SNAIL Division 2 January 2025

  • Thread starter Oshawa-Joe
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Oh crap, jamcar0ne added more chili peppers
DIV_2_b (1).png

Welcome to the SNAIL Division 2 January 2025 thread!!

This is the place to discuss all things Division 2. To begin with, we need duties covered. Volunteering to help cover divisional duties (outlined below) is a great way to help out SNAIL and you also earn $hells performing the duties! What a $hells you ask? Well $hells are the league's currency and can be used in all sorts of cool and exciting ways.

Being it is a new season, time to volunteer for duties.

Division Manager: @JamCar0ne
Backup: @Oshawa-Joe

Host: @radliffracing
Backup Host: @Oshawa-Joe

Opens and Manages the lobbies including race start times.

Scorekeeper: @CANOWORMS1
Backup Scorekeeper: @JamCar0ne

Live scoring, updating the score sheet after each race.

Replay Uploader: @racingchamp30
Backup Replay Uploader: @radliffracing

Upload race replays. Deadline to upload is 8PM EST. Monday (If replays are not uploaded by then, we are subject to lose prizes for that week)

Data Specialist: @Oshawa-Joe
Backup Data Specialist: @JamCar0ne

Enter race details, stats post race and post them to the main thread.

Texter: @Mac1032763
Backup Data Texter:

Post pertinent messages in the lobby. Also post messages to any non-Snails that join the lobby.

@CANOWORMS1 @Mac1032763
@radliffracing @CdnSweetTee
@JamCar0ne cesarr64
@Oshawa-Joe @arethosetacos
@TexHill @Wetroadracer
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I can do scores for tonight only. I will be away for the next 2 weeks, maybe longer. Also in the middle of February I will be gone for a month or so. It might be a good idea if we had a 3rd person willing to be scorekeeper.
Hey @Oshawa-Joe, you should put yourself down as division manager. It's sort of an unwritten rule that whomever creates the division thread assumes the division management duties.
Hey @Oshawa-Joe, you should put yourself down as division manager. It's sort of an unwritten rule that whomever creates the division thread assumes the division management duties.

It's ok, I know you've been busy last few weeks, so just helping out. Perhaps we can look after things together.
What a great battle we had in R2R2! I've gone back and watched the last few laps a couple of times.

On another note, we did see some bad lagging from a couple of drivers. I'll get back to posting reminders for the weekly network maintenance that will help improve our connections and online racing experience.
@Baby On Board
@CANOWORMS1 @Mac1032763
@radliffracing @CdnSweetTee
@JamCar0ne cesarr64
@Oshawa-Joe @arethosetacos
@TexHill @Wetroadracer

We had a few drivers lagging last Sunday night. Please ensure that you are using a wired connection and follow the steps to refresh your network a few hours before racing Sunday night.

Sunday Pre-race Network/PS/GT7 Maintenance

1) Clear GT7 Network Cache
2) Close game and shutdown PS
3) Turn off/disconnect all devices using home network. This is an important step if you have been experiencing lag. If not possible to remove all devices from your home network, remove as many as you can.
4) Power down router.
5) Restart Modem
6) After modem has finished restart, wait 5 min and power up router.
7) After router restart complete, wait 5 min and power up PS
8) Run PS network connection test, if test normal, ie: your download and upload speeds are where you expect, next step. If not, begin from step 1
9) Launch GT7
10) Go to Sport Mode and run connection test there, if test states that its a good connection, go to multiplayer and find and join lobby. If not normal go back to step 1
Just throwing this idea out there. There's a parking lot we can access at Eiger Nordwand that has 13 spots. Would anyone be interested in taking a few minutes at the beginning or end of the night to get in position there for a group photo in front if the mountains? We would start a race, go straight there, get in position for a couple seconds, and then exit the race.
Just throwing this idea out there. There's a parking lot we can access at Eiger Nordwand that has 13 spots. Would anyone be interested in taking a few minutes at the beginning or end of the night to get in position there for a group photo in front if the mountains? We would start a race, go straight there, get in position for a couple seconds, and then exit the race.
Let's do it!
Do we have all duties covered for tonight?
Who is racing?

I'm in and will look after score keeping and data.

Please arrive in time for the group photo.

@CdnSweetTee please show up for the group photo if you can.
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Well... I'm glad we had a good rehearsal for our group photo.. lol. Sorry everybody, I forgot to save the replay and therefore have no way to pull a photo. I'm not even sure I could've saved a replay without at least somebody finishing the race. Next week we can do it again, if y'all want. I'll set the race for one lap and just make sure I cross the finish line, if my testing this week proves my theory about needing to finish. Maybe we'll have a bigger group then!
I am still in Manitoba and won't be able to make racing, Jan 26th. Next week for sure though.
So are we all up for a redo of picture day this week? My testing shows I could've saved a replay without finishing a lap so it was just a lapse in attention on my part to blame for not getting it last week.
Are you back this weekend @CANOWORMS1 ?

Perhaps I could host and you could look after scores?

I guess I should start the D2 February Season .
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