*Complete* SNAIL Michelin Pilot Challenge, "PS5 Users ONLY",GS/GT4 Monthly Series, Congrat's to Rauljimenez76 for the Championship!!

  • Thread starter llNovall
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Hey hey guys, unfortunately can’t make Blue Moon Bay.

Have fun out there & stay off the walls… 👌🐬
My isp dropped war. Hopefully it will.come back soon.
It's back up, going to reopen a lobby for a bit.
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No spoilers for the race here, but, I'm curious what you all think about the track limits issue in F1? I wish they would use our rules where you can over if the curb is "part" of the corner. Seeing laps deleted while cars are fractions over the white line but still on the curb is frustrating and really kills the momentum that builds over the session.
I think it was pietro fittapaldi who was saying if they don't want the drivers out there put in gravel traps. It puts the driver in a completely different head space for that corner.
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Happy Bathurst Day, everyone 🇦🇺

Hope you guys have some way of watching the race. I’ve got it on every screen in the house 🤷🏻‍♂️👌
No spoilers for the race here, but, I'm curious what you all think about the track limits issue in F1? I wish they would use our rules where you can over if the curb is "part" of the corner. Seeing laps deleted while cars are fractions over the white line but still on the curb is frustrating and really kills the momentum that builds over the session.
I think it was pietro fittapaldi who was saying if they don't want the drivers out there put in gravel traps. It puts the driver in a completely different head space for that corner.
I think maybe Calvin Fish also said something like that. Something about if they don't want the drivers to go over a certain limit, just put grass there at that point. I think there may be a safety issue with doing that....not sure.

But to your point, if they did use the end of the curb as the limit, wouldn't the same thing be happening, just moved to the outside of the curbing? The drivers are going to use every inch of the track, and always push right to the edge....so instead of them pushing until they are just a little past the white line, then they would be pushing until they are just past the curbing and still getting those laps deleted.
Maybe it's just safer to have them pushing to the white boundary line instead of a curbing edge right up against grass or gravel.....🤷‍♂️
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I think maybe Calvin Fish also said something like that. Something about if they don't want the drivers to go over a certain limit, just put grass there at that point. I think there may be a safety issue with doing that....not sure.

But to your point, if they did use the end of the curb as the limit, wouldn't the same thing be happening, just moved to the outside of the curbing? The drivers are going to use every inch of the track, and always push right to the edge....so instead of them pushing until they are just a little past the white line, then they would be pushing until they are just past the curbing and still getting those laps deleted.
Maybe it's just safer to have them pushing to the white boundary line instead of a curbing edge right up against grass or gravel.....🤷‍♂️
I think on this particular track there were large drop offs that may hurt the bottom of the car. You have a good point for a track like t1 at COTA.
I think on this particular track there were large drop offs that may hurt the bottom of the car. You have a good point for a track like t1 at COTA.
Yeah, could be track dependent also. I haven't watched this particular race, but just thinking of past F1 events.
Second AutoX event attended this season. I run in the CAM T Class (Contemporary American Muscle for up to model ranges that started prior to year 2000). This class usually has a mix of prepped and street cars regulated to 200 treadware rating or higher and min weight requirements. Typically the prepped cars steal the show and the top spots in class, and us street cars are left fighting for the best of the rest. Somehow, the stars aligned, and only lightly modified street cars were in class for the day...9 of us. Had a slow start to the day with my first run time not being recorded and going off course, then got it together to have a competitive back and forth with a 3rd Gen Camaro. Managed to take the class by 3 tenths on the final run. One of the most fun events I can remember.
Final/Best Lap In Car
3rd Run, Spectator Video
Screenshot_20231008_144725_Samsung Internet~2.jpg
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I noticed some glitching last night with the West Coasters. Raul can’t join my rooms either. It could’ve just been where I joined Raul’s room, I’m not sure. I know Sand Glitched so bad it freaked me out. Put me off in the grass there at the first hair pin after turn 3. Other than that it wasn’t horrible. Just here and there. That one just happened when we were all in a cluster. I made a move on Sand to out brake him into the hair pin. He glitched, and it made me lock them up. Just an instinctive reaction. I wasn’t pretty. Lol
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Thats not good. I haven't been online since the update. What issues are happening?
This explains it better than I can.

