SNAIL Invitational - Next Event: On Hold till Further Notice

  • Thread starter Rednose58
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Cloud 9

This is where we invite the top performers in each division of the Season to race the three most popular combos of the season in three ±20 minute races based on a delayed start system with the objective to reach the start finish line all at the same time. Clean consistent racing is key!

1. As always, SNAIL code of conduct on the track is expected. All the SNAIL rules and regulations for race craft, car and room settings apply.

2. There will be two stewards (one hosting and the other assisting) that will guide the proceedings and ensure proper code of conduct. (Here it would be nice to have someone with live streaming capabilities...)

3. Driver Selection is by invitation only and is determined as follows:

a. The top 14 Drivers of the Season automatically qualifies. Ranking is calculated by a combination of total points for the season and ranking in your division

b. We rank and invite 11 (or more) more reserve drivers that will qualify if one or more of the top 14 can’t be available. Life happens sometimes.

c. Al of the invited drivers (auto qualifiers and reserve drivers) have to respond to the invitation so that we are ensured to have 14 participants

d. If one or more of the first 14 drivers are unavailable for the race, then their positions are filled by one of the next available reserve drivers.

d. The drivers list will be updated and posted in the thread

e. Drivers (auto qualifiers and reserve list) will update/confirm their availability by the race day at Noon Eastern Time. If a driver has not confirmed his/her availability then the first available reserve driver (by rank) will take that place.

4. Combo Selection is by the most popular combos for the Season

a. The combos are selected by a formula that includes the total appearances and the total votes the combo received in those appearances.

b. If there is a duplication of a car or a track from the previous season, the next ranked combo will be selected.

5. The starting positions for the race will be reversed, based on the drivers’ performance in that combo during the season

a. Every driver will get a fast lap time assigned to him/her for that combo.

b. The fast lap time will be the fastest lap time the driver achieved in that combo in the season.

c. If a driver did not compete in that combo or if he has a time that is more than two standard deviations off the Division average, then his/her time will be the fastest lap time of his division for that combo in the season.

d. If a division failed to input their data, then all of the drivers in that division will inherit the fastest time of the next division up.

6. Race laps will be determined to ensure a race duration of around 20 minutes (tire management might be required….)

a. The "reference" lap time used to calculate the number of laps will be the slowest lap time as assigned in Section 5 above.

7. The start of the race will be by “Delayed Start” for every driver.

a. For each driver there will be a calculation of his/her personal theoretical total race duration based on the assigned fast lap time in Section 5

b. The difference between each theoretical race duration and the slowest driver’s race duration will determine the delay for each driver.

c. The grid will be manually set by the host according to the lap times – slowest first.

d. The pole driver will start the race on time zero. Each other driver will have their brakes or e-brakes engaged until their time delay is reached before they launch. Then it is “race on” for approximately 20 minutes. If everything goes according to plan, then everybody will cross the finish line at the same time…

e. Each driver will have their time delays determined in the lobby with all of the racers on track.

8. The race will take place on the first Friday after the start of the new Season. (We may push it out to the following Monday if a majority of the drives prefer)

9. The Stewards will monitor the start and the race and will address any issues. They will also do the score keeping and uploading of replays as well as broadcasting the races from a spectator’s point of view.

10. Remember, the first objective is to have fun. Be respectful and race your heart out.
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Next Event: TBD
(February 2020 Season)

Program/Schedule (All times Eastern)
9:00 PM:
Host will open the room.
9:00 PM- 9:10 PM: Combo 1 free practice
9:10 PM - 9:20 PM: Combo 2 free practice
9:20 PM - 9:30 PM: Combo 3 free practice
9:30 PM - 9:35 PM: Reset to Combo 1 and set the grid manually
9:35 PM: First race begins. We will back out for a late comer only if we are still on the first lap. Otherwise, we will continue and the late comer can join up for the second race.


Click CURRENT DRIVER STATUS (will be current after February 10, 2020)
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Any league member is welcome to put their names forward. We will need regular non-racing volunteers to host, steward, upload replays, or at least, take care of the spectator broadcast. Also to be available to cover if the regular stewards want to take a weekend off. We want to make sure this event is run by the league and not by one or two individuals.
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Did you see that we had 9 different people on the podium and that nobody was on the podium more than once!​

@MajorBlixem broadcast

@TomMang_68 broadcast

@SAMHAIN85 broadcast

Race 1
tag: 20180511r1
title: SNAILRACING.ORG Invitational R1
May 11, 2018​
Race 2
tag: 20180511r2
title: SNAILRACING.ORG Invitational R2
May 11, 2018​
Race 1
tag: 20180511r3
title: SNAILRACING.ORG Invitational R3
May 11, 2018​





