SNAIL Division 4 - September 2015 Season

  • Thread starter fzappa
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A Token Of My Extreme
United States
Culver City CA
Hello D4. This is going to be the Official Division 4 September 2015 conversation. All D4 business will be done here and there will not be a private conversation like in the past.

With that being said, this post will contain the division duties for September. We always need volunteers to fill the divisional duties that help make our division run smoothly. Please post if you want to help and remember that you will get Snail $hells for your efforts to use in the Snail Marketplace .

Division Manager : @fzappa (tcrash15)
Back Up Host(s) : @fzappa (tcrash15)
Scorekeeper : @MajorBlixem (MajorBlixem)
Back Up Scorekeeper : @FlipJ (flip_jj)
Data Specialist : @SlvrOnyx (Onyx58)
Back Up Data Specialist : @MajorBlixem (MajorBlixem)
Replay Uploader : @FlipJ (flip_jj)
Back Up Replay Uploader : @Rallywagon (Rallywgn81)
Photographers : @Engmatic1 (Engmatic1)
Video Photographers : @Rallywagon (Rallywgn81)

@MajorBlixem @SlvrOnyx @Die_Birdy_Die @JLBowler @WIDEeyedDRIVR @Edwin42 @Murilo @CanuckleheadII @Rallywagon @silverjr65 @FlipJ @brian540 @CoachMK21 @Evolvo @Engmatic1 @zer05ive
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I see TomMang was promoted to D3. I'll take data specialist. If no one else steps up I will do scoring too
Awesome! Thanks! I will add you to both Primary Data Specialist and Scorekeeper. I remember that @FlipJ was Back Up Scorekeeper and Replay Uploader last season. Flip, would you like to take over as Primary Replay Uploader and Back Up Scorekeeper?
Awesome! Thanks! I will add you to both Primary Data Specialist and Scorekeeper. I remember that @FlipJ was Back Up Scorekeeper and Replay Uploader last season. Flip, would you like to take over as Primary Replay Uploader and Back Up Scorekeeper?

Yes I can. I'm not racing tonight, though.
Good luck everyone.
Yes I can. I'm not racing tonight, though.
Good luck everyone.
Thanks! I will add you. We still need a Replay Uploader for tonight. Anyone????????
I can, and you can sign me up as the back up for replays, and also as long as my PVR works with my new equipment, you can sign me up as the divisions videographer.
Thanks! I will add you. We still need a Replay Uploader for tonight. Anyone????????

I volunteer for video uploader but since it's my first time I will definitely need a backup just incase I mess the upload or have issues
I would also want to volunteer for photographer or back up if that spot is already filled.
I can, and you can sign me up as the back up for replays, and also as long as my PVR works with my new equipment, you can sign me up as the divisions videographer.
Thanks Rally! I'll add you as tonight's Replay uploader and Back Up to Flip moving forward. I will also add you as Primary Video Photographer. Any streaming tonight???
Make sure you have access to the D4 replay file and if not, send @Dragonwhisky a PM and he'll give you access.
I volunteer for video uploader but since it's my first time I will definitely need a backup just incase I mess the upload or have issues
I would also want to volunteer for photographer or back up if that spot is already filled.
Thanks Engmatic! Flip is going to be Primary Replay Uploader and Rally as back up. Rally is covering for tonight.
I will add you as Primary photographer. Thanks again.
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Sign me up for anything you need. Just let me know at the start of the night, so I can save anything that needs to be saved!
Replay uploaders, if at all possible, should be located in North America. European and South American replays are slightly different when compared to those based in North America and since the majority of our drivers are North American, this is where the replays should come from if possible.
Replay uploaders, if at all possible, should be located in North America. European and South American replays are slightly different when compared to those based in North America and since the majority of our drivers are North American, this is where the replays should come from if possible.

Interesting, I didn't know that.
Put me down as backup then, Crash.
Thanks Rally! I'll add you as tonight's Replay uploader and Back Up to Flip moving forward. I will also add you as Primary Video Photographer. Any streaming tonight???
Make sure you have access to the D4 replay file and if not, send @Dragonwhisky a PM and he'll give you access.