My 2 cents would be since it is already planned and folks have scheduled around it, we still give it a try and if we decide there is lag almost everyone is in chat at that point to reschedule.
No spoilers for the race here, but, I'm curious what you all think about the track limits issue in F1? I wish they would use our rules where you can over if the curb is "part" of the corner. Seeing laps deleted while cars are fractions over the white line but still on the curb is frustrating and really kills the momentum that builds over the session.
I think it was pietro fittapaldi who was saying if they don't want the drivers out there put in gravel traps. It puts the driver in a completely different head space for that corner.
Imho @llNovall is being very generous to us mere mortals and it’s not toooo much different from IMSA. In my memory of all the races I’ve watched there are very few IMSA race penalties for track limits at least as compared to F1. 🤔

Official snail boundary rules are aligned with F1.

At Road Atlanta using Nova boundary rules at Turn 5 after the esses I was getting 0.3-4sec advantage over F1/snail. It matters. At F1 level Perez and others can do way better.
Imho @llNovall is being very generous to us mere mortals and it’s not toooo much different from IMSA. In my memory of all the races I’ve watched there are very few IMSA race penalties for track limits at least as compared to F1. 🤔

Official snail boundary rules are aligned with F1.

At Road Atlanta using Nova boundary rules at Turn 5 after the esses I was getting 0.3-4sec advantage over F1/snail. It matters. At F1 level Perez and others can do way better.
Maybe I'm reading it wrong but on the event details I thought it says white line is track boundary except where the curbing is present and then the curbing becomes boundary?
The f1 race had so many infringements all weekend for slightly over the white line but still on the curb. The cars were big enough to be completely on the curb but over the white line in spots.
Maybe I'm reading it wrong but on the event details I thought it says white line is track boundary except where the curbing is present and then the curbing becomes boundary?
The f1 race had so many infringements all weekend for slightly over the white line but still on the curb. The cars were big enough to be completely on the curb but over the white line in spots.
Alright, gonna jump in with my opinions on this matter. First off, @Fudman420 , you read this completely right. Where the white line separates boundaries without curbing, the white line is the boundary. Where the curbing is present, the curbing is then considered the track limit since it is considered track surface. I do believe I also included a disclaimer regarding specific exceptions that are to be clarified for each track. As @Bologna_Duc used Turn 5 at Road Atlanta, this is a perfect example of this type of exception.

Now, in regards to how I feel about F1 and track limits:
In sports car racing and especially IMSA, drivers of various skill levels make up the grid, and GT3 and GT4 cars are much more durable and can handle the extra abuse that the curbing places on the suspension and chassis. Hence why I think they give much more forgiveness to the track boundaries, despite the hi risk/hi reward of drivers stretching the limits. For us in the virtual reward, it's still hi risk/hi reward, but not dangerous...so, we allow it to go out even a little further only having to keep 2 wheels of the track surface (asphalt, curbing, etc) except where noted. IMSA even seems to allow breaches of track boundary when it seems that everyone is doing so and no advantages are being gained. Again, I do have to believe these allowances are a result of the various skill sets. Take a PRO driver in IMSA, and they could likely nail that corner right on the edge most times, where an AM driver will try, but not always get it right....IMSA seems to just let it be the line unless blatant or an advantage is gained.

Now F1, that is supposed to be the highest tier of motorsports. These drivers are paid millions of dollars to drive these fragile and state of the art machines at insane limits that others likely cannot or would not. With that noted, they should be expected to nail the track limit or face the deletion of a lap. Anything less than perfect at that level should not be excused. And, team bosses should be harder on the drivers in the attempt to preserve the cars in general. For me, drivers that can stretch the limits precisely and execute the perfect laps, within the track limit rules, are the ones deserving of a seat at an F1 World Challenge level. If not, maybe their talent is not enough for that level of racing. Must be held to the highest standard.
Alright, gonna jump in with my opinions on this matter. First off, @Fudman420 , you read this completely right. Where the white line separates boundaries without curbing, the white line is the boundary. Where the curbing is present, the curbing is then considered the track limit since it is considered track surface. I do believe I also included a disclaimer regarding specific exceptions that are to be clarified for each track. As @Bologna_Duc used Turn 5 at Road Atlanta, this is a perfect example of this type of exception.

