*Complete* SNAIL Michelin Pilot Challenge, "PS5 Users ONLY",GS/GT4 Monthly Series, Congrat's to Rauljimenez76 for the Championship!!

  • Thread starter llNovall
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Confirming for Nov 10th.
Any updates for the track?
I haven’t heard anything. He may be waiting on this next update. All I know is anyone mathematically capable of winning the championship will be running that Yellow Banner and wing I got approved in the Championship round. Or it may be the top 5 in points. I know we discussed both. I’d have to go and look.
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No info about a track, but Circuit Gilles Villeneuve (My local ish track) was rumored a couple of months ago. We will know soon enough !
Once the update drops this week, I will have a track up and ready for our finale. Already have an idea for one if a NA track isnt offered.
Also, I'm very excited for the new 2022 Porsche GT3RS. Just might have to do a 6 event Porsche GT3 SuperCup after our next series. Alot to hopefully look forward to.
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No info about a track, but Circuit Gilles Villeneuve (My local ish track) was rumored a couple of months ago. We will know soon enough !
Man, that would be cool. I haven’t been there since my NR2003 days. I absolutely love that joint. Just a beautiful track. Got the St. Lawrence River up there. Better be lucky GT7 doesn’t keep up with brake temps. That place will cook some brakes. Especially a Cup car. You have to really back it up and finesse it. I think we would get up over 170 mph, then slam back down to like 35 mph. About 3 times a lap. I think I shifted 18 times a lap there. Lol
I think it was turn 10. Man, we would get in there and be door to door, getting ready for the big straight there. Awesome race track. I always hated pitting there. The blend was tough coming off pit road. NR2003 you pitted yourself, and if you didn’t get slowed, you would get penalized. You would have to hit that stall perfect too. I would spend an hour at each track practicing pit stops. Get that on and off lap as fast as I possibly could. I wish GT would give us the total experience. That’s a skill a lot of sim racers need to experience. That and making adjustments as the race progresses. Tire pressures too. That’s long over due. We would be battling for points and be scared to death of actually having a mechanical failure. That’s how realistic that sim was 20 freaking years ago. Lol
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Some of you guys may have missed this new series. This looks interesting, tuning allowed but nothing too excessive like choking an Aventador to 400 HP. Sports softs tires and street cars only.
Once the update drops this week, I will have a track up and ready for our finale. Already have an idea for one if a NA track isnt offered.
Also, I'm very excited for the new 2022 Porsche GT3RS. Just might have to do a 6 event Porsche GT3 SuperCup after our next series. Alot to hopefully look forward to.
*If a new track drops are we still planning for November 10th? I wonder how stable it will be 1 week after the patch
*If a new track drops are we still planning for November 10th? I wonder how stable it will be 1 week after the patch
If a new track drops, we will proceed with 10th as long as room stability seems to be maintained. If over this next weekend there seems to be major issues with lobby stability, we will discuss and decide as a group the best course of action for the final event. I'm working on scoring, driver specs, and post race report as we speak. I'll will keep everyone posted and should have an Event details post up sometime Thursday 11/2 regardless of what track(s) is offered with the update. If we get a track, that will likely be what we use for the finale, especially if a North American track...if not, I already have our track decided.
Post Race Report and Scoring
Event #7 at Blue Moon Bay Infield A

Despite not being able to attend, and attendance for Event #7 being low, the racing seemed to deliver some pretty entertaining battles. Please feel free to share any battles or contests that you may have had for this event.

Minimal lag/jittering was present across the field, and was overall very predictable.

Now for Scoring:
Congratulations to fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
on the Overall Win on the night and his first for the season...Well Done :cheers:

Also, Congratulations to our Top 3 Overall:
1st: fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
2nd: GTP_Worstdriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
3rd: Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)

@Fudman420 , please see the link below and add a track map outline decal of BMB Infield A and the checkered flag decal to the driver side window or below it on the 1/4 panel. You may also apply it to the driver side of the rear window if necessary.