Thanks Engmatic! Flip is going to be Primary Replay Uploader and Rally as back up. Rally is covering for tonight.
I will add you as Primary photographer. Thanks again.
Sadly, the logistics of doing it through the laptop, and overall performance, make it prohibitive atm. So long as my DVR plays nicer with my new motherboard, I should be back to streaming next week though.
Make sure you post that the room is open on the main thread also:tup:
We need to find someone who is capable and willing to run the room as fixed host. If you're interested, post a result to California and New York in this thread.
We need to find someone who is capable and willing to run the room as fixed host. If you're interested, post a result to California and New York in this thread.
Did our connections clash again last night? That is the weirdest thing that our connections don't jive.
I see TomMang was promoted to D3. I'll take data specialist. If no one else steps up I will do scoring too
If you want to do Data , you can. I can do it as I thought I was still in D5 and didn't see all the changes until race time. If you like we can switch and do every other season.
If you want to do Data , you can. I can do it as I thought I was still in D5 and didn't see all the changes until race time. If you like we can switch and do every other season.

How about you keep doing data and I do the scoring? I just offered because I didn't see anyone stepping up.
Did our connections clash again last night? That is the weirdest thing that our connections don't jive.

Yep. The whole time you and I were in different divisions, it never happened. When Nova ran the room fixed host it didn't happen. The first night with us in the same room and non fixed host, it took me three races to figure out when my car was going to turn or brake after I asked it to.

It's not a big deal as it can be fixed. We just have to find a host with a robust enough connection to run the room as fixed host.
I'd like to say hello to all the drivers of Div. 4 as I didn't get a chance to do so last night. I've recently started working nights and Sunday night are quite important as I manage a IT Service Desk for India and China and that's their Monday morning. Anyone associated with IT knows the gremlins work hard on the weekends so Monday's can be a bit rough. Anyway, it was a pleasure and I look forward to seeing some of you during the week.
@SlvrOnyx Thanks for stepping up. I put you as the Primary Data Specialist and put @MajorBlixem as back up, if that's okay.

As for the connection issues, I was not aware that there were any except for when WideEyed disconnected. I want everyone to have a good time racing and the connection issues really suck. No one is ever going to have a perfect connection or always be compatible with others. That's going to happen but we had a solution to this a while ago and that was Fixed Host. I hosted a lot of Sunday night races and when I went to Fixed Host, connections issues were fixed.

I don't think @JLBowler is asking much from everyone to do a Speedtest and post the results here. You might even surprise yourself by having a better Speedtest than you think and you might be that SuperHost.

By the way, @WIDEeyedDRIVR great job last night hosting. You moved everything along very well. Sucked you disconnected but @MajorBlixem had your back. Well, he had no choice in the matter, anyway:cheers:

Come everyone, we have 2 weeks to sort this connection issue out and I know we will.
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@Dragonwhisky Here's my Ping and Speedtest, smarty pants:D


Good grief. How is your upload better than down? WTF over?
Good grief. How is your upload better than down? WTF over?
You got me! TWC has been looking into it. I'm supposed to get 300 down and 25 up. That's what I pay for. At least the Ping is pretty good.
What modem has TWC provided you? The one they'd given me is a DOCSIS 2 and barely capable of providing the 10/1 I paid for when I switched from DSL to cable. When I upgraded to their 50/5 package I bought my own modem and made sure it was DOCSIS 3 and was able to get full bandwidth, usually. Not to mention, the signal strength to the house was actually to weak to run a DVR that came with that 50/5 package, so the tech that came out to set it all up ran a second parallel feed and we split the house load to maintain signal strength across all ports. Had to terminate several loose ends in the wall and up in my attic too. That was a fun day.
What modem has TWC provided you? The one they'd given me is a DOCSIS 2 and barely capable of providing the 10/1 I paid for when I switched from DSL to cable. When I upgraded to their 50/5 package I bought my own modem and made sure it was DOCSIS 3 and was able to get full bandwidth, usually. Not to mention, the signal strength to the house was actually to weak to run a DVR that came with that 50/5 package, so the tech that came out to set it all up ran a second parallel feed and we split the house load to maintain signal strength across all ports. Had to terminate several loose ends in the wall and up in my attic too. That was a fun day.
Well, they came out to run a test inside and it was not 300/20. It was 95/20. They gave me a new modem, an ARRIS DG1670, which I already had but gave me a different one, and still got 95/20. They were even up at the pole and still 95/20. TWC even ran new wire from the pole to the box and into my house and still 95/20. 95/20 is within 50 mile radius, mind you. Don't know. This just happened a few weeks ago and they have had others complain about the same thing. They'll get it sorted out. I am, however getting credit for not getting 300/20. I made sure of that.
I was getting speeds from the east coast at 190/20. Ping at like 40.
That appears to be a DOCSIS 3 modem and after all you've described, I'd bet the problem is in their networking equipment. Someone has it capped. Probably because they sold something they didn't have the infrastructure in place to support. Cynical of me, I know. Isn't the first time more seats were allowed to be booked than were actually in the airplane.
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