Now, in regards to how I feel about F1 and track limits:
In sports car racing and especially IMSA, drivers of various skill levels make up the grid, and GT3 and GT4 cars are much more durable and can handle the extra abuse that the curbing places on the suspension and chassis. Hence why I think they give much more forgiveness to the track boundaries, despite the hi risk/hi reward of drivers stretching the limits. For us in the virtual reward, it's still hi risk/hi reward, but not dangerous...so, we allow it to go out even a little further only having to keep 2 wheels of the track surface (asphalt, curbing, etc) except where noted. IMSA even seems to allow breaches of track boundary when it seems that everyone is doing so and no advantages are being gained. Again, I do have to believe these allowances are a result of the various skill sets. Take a PRO driver in IMSA, and they could likely nail that corner right on the edge most times, where an AM driver will try, but not always get it right....IMSA seems to just let it be the line unless blatant or an advantage is gained.

Now F1, that is supposed to be the highest tier of motorsports. These drivers are paid millions of dollars to drive these fragile and state of the art machines at insane limits that others likely cannot or would not. With that noted, they should be expected to nail the track limit or face the deletion of a lap. Anything less than perfect at that level should not be excused. And, team bosses should be harder on the drivers in the attempt to preserve the cars in general. For me, drivers that can stretch the limits precisely and execute the perfect laps, within the track limit rules, are the ones deserving of a seat at an F1 World Challenge level. If not, maybe their talent is not enough for that level of racing. Must be held to the highest standard.
Perfectly explained. Well, you have the risk of injury also. Who was is that caught a tire to the head? I can’t remember. Barachelo?
They start jumping curbing and all that, pieces and parts start flying off. They went through that spell where they got rid of a bunch of tracks considered not up to safety standards.
Practice tonight from 8-11 Eastern. For all who dare to challenge a 370 hp Camaro with a mad man behind the wheel. Lol
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Decision Time for all drivers confirmed for this Friday:
We are currently at only 9 drivers confirmed as attending and 3 drivers confirmed as absent with little to no communication from the remainder of the 24 driver roster. I know many have practiced on the lead up to this Friday, but who would be available and willing to move the race date week out to Oct. 20th? Assuming those confirmed are good on that date as well, my hope is that we might be able to pull in Duc, Donovan, and Worstdriver to get up to 12 drivers on grid, and possibly Phlano and 1 or 2 more to round out a stronger grid. Also, this could afford some time for PD to possibly afford a Hot Fix for some of the Lobby issues that have been reported (wishful thinking...I know).

Please respond: Race >or< Postpone and confirmed for new date
1. NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2. Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
3. tyro_2004_2004 / @Tyro (#40)
4. Ice Warden / @IceWarden (#22)
5. DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
6. Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
7. Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
8. Nyati_Jumapili / @Nyati_Jumapil (#31)
9. AKZL298 / @Akzl298 (#298)
10. saber_stance / @Saber_stance (#25)
11. kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
12. IforceV8 / @IforceV8 (#36)
13. SRT_Guido / @GTP_Guido (#69)
14. Sandite5 / @Sandite5 (#19)
15. TooBadIts_A_KIA / @johnnypaws (#76)
16. fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
17. rsrgse / @rsrgse (#7)
18. R1600Turbo / @CodeRedR51 (#62)
19. MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#27)
20. xWARMACHINE84x/ @Chris Kelley (#3)
21. Dioready / @AColon (#21)
22. JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
23. GTP_Worstdriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
24. gutterbutter369 / @bmkpriest (#39)
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