SNAIL - Endurance Series (Archive)

  • Thread starter BradESPN
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Standings and Prize Winner Update




Prize A - @Sean Renon - You get to choose the car and track combo for next week. Please finalize your selection before EOD Friday so that everyone has time to practice.

*Note that I included the future race dates for this season above, and skipped 12/25 for obvious reasons. We will be racing on 1/1 (I don't want to skip two weeks in a row, and 1/1 seems more skip-able than 12/25).
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Prize A - @Sean Renon - You get to choose the car and track combo for next week. Please finalize your selection before EOD Friday so that everyone has time to practice.

*Note that I included the future race dates for this season above, and skipped 12/25 for obvious reasons. We will be racing on 1/1 (I don't want to skip two weeks in a row, and 1/1 seems more skip-able than 12/25).

The hungover endurance race??
I think I have a combo selected - but I want peoples opinions on something as I might change my combo choice.

How do people feel about driving on a dirt track, with a Gr.B rally car (and dirt tires) for an endurance race...
Me and Dirt Drifting don’t get along so pretty good. But, that doesn’t mean I won’t try, again.
I think I have a combo selected - but I want peoples opinions on something as I might change my combo choice.

How do people feel about driving on a dirt track, with a Gr.B rally car (and dirt tires) for an endurance race...

I've never done any dirt traces (other than what's required for the single player stuff), but I think it'd be an interesting change of pace.
If I won a race I was going to go to a dirt race, I’m all about it
I might leave it for you as I put more time into testing the other combo.

That being said, is anyone here good at making liveries who has some time available tonight?
I might leave it for you as I put more time into testing the other combo.

That being said, is anyone here good at making liveries who has some time available tonight?
What are you looking for? Not saying I can make it happen but getting the conversation started.
I probably wouldn’t be able to do a dirt race but that’s really only because my wheel is incredibly noisy on dirt tracks. Biggest downfall of the Logitech wheels by far are the loud gears :banghead:
I might leave it for you as I put more time into testing the other combo.

That being said, is anyone here good at making liveries who has some time available tonight?

I know that Sardegna would be our best bet. Fisherman’s is a little long if we run damage and Colorado is a little narrow for my taste. So if you do decide to go dirt a good bet is Sardegna. As for liveries what do you need help with I have class tonight at 5:30 ET until probably 8:30 but after I can do what I can
What are you looking for? Not saying I can make it happen but getting the conversation started.

I know that Sardegna would be our best bet. Fisherman’s is a little long if we run damage and Colorado is a little narrow for my taste. So if you do decide to go dirt a good bet is Sardegna. As for liveries what do you need help with I have class tonight at 5:30 ET until probably 8:30 but after I can do what I can

I'll announce it tonight, I think I'm going to go with my original combo which is not dirt - but I was hoping to have a theme of liveries going on - most people are probably capable of making their own - but I was hoping for some drivers who don't have time for a custom livery we could throw together a few prefab options so they don't miss out.
I'll announce it tonight, I think I'm going to go with my original combo which is not dirt - but I was hoping to have a theme of liveries going on - most people are probably capable of making their own - but I was hoping for some drivers who don't have time for a custom livery we could throw together a few prefab options so they don't miss out.

Well I do have an obsession with making them so just let me know.
Welcome to the SNAIL 200

Endurance racing for Tuesday the 11th of December.

RC F GT3 prototype (Emil Frey Racing) '16 (gt.3)
BB raceway 9:00 clear
Tire wear x4 fuel consumption x2

There are a couple more interesting features about this race

This race will not be a 90 minute race, it will be a 200 lap race.
90 minutes and 200 laps are almost identical (we're talking the difference of a minute or two)

The other interesting thing I would like to introduce to this race is racing numbers and sponsored liveries.

If you are planning on racing, please post in here requesting a number from 0-99, along with your number please choose a primary sponsor.
Everyone should have a different number and a different primary sponsor. Liveries should be made accordingly. I don't care who the sponsors are, they can be a made up company for all I care - also, the only form of secondary sponsors is SNAILRACING, so please have some type of snailracing branding, logo or something (it can be snailracing endurance, or just snailracing) on your car.

If somebody who's good with logo's wants to make a SNAIL 200 logo that would be cool.

For clarity - Yes 200 laps at BB raceway is actually 206 miles, but the snail 206 doesn't sound as nice as the snail 200.

Driver list:

MikeGrove #5 KCUF
MalevolentFather #4 Nintendo
TEX36 #36 American Racing (Blue with white trim and white wheels)
Neutty #12 Rockstar energy drink (until further notice)
Herrimop 89 #55 Mellow Yellow (until further notice)
ABM #23 Supreme
FREEREVN #3 bf goodwrench intimidator scheme
THRASH #46 sponsor tbd
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Number: 36
Primary Sponsor: American Racing
Colors: Blue - White trim & white wheels
@TEX36 brought up that default fuel and 100% fuel may be different - I'm pretty sure I was testing with default fuel, but I will confirm tonight and update the post.

I've put a lot of time into testing the tire and fuel wear combinations, and to be 100% transparent - I think I have them at a good balance where we should see a lot of different strategies going on during the race.

@BradESPN - I don't know if we want to revisit how qualifying works for this race? Maybe split into 3 groups and each group can do 2 laps?

Also - I will be racing this race, not being a safety car.
Also I think we should clarify blue flag rules as there could be lots of potential lapping and re-lapping going on.
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