◆ SNAIL Holiday Events

Memorial Weekend Racing

May 24, 2029

Lobby opens at 9:00 PM (Eastern Time)

9:00 - 9:30 will serve as qualification for Race 1

Racing starts at 9:30 PM

Combos and Rules/Regulations
2 Races per Combo for a total of 8 Races (May adjust as we go based on experience and thrill factor)
Yes, you are allowed to adjust the power and weight on your vehicle
(Before making adjustments, your car must be in the group specified. E.g In the N200 race, you can not take a N100 car and increase the HP and reduce the weight so it becomes a N200 car. In the stock settings, the car must come from the specified group.)

You may change your vehicle between Race 1 and Race 2 of each combo
Keep it clean - as much as you can


(after some testing I decided that Colorado Springs will not be suitable for pack racing)





I will not be available on Thursday to host a practice session, but anyone can open a lobby and play around - Thank you

Any questions, let me know
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All, I was thinking of a Labor Day Shuffle Race Event. Have to iron out the details but the [last 3 digits] total time of the race determines the next track and car class, thus making it a truly random. (This requires me to put together a spread sheet for behind the scenes control but it would be easy to do.) Additionally, the winner picks car within the randomly selected class (one make&spec as normal for SNAIL). Eligible car classes for random possibility may look like this: N100, N200, N300, N400, N500, Gr4, Gr3, GrX. (See below post for update).
EDIT: The first race will be determined by fast lap. Warm up to race time is the time it takes to update room settings, 90 seconds OR for a racer to go buy the chosen car. Then race and repeat.
Like this message to register your willingness to participate. We need enough to have 1 room/lobby. Race length and other details TBD if interest is sufficient. Even with a few of us SNAIL fellows, the lobby could be filled by non-SNAIL randoms.
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Labor Day SNAIL Shuffle
Sept 6, 2020

The basic principle is explained in the post directly above & in spoilers below. Start time is 9 EST; 1/2 hour earlier than normal. We’ll start when room is sufficiently full, latest 9:30
Some details to be handled on the fly. Edit: updates-see several posts down. Currently will be 10 min race format (endurance) with reverse grids. Cars over $1M discouraged unless unanimously approved.
Edit: see post several down.
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Couple of questions.

Are they one make races or any car in the class with bop?
GrX is a very diverse group of cars, how do you classify which one?
Labor Day SNAIL Shuffle
Sept 6, 2020

The basic principle is explained in the post directly above & in spoilers below. Start time is 9 EST; 1/2 hour earlier than normal. We’ll start when room is sufficiently full, latest 9:30
Some details to be handled on the fly. Some rules I can think of that could come up; if same person wins 2 races back to back, car choice goes to second place finisher; if you don’t have the car chosen, you may go to brand central (at some risk of not getting back in). No replays or points tracking promised unless someone volunteers. If I can remember to screenshot then winner will be posted later. Currently will be 10 min race format (endurance) with reverse grids. Cars over $1M discouraged unless unanimously approved.
A spreadsheet to decode previous race finish time randomly determines the next car class/track. Total race time or fast lap ends in 3digits; tenths, hundredths, thousandths. Tenths digit determines car class as follows:
1 N100
2 N200
3 N300
4 N400
5 N500
6 Gr4
7 Gr3
8 GrX or N600
9 GrB or N700
0 anything
Hundredths & thousandths digits determines track. Hard to show here but I assigned numbers 00 to 99 to tracks. The more popular tracks got assigned multiple numbers as we have roughly 80 tracks including variations.
Nice idea Rob. I'll be out of town tomorrow til Monday, otherwise I would have tried to make it. Good luck, and hope you get a decent turn out.:cheers:
Update: changes underlined
Labor Day SNAIL Shuffle
Sept 6, 2020