To Follow


and the three Gold Medalists
Round 1

Round 2

Round 3
to follow

Link to July 2018 Season Results
Link to August 2018 Season Results
Link to September 2018 Season Results
Link to October 2018 Season Results
Link to November 2018 Season Results
Link to December 2018 Season Results
Link to January 2019 Season Results
February 2019 Season Cancelled
Link to March 2019 Season Results
Link to April 2019 Season Results
Link to May 2019 Season Results
Link to June 2019 Season Results
Link to July 2019 Season Results
Link to August 2019 Results
Link to September 2019 Results
October 2019 Season Cancelled
Link to November 2019 Results
Link to December 2019 Results
January 2020 Season Cancelled
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The April 2018 Invitational is here:
Friday, May 11, 2018 at 9:30 PM Eastern Time
Rules and regulations: Here

Congrats to this season's top performers! Welcome to the Snail Invitational Race. Registration is now open. All SNAILs listed below are eligible to register. The top 14 drivers who register before the deadline are given priority on race night. Please click on the link to the REGISTRATION FORM to indicate your availability. You have to click on the "Yes" (Confirm) or the "No" (Cancel) option. If your situation changes you can come back and enter the change. The form closes at noon on Friday, May 11, 2018.
Wildcard/reserve drivers still have to register. You will be added to the list if some of the first 14 drivers can not make it. You can come back from time to time and click on the CURRENT DRIVER STATUS to see where you are on the list.
Driver Seeding

Note: The seeding is subject to change once the final Steward Summary is posted.

Top 14 Drivers (Automatic Qualifiers):
@Rednose58, @SAMHAIN85, @Mully465, @Adramike, @Rob Brown, @Nicktune, @BradESPN, @racingchamp30, @src_ej6, @JamCar0ne, @Hanable, @MikeGrove, @basswerks1, @DublDee
Next 11 Drivers (Wildcards):
@aLmk, @TVV0_, @TBongX, @GTPvw_slc, @Raw10_2u, @nmcp1, @stelephant, @TEX36, @Grandpa Money , @Die_Birdy_Die, @Neutty
For Info:
@Rednose58, @MajorBlixem, @SAMHAIN85, @nmcp1
Volunteers are welcome to put their names forward. We need at least one volunteer this month to help with the Spectator Broadcast.
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We need at least one volunteer this month to help with the Spectator Broadcast

It would be nice if @Lessen had any interest in it, his PITS streams were great.

Do you not have Sport / PSN? I might be able to help you with that if that interests you. Under the stipulation that you join us from time to time on Sunday nights again wink wink
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It would be nice if @Lessen had any interest in it, his PITS streams were great.

Do you not have Sport / PSN? I might be able to help you with that if that interests you. Under the stipulation that you join us from time to time on Sunday nights again wink wink

I do have GTS although I've never put it in the PS4. Unfortunately, I can't really do it this week although I am highly interested in possibly doing it in the future. Is this a monthly thing like the old ROC race?

N/M. Obviously by the description this is a seasonal event.

Gimme some time to get my s*&% together and I'll see what I can manage. Possibly next season. I will need to move my PS4 to my gaming room where it can be hardwired to my router and just get used to navigating the game and get audio stuff set up properly. yadda yadda...
The link to the CURRENT DRIVER STATUS in Post #7 has been fixed. The reserve drivers can now see what their potential chances are for Friday. Thanks to those who have already responded.

Top 14 Drivers (Automatic Qualifiers):
@Rednose58, @SAMHAIN85, @Mully465, @Adramike, @Rob Brown, @Nicktune, @BradESPN, @racingchamp30, @src_ej6, @JamCar0ne, @Hanable, @MikeGrove, @basswerks1, @DublDee
Next 11 Drivers (Wildcards):
@aLmk, @TVV0_, @TBongX, @GTPvw_slc, @Raw10_2u, @nmcp1, @stelephant, @TEX36, @Grandpa Money , @Die_Birdy_Die, @Neutty
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Current Driver confirmations for May 11, 2018

The Registration is now closed. The two available places are still open but will be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis tonight regardless of your seed number.


@Rednose58 , @SAMHAIN85 , @Mully465, @Rob Brown , @BradESPN , @racingchamp30 , @Hanable , @DublDee , @TBongX , @GTPvw_slc , @Raw10_2u , @Die_Birdy_Die

Pending - First Come / First Serve Basis (Keep an eye on the live stream to see if there is room)
@Adramike , @Nicktune , @src_ej6 , @JamCar0ne, @MikeGrove, @aLmk , @nmcp1 , @Grandpa Money ,@Neutty

Look at Post #3 for tonight's schedule and the updated combo sequence.

I will open a practice room an hour early (8:00 PM Eastern Time) so that we can test the broadcasting and do a few practice starts.

See y'all t'nite and let's have some fun
Another awesome ROC Invitational in the books. Thanks for hosting and running it Red and congrats on the win.

Also big thanks to everyone who showed up including the Broadcasters. There was some great battles on track all night. Well done!
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