Drivers Meeting
Grid Business
Good afternoon to all the drivers who will be attending tonight's 7th event at Blue Moon Bay Infield A. After much back and forth (see post above), we are running Event #7 tonight for it's makeup date. We are currently sitting at 9 drivers confirmed for tonight's races with 1 tentative, so there are plenty of grid spots remaining for those available and interested in racing. Please confirm or notify your intent to race here in the thread or pm me via psn. At the moment, all confirmed drivers are noted as attending, and have until 9:10pm est (5 minutes prior to Start of Qualifying) to secure their spot.
We do have 6-7 open grid spots available. Any last minute drivers that confirm their status to race, please be sure to submit their spec sheets via psn between 9:00pm-9:10pm est (submission window for all drivers) to my psn: NOVA-0479. A primary party chat will be open for our 16 drivers on grid. If anyone is not present by 9:10pm est, I will PSN message the available Reserves. If a prioritized Reserve is not online, the next Reserve driver will be offered the spot if available and ready to enter room.
Reminder to all drivers:
All confirmed drivers are holding 1 of 16 grid spots. Please notify me as soon as reasonably possible if you are unable to make the event.
The latest acceptable notice without any recourse is 9:10pm est. Any drivers who are confirmed to attend, and fails to appear, will be placed on automatic Reserve for their next confirmed event.
Drivers Briefing
A few reminders for
Blue Moon Bay Infield A:
1.) Be mindful in the opening laps. Be patient, and avoid contact/incident at all cost. Incidents that result in an issued caution, in the opening 2 laps, will come under automatic review for any possible infractions and penalized as necessary. Please be patient, brake earlier, and respect your opponent driver's space/line..they are not brakes or guard rails.
2.) Know when you have lost the position when approaching these sections, and be considerate enough to back out to avoid the risk of incidents. This series will continue to induce some very close quarters racing, and one slow up, or mistake could result in yourself, both, or many drivers losing position....don't be that guy. If both drivers are dead on, side by side, proceed with caution, and hold your lines. Just be warned that attempting to go side by side in these sections cleanly will slow both of you down and almost guarantee a loss of position(s) from other attacking drivers. BE CAREFUL and AVOID CONTACT

3.) See this
Event Details Link, and review for driver specs, race details, and allowable track boundaries for Daytona.
Final Reminders:
-Please be sure that everyone is on a wired connection to their PS5
(in any way possible)
-Clear cache before entering the race room
Lets try to do the best we can to reduce the jitters within the lobby.
Any drivers that are noted or noticed to create continuous issues will be asked to retire for the event.
NOVA-0479 /
@llNovall (#4) -
confirmed 1
2. Sand_68 /
@socalnatv (#68) -
confirmed 2
3. tyro_2004_2004 /
@Tyro (#40)
4. Ice Warden /
@IceWarden (#22)
5. DucatiRobb /
@Bologna_Duc (#88) -
reported absent
6. Phlano_099 /
@Phlano099 (#99) -
confirmed 9
7. Rauljimenez76 /
@Noob01_lmdead (#12) -
confirmed 3
8. Nyati_Jumapili /
@Nyati_Jumapil (#31) -
confirmed 4
9. AKZL298 /
@Akzl298 (#298)
10. saber_stance /
@Saber_stance (#25)
11. kgffty /
@Kgffy (#84) -
confirmed 5
12. IforceV8 /
@IforceV8 (#36)
13. SRT_Guido /
@GTP_Guido (#69)
14. Sandite5 /
@Sandite5 (#19)
15. TooBadIts_A_KIA /
@johnnypaws (#76)
16. fudman420 /
@Fudman420 (#42) -
confirmed 6
17. rsrgse /
@rsrgse (#7)
18. R1600Turbo / @R1600Turbo (#62) -
reported absent
19. MrDonovan /
@MrDonovan (#27) -
reported absent
@Chris Kelley (#3) -
confirmed 7
21. Dioready /
@AColon (#21)
22. JDMKing13 /
@JDMKING13 (#9) -
50/50 maybe (birthday weekend)
23. GTP_Worstdriver /
@Worst_Driver (#13) -
confirmed 8
24. gutterbutter369 /
@bmkpriest (#39)