SNAIL Race of Champions

  • Thread starter Rednose58
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ROC Oct 2016 results.jpg

ROC for November 2016 Season is here:
Friday December 2, 2016 at 9:30 PM Eastern Time

Rules and regulations : Here
If you are on this list below, then please click on link to the REGISTRATION FORM to indicate your availability. (You have to click on the "Yes" (Confirm) or the "No" (Cancel) option. If your situation changes, you can come back and enter the change. Form closes at noon on Friday December 2, 2016

If you fall in the 15-24 section (reserve drivers) you still have to register. Since you are a reserve driver you will be added to the list if some of the first 14 drivers can not make it all.

You can come back from time to time and click on the Latest Driver Status to see where you are on the list.




Automatic Qualifiers:
@Rednose58, @TEX36, @src_ej6, @MajorBlixem, @Beastmodep, @MikeGrove, @Vegasracer, @brian540, @msgt-sd, @pubason, @Kgffy, @WIDEeyedDRIVR, @Alexrider007, @socalnatv

Reserve Drivers:
@Engmatic1, @luke norris, @TBongX, @Whitey093, @vsfit, @Nicktune, @turnupdaheat, @singlepaddy, @VetteVillain, @MSgtGunny

For Info:
@TomMang_68 , @Die_Birdy_Die , @Ph1sher
I'll confirm if I can livestream this race later this week along with commentary. I should be able too but gotta confirm later this week. it'll be nice just watching the race for a roc event :)
Update on registration for ROC on Friday December 2, 2016 at 9:30 PM Eastern Time

At 2:30 PM Mountain Time: The following automatic qualifiers responded “Yes” and their spots are confirmed:

@Rednose58 @msgt-sd @pubason @socalnatv @luke norris @TBongX (Luke and Tbong moved up because three drivers indicated they are not available)​

The following drivers responded “Yes”, but are still on the reserve list because of the pending automatic qualifiers that still have to respond:

We are still awaiting the response from the following automatic qualifiers. (The REGISTRATION FORM closes at noon EST on Friday December 2). Please respond with a “No” if you are not available so that we can give more certainty to the reserve drivers who indicated they are available. If you do not respond by the deadline, then the first 14 drivers that responded “Yes” will be confirmed and you will move down the priority list. If there are less than 14 drivers we will allow non-responders to enter the room on a first-come-first-serve basis.

@src_ej6 @Beastmodep @MikeGrove @Vegasracer @Kgffy @WIDEeyedDRIVR @Alexrider007 @Engmatic1 (Engmatic moved up because three drivers indicated that they are not available)​

The following reserve drivers have not responded yet. Your best chance to get in the races is to respond “Yes” if you are available on Friday. However, your place cannot be guaranteed because there is only room for 14 drivers on race night.

Three drivers indicated that they are not available on Friday night – thank you for responding.



Stewart: @Die_Birdy_Die
Live Streamer: @Ph1sher

Host: Rednose58 Backup host: Die-Birdy_Die
Race of Champions - Tonight's Program
December 2, 2016 @ 9:30 PM Eastern Time

HOSTED by @Rednose58

Driver Status (Registration form is now closed)

Stewart and back-up host: @Die_Birdy_Die
Live streamer and stewart: @Ph1sher
Please join asap so that you are on top​

Confirmed Drivers (11):

Additional Drivers - See IMPORTANT instructions below:


All confirmed drivers, please show up before 9:30 PM Eastern Time. Rednose58 will be the host and he will make a post in this thread by 9:30 PM to indicate how many spaces are available (14 drivers max).

Additional drivers: Please join after the above post is made, but before 9:35 PM.​

Program / Schedule:
Rednose58 will open the room by 9:00 PM Eastern time.

9:00 - 9:10 Combo 1 free practice
9:11 - 9:20 Combo 2 free practice
9:20 - 9:30 Combo 3 free practice
9:30 - 9:35
Additional drivers can now join
Reset to Combo 1 and do manual driver line up (no hot laps or practice at this point)​

First race will start at 9:36 PM. We will back out for a late comer only when there are less than one lap completed. Otherwise, we will continue and the late comer can join up for the second race.
Preliminary Delayed Start Times
If all the confirmed drivers show up, here is the preliminary delayed start times: (hopefully you can see it.....) If you see inconsistency, let me know tonight and we'll fix it​


Drive clean, Drive hard and Have Fun!
Race of Champions - Tonight's Program
December 2, 2016 @ 9:30 PM Eastern Time

HOSTED by @Rednose58

I am sorry, but I will not be able to make the R.O.C., nor will I be able to race this Sunday. This will most likely be for next week also. My sister had surgery and I am helping her with the kids, because her husband has to work. SO, PLAY TAG ON THE TRACK AND WRECK SOME PEOPLE FOR ME. :-)
Thought I would be able to stream tonight but like usual something has popped up for me. sorry rednose. One of these times I hope to make it work
Thanks @Rednose58. Very cool results tables! I really like bars you made for the Start Delays and Gaps. Not sure I understand the "+/-" column to the right of the Start Delay column. What's that?
Thanks @Rednose58. Very cool results tables! I really like bars you made for the Start Delays and Gaps. Not sure I understand the "+/-" column to the right of the Start Delay column. What's that?

the +/-

Red is negative (places lost in the race) and orange is positive (places gained). The length of the bar represents the amount of places.

There is one error - you start position in Race 3 should be 7 instead of 8

The December 2016 RoC is here:
Friday, December 30, 2016 at 9:30 PM Eastern Time
Rules and regulations: Here



This season we are trying something new: all SNAILs who raced during the December season are eligible to register for the RoC! The top 14 drivers who register before the deadline are given priority on race night. Please click on the link to the REGISTRATION FORM to indicate your availability. You have to click on the "Yes" (Confirm) or the "No" (Cancel) option. If your situation changes you can come back and enter the change. The form closes at noon on Friday, December 30, 2016.

Wildcard/reserve drivers still have to register. You will be added to the list if some of the first 14 drivers can not make it. You can come back from time to time and click on the CURRENT DRIVER STATUS to see where you are on the list.

Driver Seeding


Note: The seeding is subject to change after the final Steward Summary is posted.



Top 14 Drivers (Automatic Qualifiers):

@TEX36, @turnupdaheat, @MajorBlixem, @Nicktune, @pubason, @nmcp1, @JLBowler, @src_ej6, @Alexrider007, @Kgffy, @singlepaddy, @msgt-sd, @TBongX, @TomMang_68

Next 14 Drivers (Wildcards):
@Ness, @WIDEeyedDRIVR, @Whitey093, @Adramike, @Ph1sher, @gulfvet67, @Rednose58, @JamCar0ne, @Grandpa Money, @cliff eden, @Raw10_2u, @oharagbr19, @OscarMorales, @Rob Brown

For Info:
@MajorBlixem, @Die_Birdy_Die, @TomMang_68, @Rednose58
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So far 10 drivers registered and all 10 can race. We still have 4 open spots left. Come on down! Don't miss out it's a lot of fun and the formula we use make even the "slower" guys competitive.

For those that don't know yet, the slower drivers get a headstart based on their lap time during the season. It's up the the fast guys and snailiens to see if they can catch them before the laps run out
So far 10 drivers registered and all 10 can race. We still have 4 open spots left. Come on down! Don't miss out it's a lot of fun and the formula we use make even the "slower" guys competitive.

For those that don't know yet, the slower drivers get a headstart based on their lap time during the season. It's up the the fast guys and snailiens to see if they can catch them before the laps run out
And I'm the steward! so keep it clean cause in the the RoC it's live stewarding :sly:
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