on this dev system must be something of a breeze. It may also indicate that in a few months time, an incredible amount of work could be accomplished. I guess we'll see something one way or the other at the Tokyo Game Show. If GT5 is missing in action, and news skimpy, it'll be a sign of a GT5 being in the oven much longer than expected.
Not really since everything in the GT HD demo was already done, all they did was put the high definition textures and objects from GT4 onto the actual playable models.
They still had some sort of idea for us to think about in terms of GT5. Being a gamer requires some thinking on your part. Don't give me this "camera fodder" crap because you'd rather see something than nothing. They are likely still working on GT5. Whatever level they are on with this deal remains to be seen. I probably had a premonition that GTHD was likely not going to be a full-on deal for GT5. But the fact that this shown up at the world's best gaming show shown that they still wanted to impress their fans. This isn't going to get it done at first, but we still have no legit GT5 proof. GTHD probably could have been used in some low-profile game show or presentation than the big cheese of E3. I just look at GTHD as a sample of what could be possible for GT5 using GT4 technology. GT4 is all we have for some sort of reference, so until we get completely new content, we can't really judge at this point.
Uh, did you not read amar212 or solid lifters post. They wanted to impress us? sounds more like kaz didn't have much of a choice if he didn't intend a demo for the show....
Uh, did you not read amar212 or solid lifters post. They wanted to impress us? sounds more like kaz didn't have much of a choice if he didn't intend a demo for the show....
No, he didn't. And you can tell by how "happy" the man looked at E3 this year. He looked very annoyed. :lol:

Or, am I the only one who thinks so?