  1. Lobby opens at normal SNAIL Sunday time. Racing starts when room fills to 12 or latest 30 past the hour.
  2. 1 make races. Spec. BOP off. If you don't have the car, exit, buy and pray you make it back in.
  3. 10 minute races, tire wear, fuel use, initial fuel may be used, shortcut penalty
  4. Races are random by taking last 3 digits of total race time and referencing numbers that I previously assigned to a.) all cars and b.) all tracks in our SNAIL cars & tracks spreadsheet. (Originally winner picked car but this would take too long)
  5. There may or may not be very brief warm up period. Don't be disappointed either way as it's the same for everyone. In any case, entering track is allowed.
  6. In case we get a car that bounces off rev limiter (N100 car at Sarthe no chicane) the fastest lap time decoded to give new random car (from previous race) will be used.
  7. Event organizer reserves the right to make necessary adjustments to set-up as deemed necessary to iron-out any wrinkles.
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Results of 2020 Labor Day Shuffle. If Duce hadn't missed a race or we drop 1 race, he would have won! Thanks to everybody who participated. The fuel settings probably caught many out - well, me too. I had no idea what the settings would bring.
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Update: changes underlined
Labor Day SNAIL Shuffle
Sept 6, 2020

  1. Lobby opens at normal SNAIL Sunday time. Racing starts when room fills to 12 or latest 30 past the hour.
  2. 1 make races. Spec. BOP off. If you don't have the car, exit, buy and pray you make it back in.
  3. 10 minute races, tire wear, fuel use, initial fuel may be used, shortcut penalty
  4. Races are random by taking last 3 digits of total race time and referencing numbers that I previously assigned to a.) all cars and b.) all tracks in our SNAIL cars & tracks spreadsheet. (Originally winner picked car but this would take too long)
  5. There may or may not be very brief warm up period. Don't be disappointed either way as it's the same for everyone. In any case, entering track is allowed.
  6. In case we get a car that bounces off rev limiter (N100 car at Sarthe no chicane) the fastest lap time decoded to give new random car (from previous race) will be used.
  7. Event organizer reserves the right to make necessary adjustments to set-up as deemed necessary to iron-out any wrinkles.
Sounds like fun. Great idea with no practice. I’ll be on but may be late.
Memorial Day 2021

Shuffle Event

May 30, 2021

time: 8:30 EST​

The next holiday weekend is here!
I am planning to shuffle both car and track for every race. Details will be decided by May 30.
I have put together a shuffle spreadsheet from our SNAIL GTS Car/Track List. Since GTS is now long in the tooth, most everyone has all the cars. In any case, to help chances that you already have the cars, I have still eliminated the chance for any car over 2,000,000 credits from being eligible. Here's the class breakdown.

You may notice that I have taken liberties as director of this Shuffle Event to eliminate nearly all N100 vehicles, Mileage Exchange and cars like Tomahawk.

Here is a view of my VLOOKUP tab on the spreadsheet. Shuffle [random number] is determined by decimal seconds being plugged in. Car and track are returned.
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Memorial Day SNAIL Shuffle
May 30, 2021
  1. Join anytime Sunday evening. No mask required! Plan is to open room at 8:30 EST. That’s right, lobby opens early for all you [:grumpy: grumpy :D] easterners. Racing starts when 8 or more are in lobby
  2. 1 make races. Spec. BOP ‘on’ (facilitates quick changes). If you don't have the car, exit, buy and hope you make it back in.
  3. 10 minute races, tire wear, fuel use, initial fuel may be used, shortcut penalty on.
  4. Races are random by taking last 3 digits of total race time and referencing numbers that I previously assigned to a.) all cars and b.) all tracks in our SNAIL cars & tracks spreadsheet.
  5. Entering track is allowed as there will be a very brief warm up period.
  6. In case we get a car that bounces off rev limiter, tuning will be switched ‘on’ to tune transmission. Optionally, the fastest lap time decoded to give new random car (from previous race) may be used. Organizer may make some calls on the fly, to keep races moving.
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Thanks for participating in the 2021 Memorial Day Shuffle by SNAIL!
Tim shellacked everybody, never coming in worse than 3rd place! Congrats Tim! With dropped scores, his worst finish was 2nd!
11 competitors raced in 5 of 10 races, so seems a good way to judge who won based on 5 best finishes!

Well done Aedenmaddok!
@Timlour @SAMHAIN85 @Noob01_lmdead @socalnatv @Yugofan @aedenmaddok @CANOWORMS1 @CourageRising @GTP_Guido @Rob Brooks @Deal24 @zCxtalyst @Herimopp89 @racingchamp30 @Harry Rowley @MikeGrove
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