◆ SNAIL Holiday Events

Holiday Event - Handover Procedure

Practice last night went fairly well. There was less confusion than I thought there will be. Below is just some fine tuning of the hand-over procedures

Mustang @ Yamagiwa

The car waiting to be tagged should sit on the last turn. The Black Team is the back marker. No team is allowed to wait behind the Black team. All teams should be in their own party chat. Communication is key. As the Tagger approaches the Taggee (LOL!...new English word!) should explain to his Tagger where he sits on the track. Taggees play nice, space out and give each other some room. As the Tagger approaches the Taggees should start accelerating. Keep your line so you don't interfere with other tagging teams. The tag must be completed before the Pit Entrance. Taggers be careful NOT TO CROSS the finish line. If you do the race will end abruptly. Taggers pull over carefully to the side of the road, do not interfere with other teams in the tagging process. Wait till all teams tagged then move to a save spot away from the racing line

Beetle at the Dragon's Tail
The car waiting to be tagged should sit between the bridge and the 150 yard marker BEFORE the last turn. The Black Team is the back marker. No team is allowed to wait behind the Black team. The tag should be completed by the 50 yard marker before last turn. Taggers be careful not to go around the last turn. There is a glitch in the game, if you get too lose to the pit entrance you will be "reset" past the Finish line and the race will end abruptly. Taggers head to the sand pit at the last turn and wait there for the race to finish. The key to a good hand-off is good communication... use party chat to communicate your whereabouts on track

Porsche @ Monza
The car waiting to be tagged should sit between the pedestrian bridge and the 150 yard marker BEFORE the last turn (Parabolica). The Black Team is the back marker. No team is allowed to wait behind the Black team. The tag should be completed by the 50 yard marker before last turn. Taggers and Taggees will need to work very carefully on the handover. The Tagger is approaching at a very high speed. The Tagger must slow down for the tag. Do not hit the Taggee at full speed! The tagging area is narrow so Taggees play nice...space out and give each other some room. Taggers be aware of your speed...after the tag be careful not to interfere with other Taggers / Taggees. Head to the run off area at Parabolica and wait there for the race to finish

General Pointers
Drivers 1& 2 do not cross the finish line. If you do the race will end abruptly
Black team is always the back marker in the waiting area...no teams behind the black team
After you tagged your team mate be careful not to interfere with other teams tagging
Play nice when getting ready for the tag, space out and give each other room
Use Party Chat to communicate with your team mates
You need to slow down for the tag, don't hit your team mate at full speed.
Taggee, try to time your running start so you get tagged right at the tagging point...you may need some practice to do that.
Everything we did last night felt great even with the adjustments midway through. Sorry I was setup back so far I was just trying to stay out of the way of other drivers especially with the dragon trial and monza being that that those areas of the track can get very congested, so i just stayed back until all drivers were threw then moved into position. That was all I don't want anyone to think I was trying to get a unfair advantage.

Otherwise I think it will be a great event and very fun especially if we have a race like the first one at Monza last night, which was great.

Holiday Event - Handover Procedure

Practice last night went fairly well. There was less confusion than I thought there will be. Below is just some fine tuning of the hand-over procedures

Mustang @ Yamagiwa

The car waiting to be tagged should sit on the last turn. The Black Team is the back marker. No team is allowed to wait behind the Black team. All teams should be in their own party chat. Communication is key. As the Tagger approaches the Taggee (LOL!...new English word!) should explain to his Tagger where he sits on the track. Taggees play nice, space out and give each other some room. As the Tagger approaches the Taggees should start accelerating. Keep your line so you don't interfere with other tagging teams. The tag must be completed before the Pit Entrance. Taggers be careful NOT TO CROSS the finish line. If you do the race will end abruptly. Taggers pull over carefully to the side of the road, do not interfere with other teams in the tagging process. Wait till all teams tagged then move to a save spot away from the racing line