@Worst_Driver , please see the link below and add the checkered flag decal to the driver side window or below it on the 1/4 panel. You may also apply it to the driver side of the rear window if necessary.
Link>>> Driver Award Decals and links

Below is the PP Regulation changes after Event #7. Drivers with changes noted, please adjust and tune accordingly.
Race Lobby PP Max Regulation for Event #8 has changed and is to be set back to 645.00 PP
(Please be sure to set Max PP correctly, as noted above, for practice lobbies to allow those drivers with concessions to enter)

Next Event (#8) Driver Regulations is noted in the far right column.

Race 1 and 2 Replay Broadcasts
To be posted once broadcasted
Time has not been at a premium for me lately. If there is anyone who is interested in broadcasting some "outside the car" full replay broadcasts to Youtube, it would be greatly welcomed and appreciated. Both races can be batched into the same broadcast. Please tag me and post if interested. We need broadcasts of the last 3 events, Daytona, Trial Mountain, and Mount Panorama. I may be able to catch up on Mount Panorama, but the other 2 will definately require help.
For those interested, I usually stick to the following:
-remove the driver name tags (above cars)
-set to see only lap and timing data (not car data)
-start replay viewing a front running car and scroll back to around 4-5th place after the first corner or 2.
-from there, scroll thru the field using the track map for batches of arrows close together
-try to catch as many battles and passes as possible
-stay focused on a good battle until it breaks, or scroll thru as a field check and then come back to it asap.
-Run to the finish of each race, and no jump forwards.

Give it a try...wish I had the time to myself.

Next Event:

Date: November 10th, 2023 at 9pm est
Track: TBD after 11/2 update
Conditions: TBD
Laps: TBD
Target Lap Times: TBD
(See Section 1, Tab 1.3 for Lobby Settings)
Additional details in the next post

Great racing everyone. Looking forward to our next event. Be sure to confirm your attendance to secure your spot on the grid, or to establish your Reserve priority.

Lastly, all drivers who have won a race or won overall on an event, please see the Driver Profile page link. If you have checkered flag(s) or track map in your profile picture, be sure to add those decals shown. Please add the necessary decals to your driver side 1/4 window or in that area on the body.

Link>>> Driver Profile Page
Link>>> Driver Award Decals and links

See you guys for some practice over the next 2 weeks.
NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2. Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
3. tyro_2004_2004 / @Tyro (#40)
4. Ice Warden / @IceWarden (#22)
5. DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
6. Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
7. Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
8. Nyati_Jumapili / @Nyati_Jumapil (#31)
9. AKZL298 / @Akzl298 (#298)
10. saber_stance / @Saber_stance (#25)
11. kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
12. IforceV8 / @IforceV8 (#36)
13. SRT_Guido / @GTP_Guido (#69)
14. Sandite5 / @Sandite5 (#19)
15. TooBadIts_A_KIA / @johnnypaws (#76)
16. fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
17. rsrgse / @rsrgse (#7)
18. R1600Turbo / @R1600Turbo (#62)
19. MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#27)
20. xWARMACHINE84x/ @Chris Kelley (#3)
21. Dioready / @AColon (#21)
22. JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
23. GTP_Worstdriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
24. gutterbutter369 / @bmkpriest (#39)
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And there goes the championship. 🤣

Hopefully we keep the 10th because I'm booked solid the rest of the month.
As of now, the 10th is a go barring some outrageous lobby issues. If not, I will extend to a date that works for all contenders to race.

Has anyone at all asked for snow racing? /sigh
I too am a bit puzzled and disappointed with this track offering. Why with so many great circuits do we keep getting these? I am optimistic in regards to the rest of the update....hopefully more lobby stability as well (probably wishful thinking)

Has anyone at all asked for snow racing? /sigh
The « rally » part of Gran Turismo could have been dropped since GT5. It isn’t even remotely close to the real thing and the physics are atrocious on dirt. Rally isn’t circuit racing on a 6 lane wide track.

Note that it says « tracks » in the trailer but that probably refers to the variations of the Lake Louise snow track. We will know for sure tomorrow.

But the cars looks interesting and the addition of Sophy is promising.

