Smart phones

  • Thread starter Latetzki
So I'm planning to buying new phone (I have now 4 year old Nokia N73) and I'm really interested into these smartphones, like HTC Desire HD, Samsung Galaxy S and iPhone 4. Anyone could recommend which one would be the best and ofcourse why.
I had the same issue a couple of months ago, detailed in this thread. In the end I went for the iPhone 4.
The factors that helped me make that decision were: I couldn't find a handset that I liked that ran android (they all seemed huge!), and, well, that's about it. The handset is great and I'm really glad I chose it. I'm not worried about the limitations of the software available because there really aren't any limitatations. Sure nothing is open source and there are things that Apple don't want you to have *cough* porn *cough* but there is a plethora of apps and there are ways around the *cough, must have somthing in my throat*.
:lol: at the iPhone 4, silly toy.

Galaxy S is worlds better in terms of hardware and operating system. Having fiddled extensively with iOS and now using Android, I have to say the open ended nature of Android makes it easy to adjust to your needs.

That, and you don't have to install iTunes to load content on it...
I'm very close to purchasing an android handset. There's an app that I'm waiting to become available, and then I'll snatch one up. For me, iphone is out of the question. The apps are too restricted, and the phone doesn't have proper multitasking. I'm strongly considering the G2:


I think the slide-out keyboard is a major plus over the nexus one (even though I think the nexus one is still waaay ahead of iphone).
Trust me, just like the "Smart" Car... ain't that smart. Smart phone... not really.
I'll suggest the Galaxy S. I know several people that have it, and they unanimously love it. When new phone time comes around, I'll be looking to pick one up as well.
Anyone could recommend which one would be the best and ofcourse why.
This is always food for fanboys/haters. ;)

Regardless of my personal preference, what's the best for you depends on your requirements, what are you looking for in a smartphone?

Do you want full control, something that looks and behaves like a desktop computer in a little box: go for something like the Samsung Galaxy S or other high-end Android device.

Looking for something sleek and stylish, but not so much a desktop computer in a little box but more like a console in a little box, go for an iPhone 4 HD.

Having used both, I wouldn't call Apples appstore restrictive, with 250,000 apps there's always more than several (free) apps that suit your needs. Of course with an Android device, you can install whatever you want, regardless of Android Market.
As per usual, i'll put my vote in for the iPhone 4.

For experience, security and app store, with decent hardware, i find it very hard to beat.
I'm very close to purchasing an android handset. There's an app that I'm waiting to become available, and then I'll snatch one up. For me, iphone is out of the question. The apps are too restricted, and the phone doesn't have proper multitasking. I'm strongly considering the G2:


I think the slide-out keyboard is a major plus over the nexus one (even though I think the nexus one is still waaay ahead of iphone).

Just bought this baby last weekend and boy is it awesome. I'm still wrapping my head around everything it's capable of.

The feature I was waiting for was the wifi calling feature. I can now use any wifi network as a cellular signal to make calls. This is something that was a must-have since my house inexplicably has absolutely no coverage with any cell phone carrier. Now that I can use my wifi network to make and receive calls, there are no worries.

I love the slide-out keyboard. I love the swipe typing too (but not quite as much). And I love android.
The feature I was waiting for was the wifi calling feature. I can now use any wifi network as a cellular signal to make calls. This is something that was a must-have since my house inexplicably has absolutely no coverage with any cell phone carrier. Now that I can use my wifi network to make and receive calls, there are no worries.

Explain more please?!

I also live in a single bar signal area and it proper annoys me with call quality!

This would be a godsend if I can find more information about it...and also get most of the family to move over to this app, if it works in England.
I'd assume that if you are near an unsecured (some McDonald's, Starbucks, etc. have them) or your own home Wifi, instead of placing a call through the cell tower it would go over your broadband connection. If you're looking for anything more than that someone else will have to chime in. :)
So I'm planning to buying new phone (I have now 4 year old Nokia N73) and I'm really interested into these smartphones, like HTC Desire HD, Samsung Galaxy S and iPhone 4. Anyone could recommend which one would be the best and ofcourse why.

Don't know whether this would apply to where you are, but I just went throught the same decision, but it came down to the Samsung Galaxy S and the HTC Aria (the only HTC phone available on my carrier).

Decided I wanted the Samsung, only to find out that no one had them in stock and several different people in the call centre told me that they were not getting any more because Samsung have just released the newer Windows 7 driven one into the Australian market (even though the Galaxy S is still prominent on their website).

Long story short - make sure your options are actually available for purchase before you agonise over the choices.

PS. I should recieve my HTC Aria in the post today
Explain more please?!

I also live in a single bar signal area and it proper annoys me with call quality!

This would be a godsend if I can find more information about it...and also get most of the family to move over to this app, if it works in England.

To the best of my knowledge, in the US, the only carrier that offers the ability to place seamless (non-skype) calls over wifi is t-mobile. And the only phone besides blackberry that has that capability is the G2. Other android phones will have it soon.

It's an app that sits on your phone and basically switches your service to be entirely via wifi as long as your wifi signal is strong. When you come within range of a wifi network that you can log in to, it stops looking for the cellular network and simply passes all of the phone's traffic through the wifi signal. Any calls you make or receive are included.

I got it precisely because I have no signal at my house and needed a way to make calls at home from my mobile phone. I was looking into skype, but the skype application for android isn't quite mature enough yet.
So I'm planning to buying new phone (I have now 4 year old Nokia N73) and I'm really interested into these smartphones, like HTC Desire HD, Samsung Galaxy S and iPhone 4. Anyone could recommend which one would be the best and ofcourse why.

Depends on how you are going to use that "smart"phone.

I have an iPhone 3GS, but I don't use anything else than phoning, messaging and using it as an iPod. The iPod player is a massive plus over the other smartphones. If you are not going to be so into apps, go for the iPhone as for me it is the most simple to use.

On the other hand; all apps are free for the Android HTCs, and a new version of Android is going to/ is being released which apparently is quite kick-ass. But that's not to say most of the apps for the iPhone are free. And as far as iTunes? It's awesome software, I don't care what the others say, for me iTunes is pure brilliance.

Srsly, get an iPhone :P

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