*Complete* SNAIL Michelin Pilot Challenge, "PS5 Users ONLY",GS/GT4 Monthly Series, Congrat's to Rauljimenez76 for the Championship!!

  • Thread starter llNovall
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Firstly I would like to apologize to everyone for being an annoyance at times when it came to how slow my car was, but that's really partly my fault for sweeping Daytona. There's an ideal way to run this series and it's not winning any races until the end of the season. 😅 That last round for me was trying to qualify as high as I could and defend that position to the best of my ability. Being 5-10mph down on the straight didn't help. After 17 laps of 12/10 driving in the first race, I just couldn't hold a big enough gap to Fud and he stole 4th right at the line with his rocket ship. 😂

Second race was just pure luck on my end with a few of the front runners having issues. When, I think it was War, had an issue behind me and that created a 5+ second gap, I had a sigh of relief and settled in to track down the leaders. Was able to catch @Noob01_lmdead and pull away, and then @Phlano099 made a mistake fighting @llNovall for the lead so I took that gift. Tried my hardest to catch @llNovall which I was mostly able to do but by the time I got there my tires were cooked and I couldn't do anything with it.

Missing the Blue Moon round killed my championship chances but it is what it is. Not disappointed with 4th. For now I will be skipping on the GT3 series to concentrate on running my own league on Sundays. (If anyone is interested in racing 134hp Miatas on Sundays at 12pm EST, message me on PSN ;) )
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Post Race Report and Scoring
Event #8 at Interlagos

What a season!! Our final event saw some awesome battles across the field. I had quite a chase on @Bologna_Duc and @socalnatv in Race 1, had a battle that didn't seem to quit with @Phlano099 in Race 2, and ended up having to barely outrun @CodeRedR51 (R1600Turbo) to the finish line. For me, this was probably my best event of the season. Please feel free to share any battles or contests that you may have had for this event.

Minimal lag/jittering was present across the field, and was overall very predictable.

Now for Scoring:
Congratulations to NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
on the Overall Win on the night and my first for the season!!...Finally. :cheers:

Also, Congratulations to our Top 3 Overall:
1st: NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2nd: DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
3rd: R1600Turbo / @CodeRedR51 (#62)

Link>>> Driver Award Decals and links


Race 1 and 2 Replay Broadcasts
Race 1 broadcasted by @Noob01_lmdead /Raul

Next Event:
Season Is Complete!!

Congratulations to our Season Winner by Tiebreaker:
@Noob01_lmdead /Raul

Great job and consistency over the course of the season to take the Championship. :cheers:

And to our Top 3 Overall after any deductions:
1st Place Overall: @Noob01_lmdead / Raul
2nd Place Overall: @socalnatv / Sand_68

3rd Place Overall: @CodeRedR51 / R1600Turbo

Great racing everyone. Looking forward to our next series, SNAIL Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge - 2024
Have a look at the series link and please sign up if interested.

Lastly, all drivers who have won a race or won overall on an event, please see the Driver Profile page link. If you have checkered flag(s) or track map in your profile picture, be sure to add those decals shown. Please add the necessary decals to your driver side 1/4 window or in that area on the body.

Link>>> Driver Profile Page
Link>>> Driver Award Decals and links
Driver Profile Page will be updated to reflect final award updates, and a Trophy decal will be sourced for Raul to apply to his race car from the season and applied to his driver profile.

Hope to see most of you guys for our next series with the Porsches starting in mid-December.
NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2. Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
3. tyro_2004_2004 / @Tyro (#40)
4. Ice Warden / @IceWarden (#22)
5. DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
6. Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
7. Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
8. Nyati_Jumapili / @Nyati_Jumapil (#31)
9. AKZL298 / @Akzl298 (#298)
10. saber_stance / @Saber_stance (#25)
11. kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
12. IforceV8 / @IforceV8 (#36)
13. SRT_Guido / @GTP_Guido (#69)
14. Sandite5 / @Sandite5 (#19)
15. TooBadIts_A_KIA / @johnnypaws (#76)
16. fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
17. rsrgse / @rsrgse (#7)
18. R1600Turbo / @R1600Turbo (#62)
19. MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#27)
20. xWARMACHINE84x/ @Chris Kelley (#3)
21. Dioready / @AColon (#21)
22. JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
23. GTP_Worstdriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
24. gutterbutter369 / @bmkpriest (#39)
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All Drivers, please see the driver profile page.

Any drivers with "checkered flag" decals represent race wins, any drivers with "Track Map" decals won that event overall. Please feel free to update your liveries with these awarded decals.
I did want to give an "Honorable Mention" to @Fudman420 for allowing the series success penalty system to evolve and having the patience to forge thru the early races of the season. As the season progressed, his driver regs and pace blended with the field, and he became quite competitive in the latter events of this championship ending the season at a very respectable 8th place. Great job sir!! and thank you for letting the system work.
Great Season to ALL drivers who participated, and especially those that stayed with it to the end.

Now onto the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge 2024. An FYI to any drivers that were turned off by the intensive tuning required of the Michelin Series and not having driver balancing at the onset: This upcoming Porsche series will be better. The 992 Porsche we are using does not allow for any aero adjustments, and we are restricting the transmission to only the Close Ratio-High option for the season which also does not afford nay adjustments. The only areas for tuning will be within the suspension and differential. Also, we are running time trials, pre-season, to establish more balance in pace across driver skillsets to start everyone more evenly. From there, success handicaps/concessions will be issued to balance even further. This should help the parity even further than the Michelin series afforded. We are currently at 16 drivers and I am hoping to build the roster past 20, if we can, to ensure the best grids possible. Again, this series will be set up on a "first to confirm attending" basis. And finally, we will be allowing teams of up to 4 drivers to race for team points...2 highest scoring drivers of the team will be used for the team score.
I hope some of you that fell off the roster toward the mid season of the Michelin series will consider giving the Porsche series a go, and to those who have signed up, I am looking forward to racing in our version of the new 992 Porsche GT3 Cup car. For those yet to sign up, see the link below and folow th esign up intructions in the 1st Post.

1. NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2. Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
3. tyro_2004_2004 / @Tyro (#40)
4. Ice Warden / @IceWarden (#22)
5. DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
6. Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
7. Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
8. Nyati_Jumapili / @Nyati_Jumapil (#31)
9. AKZL298 / @Akzl298 (#298)
10. saber_stance / @Saber_stance (#25)
11. kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
12. IforceV8 / @IforceV8 (#36)
13. SRT_Guido / @GTP_Guido (#69)
14. Sandite5 / @Sandite5 (#19)
15. TooBadIts_A_KIA / @johnnypaws (#76)
16. fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
17. rsrgse / @rsrgse (#7)
18. R1600Turbo / @CodeRedR51 (#62)
19. MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#27)
20. xWARMACHINE84x/ @Chris Kelley (#3)
21. Dioready / @AColon (#21)
22. JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
23. GTP_Worstdriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
24. gutterbutter369 / @bmkpriest (#39)
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