EDIT: Full details here, https://www.gran-turismo.com/us/news/00_5768503.html
No new track except that useless snow track.
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So, we got 3 decent cars out of 7. A snow track, when we could’ve got a great track like Apricot hill or something. Then Sophy, that really poses no challenge to anyone in this league. And you can’t even use it anywhere you want to practice. Has to be on certain tracks, useless. Lol

Releasing Sophy is just a ploy to knock that new Forza off. I heard the AI is terrible. And really Sophy is some of the best AI I’ve encountered.
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Event #8 Race Details
Season Finale

November 10th, 2023, 9pm est
Interlagos, Brazil
S08 Humid, Sunny and Cloudy

?? Laps per Race

Alright Drivers, here are the details of our finale for Event #8 on November 10th. A few options were considered regarding the final venue since our recent update did not provide our type of circuit. I considered a repeat from earlier in the season to keep the finale on this side of the pond, a European circuit, but finally landed somewhere in the middle. I decided top keep it in the Americas, albeit South America....we are taking the series to Brazil for our finale at Interlagos. Get some laps in, confirm if you have not already, and we will finalize this season.

Date: November 10th, 2023 at 9pm est
Track: Interlagos, Brazil
Conditions: Afternoon, S08 Humid, Sunny and Cloudy
Laps: TBD
Target Lap Times: TBD
(See Section 1, Tab 1.3 for Lobby Settings)

Track Map and Boundaries
Screenshot_20231102_085358_Samsung Internet.jpg

Keep 2 wheels on or within the white line where curbing is not present, or on the curbs where they are present at all times, except where it is specifically noted otherwise. The white line and curbing is considered legal track surface. Failure to comply to track boundaries could result in penalties if infractions are witnessed and reported.

Roster Confirmed as of 11/2/23, 8:56am est

NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2. Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
3. tyro_2004_2004 / @Tyro (#40)
4. Ice Warden / @IceWarden (#22)
5. DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
6. Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
7. Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
8. Nyati_Jumapili / @Nyati_Jumapil (#31)
9. AKZL298 / @Akzl298 (#298)
10. saber_stance / @Saber_stance (#25)
11. kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
12. IforceV8 / @IforceV8 (#36)
13. SRT_Guido / @GTP_Guido (#69)
14. Sandite5 / @Sandite5 (#19)
15. TooBadIts_A_KIA / @johnnypaws (#76)
16. fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
17. rsrgse / @rsrgse (#7)
18. R1600Turbo / @CodeRedR51 (#62)
19. MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#27)
20. xWARMACHINE84x/ @Chris Kelley (#3)
21. Dioready / @AColon (#21)
22. JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
23. GTP_Worstdriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
24. gutterbutter369 / @bmkpriest (#39)
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I don’t have the track. Lol
I’ll have to see how much grinding I’ll have to do to unlock it.
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I won't be able to make it for the finale unfortunately :( If by chance it moves to another date I will be able to race but obviously I don't wish that to happen. Good luck to all for the finale and see you in december in all new cars !
I’ll have to look, but I’m guessing I’m about a dozen books away from unlocking that track. I don’t know that I’ll have time to grind that much, and get prepared for a Championship race. If I don’t, then just go on without me. Run it as scheduled. I don’t know how long it takes to get there. But I have about 9 hours of time available to get that track unlocked, come up with a setup, and be fully prepared.
Totally my fault. I should’ve taken care of all that long before I entered the league.
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Championship week approaches. So you know now, that you must break out the, “Mr. Sim Masters Oh Sh*+ kit!”😂😂


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Drivers Meeting

Grid Business
Good morning to all the drivers who will be attending tonight's 8th and final event of the season at Interlagos. We are currently sitting at 8 drivers confirmed for tonight's races, so there are 6 open grid spots remaining for those available and interested in racing. Please confirm or notify your intent to race here in the thread or pm me via psn. At the moment, all confirmed drivers are noted as attending, and have until 9:10pm est (5 minutes prior to Start of Qualifying) to secure their spot.