Beetle at the Dragon's Tail
The car waiting to be tagged should sit between the bridge and the 150 yard marker BEFORE the last turn. The Black Team is the back marker. No team is allowed to wait behind the Black team. The tag should be completed by the 50 yard marker before last turn. Taggers be careful not to go around the last turn. There is a glitch in the game, if you get too lose to the pit entrance you will be "reset" past the Finish line and the race will end abruptly. Taggers head to the sand pit at the last turn and wait there for the race to finish. The key to a good hand-off is good communication... use party chat to communicate your whereabouts on track

Porsche @ Monza
The car waiting to be tagged should sit between the pedestrian bridge and the 150 yard marker BEFORE the last turn (Parabolica). The Black Team is the back marker. No team is allowed to wait behind the Black team. The tag should be completed by the 50 yard marker before last turn. Taggers and Taggees will need to work very carefully on the handover. The Tagger is approaching at a very high speed. The Tagger must slow down for the tag. Do not hit the Taggee at full speed! The tagging area is narrow so Taggees play nice...space out and give each other some room. Taggers be aware of your speed...after the tag be careful not to interfere with other Taggers / Taggees. Head to the run off area at Parabolica and wait there for the race to finish

General Pointers
Drivers 1& 2 do not cross the finish line. If you do the race will end abruptly
Black team is always the back marker in the waiting area...no teams behind the black team
After you tagged your team mate be careful not to interfere with other teams tagging
Play nice when getting ready for the tag, space out and give each other room
Use Party Chat to communicate with your team mates
You need to slow down for the tag, don't hit your team mate at full speed.
Taggee, try to time your running start so you get tagged right at the tagging point...you may need some practice to do that.
Taggees -
Tires are COLD after sitting still for a long period. At Monza I accelerated around the Parabolica and promptly entered the sand. All because there was no grip in the tires so soon after starting.
Taggees -
Tires are COLD after sitting still for a long period. At Monza I accelerated around the Parabolica and promptly entered the sand. All because there was no grip in the tires so soon after starting.
Cheat Code....On the last lap as the taggers are getting closer do a few "burnouts".... at least the back tires are not cold as ice.... still gotta be careful!
One thing you could do is what herimopp did. By sitting as far back as he was he was able to weave and pull forward to the designated area allowing him to attempt to bring the tires up.

The designated waiting area (in front of black) no matter what we can’t go behind you? Or can the 2 and 3 drivers pull behind warm tires up and be back ahead of black at the appropriate time?
You guys could use the 16th person in the room to sit on the side of the track and have all the guys being tagged in line up in front of or behind him. Just a thought that might simplify some of the process.
Joining shortly.
No problem you being with us tonight. Sorry if we didn’t include you
Focusing on getting the Tags right
Very sorry that I did not think to invite you to the Chat - my error, Sir.
Please accept my apology
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I hate the short notice but I cannot participate. Blue team needs a d2 or d4 driver to replace me. I found out this morning I have a family obligation I was not aware of.
No problem you being with us tonight. Sorry if we didn’t include you
Focusing on getting the Tags right
Very sorry that I did not think to invite you to the Chat - my error, Sir.
Please accept my apology
Oh no problems. I honestly needed laps so I was happy to do what I did.
Tom is D3, just a heads up as the rules was 1 per division. I can speak for our team “Grandpas Retirement Fund” with confidence that we won’t mind if there are 2 from the same division.
Tom is D3, just a heads up as the rules was 1 per division. I can speak for our team “Grandpas Retirement Fund” with confidence that we won’t mind if there are 2 from the same division.
Appreciate the consideration, but we certainly don’t want to be in violation of any established requirements.
Please let us know the decision of Race Control.
Appreciate the consideration, but we certainly don’t want to be in violation of any established requirements.
Please let us know the decision of Race Control.
I honestly think with it being so late and needing a reserve that it shouldn’t matter at this point. I shouldn’t have said anything honestly.