SNAIL Race of Champions

  • Thread starter Rednose58
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ROC September 9, 2016 @ 9:30 PM Eastern Time

Driver Status

Confirmed Drivers:

@singlepaddy, @Ph1sher, @TomMang_68, @GTLehman, @OscarMorales, , @Die_Birdy_Die, @src_ej6, @turnupdaheat, @TBongX, @Kgffy, @pubason, @socalnatv, @racingchamp30

If all of the drivers above show up there will be one place left. That place will be available to the list below

Additional drivers in order of Priority:

@cliff eden,
@Grandpa Money,

All confirmed drivers and Ricky_Blayz, please show up before 9:30 PM Eastern Time. I will make a post by 9:30 PM to indicate how many spaces are available. Please join before 9:35 PM. First race will start at 9:36 PM. We will back out for a late comer only when there are less than one lap completed.

I will open the room by 9:00 PM Eastern time.
9:00 - 9:10 Combo 1 free practice
9:11 - 9:20 Combo 2 free practice
9:20 - 9:30 Combo 3 free practice
9:30 - 9:35 Reset to Combo 1 and driver line up (no hot laps or practice)

If the confirmed drivers show up, here is the preliminary delayed start times


There is a problem with Tbong's time for the last combo. I'll fix it before tonight. He will hate to sit for 19 minutes before he can start. I doubt if he will notice that by the time we come to the third combo though :lol:
All data was done. However, if you didn't race the combo then your time will default to the fastest for the division you competed in.

I think it would make a little more sense that it defaults to the fastest lap of the division aheads racer that is actually racing in the ROC event. Not the fastest time of a guy that randomly ran a good lap and didn't qualify for the ROC. I don't know if it's the case this time but last time we were all defaulted way behind any of the D1s racing. Seems not right
ROC September 9, 2016 @ 9:30 PM Eastern Time

Driver Status
View attachment 583959
Confirmed Drivers:

@singlepaddy, @Ph1sher, @TomMang_68, @GTLehman, @OscarMorales, , @Die_Birdy_Die, @src_ej6, @turnupdaheat, @TBongX, @Kgffy, @pubason, @socalnatv, @racingchamp30

If all of the drivers above show up there will be one place left. That place will be available to the list below

Additional drivers in order of Priority:

@cliff eden,
@Grandpa Money,

All confirmed drivers and Ricky_Blayz, please show up before 9:30 PM Eastern Time. I will make a post by 9:30 PM to indicate how many spaces are available. Please join before 9:35 PM. First race will start at 9:36 PM. We will back out for a late comer only when there are less than one lap completed.

I will open the room by 9:00 PM Eastern time.
9:00 - 9:10 Combo 1 free practice
9:11 - 9:20 Combo 2 free practice
9:20 - 9:30 Combo 3 free practice
9:30 - 9:35 Reset to Combo 1 and driver line up (no hot laps or practice)

If the confirmed drivers show up, here is the preliminary delayed start times

View attachment 583992

There is a problem with Tbong's time for the last combo. I'll fix it before tonight. He will hate to sit for 19 minutes before he can start. I doubt if he will notice that by the time we come to the third combo though :lol:

Just as a side note - I am on call until about 10PM Eastern. There is a 90% I will be able to race today no problem, but if I get paged out before 9:30 I will post here. @Ricky_Blayz
I think it would make a little more sense that it defaults to the fastest lap of the division aheads racer that is actually racing in the ROC event. Not the fastest time of a guy that randomly ran a good lap and didn't qualify for the ROC. I don't know if it's the case this time but last time we were all defaulted way behind any of the D1s racing. Seems not right
The problem was that no data for the entire season for the division was entered and it defaulted to the fastest times of the next division. Unfortunately for those guys Acidtestkids was still active. This month is good and it looks like there is a better spread. The whole thing is automated by a smart programmer (@msgt-sd ) and I only press buttons to run the scripts. I can do manual adjustments here and there.

Hopefully we will have closer racing this time - Actually this is not supposed to be close racing throughout. The racer who runs constantly clean laps will be rewarded at the end - the satisfaction is to see how the leaders lead is shrinking and you realize you are racing against the clock for 90% of the race until you catch up to the guy in front of you.
I'm a sorry for short notice but cannot make it tonight. I was hoping my migraine headache would subside but I don't think it's going to happen. So I would rather open up a spot than having to bail out during the race..

Have fun everyone..
I wanted to extract some data, but for some reason I can't fast forward the replays. I don't want to sit for another 20 minutes and wait for the replay to finish.....:(
My first race was fine ,but during the second race I was disconnected .The third race was worse because cars were flying around and passing at incredible pace so I just pulled over found a open space at the back and cruised around .Thinking back now I should have just backed out if I caused any problems I am truly sorry was not thinking sorry will jump out next time was not sure what to do .With that said THANK YOU @Rednose58 and @racingchamp30 was fun when I did get to race .
THANK YOU ALL and sorry if I caused any problems

ROC for September 2016 Season is here:
Friday October 7, 2016 at 9:30 PM Eastern Time
Rules and regulations : Here
If you are on this list, then please click on link to the REGISTRATION FORM to indicate your availability. (You have to click on the "Yes" (Confirm) or the "No" (Cancel) option. If your situation changes, you can come back and enter the change. Form closes at noon on Friday August 5.

If you fall in the 15-25 section (reserve drivers) you still have to register. Since you are a reserve driver you will be added to the list if the first 14 drivers can not make it all.

You can come back from time to time and click on the Latest Driver Status to see where you are on the list.

Automatic Qualifiers (Please respond before deadline)
@MajorBlixem, @lllTrick, @Whitey093, @socalnatv, @GTLehman, @Ricky_Blayz, @Die_Birdy_Die, @OscarMorales, @pubason, @pakicote, @Raw10_2u, @Kgffy, @TBongX, @Grandpa Money

Reserve Drivers: (Spots are only available if the above drivers are not all available)
@WSK96, @Xradkins, @racingchamp30, @TEX36, @Rednose58, @Ph1sher, @singlepaddy, @turnupdaheat, @Beastmodep, @Vegasracer, @JamCar0ne
Can we get 2 volunteers to be stewards for Friday night's race?

You can't race and be steward at the same time.
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