We do have 6 open grid spots available. Any last minute drivers that confirm their status to race, please be sure to submit their spec sheets via psn between 9:00pm-9:10pm est (submission window for all drivers) to my psn: NOVA-0479. A primary party chat will be open for our 16 drivers on grid. If anyone is not present by 9:10pm est, I will PSN message the available Reserves. If a prioritized Reserve is not online, the next Reserve driver will be offered the spot if available and ready to enter room.

Reminder to all drivers:
All confirmed drivers are holding 1 of 16 grid spots. Please notify me as soon as reasonably possible if you are unable to make the event. The latest acceptable notice without any recourse is 9:10pm est. Any drivers who are confirmed to attend, and fails to appear, will be placed on automatic Reserve for their next confirmed event.

Drivers Briefing
A few reminders for Interlagos:
1.) Be mindful in the opening laps. Be patient, and avoid contact/incident at all cost. Incidents that result in an issued caution, in the opening 2 laps, will come under automatic review for any possible infractions and penalized as necessary. Please be patient, brake earlier, and respect your opponent driver's space/line..they are not brakes or guard rails.
2.) Know when you have lost the position when approaching these sections, and be considerate enough to back out to avoid the risk of incidents. This series will continue to induce some very close quarters racing, and one slow up, or mistake could result in yourself, both, or many drivers losing position....don't be that guy. If both drivers are dead on, side by side, proceed with caution, and hold your lines. Just be warned that attempting to go side by side in these sections cleanly will slow both of you down and almost guarantee a loss of position(s) from other attacking drivers. BE CAREFUL and AVOID CONTACT ;)
3.) See this Event Details Link , and review for driver specs, race details, and allowable track boundaries for Interlagos.

Final Reminders:
-Please be sure that everyone is on a wired connection to their PS5 (in any way possible)
-Clear cache before entering the race room
Lets try to do the best we can to reduce the jitters within the lobby.
Any drivers that are noted or noticed to create continuous issues will be asked to retire for the event.

Good Luck to all drivers, and see everyone at 9pm est tonight. :cheers:
1. NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2. Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
3. tyro_2004_2004 / @Tyro (#40)
4. Ice Warden / @IceWarden (#22)
5. DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
6. Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
7. Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
8. Nyati_Jumapili / @Nyati_Jumapil (#31)
9. AKZL298 / @Akzl298 (#298)
10. saber_stance / @Saber_stance (#25)
11. kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
12. IforceV8 / @IforceV8 (#36)
13. SRT_Guido / @GTP_Guido (#69)
14. Sandite5 / @Sandite5 (#19)
15. TooBadIts_A_KIA / @johnnypaws (#76)
16. fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
17. rsrgse / @rsrgse (#7)
18. R1600Turbo / @R1600Turbo (#62)
19. MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#27)
20. xWARMACHINE84x/ @Chris Kelley (#3)
21. Dioready / @AColon (#21)
22. JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
23. GTP_Worstdriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
24. gutterbutter369 / @bmkpriest (#39)
After seeing how much of a sitting duck I am on the front straight, I considered not even bothering tonight. But, even if I will be frustrated the whole time, I'll be there. The problem with the Z is that removing parts and reducing downforce only increases the performance points. So I can't sacrifice anything to try and get some power back. Tried multiple configurations last night to no avail. So went back to the way it was and I'll just deal with it. Car is amazing and super quick in the mid section of the track but I fully expect to get swallowed on the straight every single lap.
Big honor to finalize the season with Souch a great Group of clean and fast drivers
Thanks @llNovall for the effort and time to research how to do the leage really interestkng, exciting and enjoyable
See you soon next season
Congratulations Champ! Great Season. Penalties just swallowed me. To have finished with 2 in the top 5 was nice considering the talent in this series.

Unfortunately, it’s always very, very short lived. It’s once again time to go to work. With a new beast to tame.

This 992 will probably give me a stroke. I’m not a rear engine guy. But I am excited about having you on our team, and taking on this animal together. Seems like you have a rope around the Porsche.

Congratulations man, you should be proud. If it makes you feel good, I think that’s only the second that I have ever been beat out. And the first time one of my teams have ever lost a Championship.
Pretty hard to swallow, but we’ll move on and grow stronger from it.

To everyone else great season, we’ll see ya out there.
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