SNAIL Race of Champions

  • Thread starter Rednose58
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I'll try to have one open within the hour. Will edit this when I do

Edit: closed. Dont think anyone is on to practice right now. Maybe we can do a quick session before official practice tomorrow.
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Yeah only 12 people total have RSVP'd.

@Kgffy @src_ej6 @Rob Brown @Grandpa Money @Alexrider007 @singlepaddy @pubason @Gonzo23 @whatbadgerseat @keepitsteady @MSgtGunny @MikeGrove @gulfvet67 @chuyler1 @basswerks1 @GTLehman @turnupdaheat @DVD @TXAH606 @dwags222 @JJLopez427 @cliff eden @Realness @thorracing @Ness @Beastmodep @TomMang_68 @varga @DublDee @JLBowler @Ricky_Blayz @DesertPenguin09 @Xradkins @brian540

If you're tagged in this it means you're eligible for the Race of Champions tonight. Please go the registration form below and select "yes" if you plan on making it tonight, otherwise select "no". It will take you 10 seconds to do it. Thanks

Edit: looks like the registration form is closed. Post here if you intend on racing tonight


The February 2017 RoC is here:
Friday, March 10, 2017 at 9:30 PM Eastern Time
Rules and regulations: Here

Congrats to this season's champions! Welcome to the RoC. Registration is now open. All SNAILs who raced this season are eligible to register. The top 14 drivers who register before the deadline are given priority on race night. Please click on the link to the REGISTRATION FORM to indicate your availability. You have to click on the "Yes" (Confirm) or the "No" (Cancel) option. If your situation changes you can come back and enter the change. The form closes at noon on Friday, March 10, 2017.
Wildcard/reserve drivers still have to register. You will be added to the list if some of the first 14 drivers can not make it. You can come back from time to time and click on the CURRENT DRIVER STATUS to see where you are on the list.
Driver Seeding
View attachment 632384
View attachment 632385
Note: The seeding is subject to change once the final Steward Summary is posted.
View attachment 632388
(LOL, the laps on the Challenger is a little problamatic...)

I am sorry guys I wanted so much to race tonight ,I held out hopeing I would get feeling better . I am suffering out work but sure that is all I got in the tank . My spirit is there but the body is not willing ,sure I am missing a fun night with friends .
THANKS guys and sorry have a great time
@JLBowler is running the Friday night index racing series on the other nights.

Start the room by 9:00 pm and then by 9:30 let the people who are in the room vote if they want to run the ROC or not. Sometimes a few extras show up.

If it dies a natural death, we'll pull the plug until we move to the PS4 platform where we will hopefully get more members in the club.

So by the way, your time for Apricot Hill was fixed. Small data format input error.
@JLBowler is running the Friday night index racing series on the other nights.

Start the room by 9:00 pm and then by 9:30 let the people who are in the room vote if they want to run the ROC or not. Sometimes a few extras show up.

If it dies a natural death, we'll pull the plug until we move to the PS4 platform where we will hopefully get more members in the club.

So by the way, your time for Apricot Hill was fixed. Small data format input error.

I'd love tgo participate but tonight is bad. Hopefully it's not a natural death thing. I'm all for another night next week FWIW.
It might just be a slow week @Rednose58, we only had 8-10 people show up for practice last night.

We'll figure it out in the lobby tonight. I'm ok with running it tonight, tomorrow, next week whatever. With Index on Fridays maybe we can just move this to a different day of the week in the future instead of getting rid of it completely. I really enjoy these personally
Had fun tonight with a much better turnout than what I thought we would have earlier in the day. Lots of close racing in the final couple of laps, just like its meant to be. GR's.

And @Xradkins I have no idea what you were doing when we were lined up for R2 but it was a complete waste of everyone's time.
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