SNAIL Invitational - Next Event: On Hold till Further Notice

  • Thread starter Rednose58
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Thanks for letting me hangout with you guys and including me as a “broadcaster” I had a lot of fun with it. Hopefully I wasn’t TOOO much of a distraction with my yammering one sided conversations. Maybe next time we can have 2 commentators broadcasting for the stream? Also I think using a British accent would work better too!

It was a good time , but I would have enjoyed racing in it a lot more than watching.

Congrats to all the Winners! Great battles and very clean racing all around!
Thanks for letting me hangout with you guys and including me as a “broadcaster” I had a lot of fun with it. Hopefully I wasn’t TOOO much of a distraction with my yammering one sided conversations. Maybe next time we can have 2 commentators broadcasting for the stream? Also I think using a British accent would work better too!

It was a good time , but I would have enjoyed racing in it a lot more than watching.

Congrats to all the Winners! Great battles and very clean racing all around!

Yes, thank you very much for doing it. Who wants to broadcast if there is a racing spot available? Now you can imagine how Paul di Resta and Anthony Davisdson must feel. Next month it will be my turn to broadcast. Accent will not be British, but it won't be a murican accent for sure.... "I'll be back...."
Thanks for letting me hangout with you guys and including me as a “broadcaster” I had a lot of fun with it. Hopefully I wasn’t TOOO much of a distraction with my yammering one sided conversations. Maybe next time we can have 2 commentators broadcasting for the stream? Also I think using a British accent would work better too!

It was a good time , but I would have enjoyed racing in it a lot more than watching.

Congrats to all the Winners! Great battles and very clean racing all around!

We can go one better than a British accent and go with a South African accent next time.....

I had 21 viewers with my "silent" broadcast


The May 2018 Invitational is here:
Friday, June 15, 2018 at 9:30 PM Eastern Time
Rules and regulations: Here

Congrats to this season's top performers! Welcome to the Snail Invitational Race. Registration is now open. All SNAILs listed below are eligible to register. The top 14 drivers who register before the deadline are given priority on race night. Please click on the link to the REGISTRATION FORM to indicate your availability. You have to click on the "Yes" (Confirm) or the "No" (Cancel) option. If your situation changes you can come back and enter the change. The form closes at noon on Friday, June 15, 2018.
Wildcard/reserve drivers still have to register. You will be added to the list if some of the first 14 drivers can not make it. You can come back from time to time and click on the CURRENT DRIVER STATUS to see where you are on the list.
Driver Seeding

Note: The seeding is subject to change once the final Steward Summary is posted.

Top 14 Drivers (Automatic Qualifiers):
@Mully465, @Kgffy, @Nicktune, @Adramike, @BradESPN, @Neutty, @DesertPenguin, @spidermonkey, @Rob Brown, @racingchamp30, @MikeGrove, @TomMang_68, @todally_lit, @stelephant
Next 11 Drivers (Wildcards):
@MajorBlixem, @Hanable, @JamCar0ne, @GTPvw_slc, @Raw10_2u, @ChauncyMarsh, @keepitsteady, @SAMHAIN85, @TEX36, @Tecticles, @thracerviewr
For Info:
@Rednose58, @MajorBlixem, @SAMHAIN85, @nmcp1
Volunteers are welcome to put their names forward to help with broadcasting or other duties if one of the regular stewards can't make it.
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I'm honored to be invited to this but I have an engagement party this Friday so can't make it sorry.
I wil actually be at Origins Game Fair in Coumbus Ohio this weekend. So I will miss ROC and sundays race also. 🤬
I will be sitting this one out but I will be there to broadcast if theres space available (Tom and Major did a good job capturing the action last time. I hope they're able to race this time)

Yes, please. You are one of the Stewards. So, if you are sitting out, then you and I will use spots no 15 and 16 to run the event and do Spectator view broadcasting.
Wish I could accept. Wifey set dinner plans with her family on Friday evening. I will have to miss.
I will not be participating
Thank you for considering my entry.
Registration is now closed. The drivers confirmed for tonight are:

These drivers above will race if they show up before 9:20 Eastern time. (Please post in this thread if you are not able to make it so we know if we can use your slot or not)

The following drivers will race on a first-come-first-serve basis. There are only two spots available

Check for availability after 9:20 PM eastern time

@Kgffy, @Nicktune, @Adramike, @BradESPN, @Rob Brown, @racingchamp30, @MikeGrove, @TomMang_68, @todally_lit, @stelephant @MajorBlixem, @Hanable, @GTPvw_slc, @Raw10_2u, @ChauncyMarsh, @keepitsteady, @SAMHAIN85, @thracerviewr @Tecticles
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