SNAIL - Survivor Series #4 - Next Event TBA

  • Thread starter SAMHAIN85
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Maybe it glitches out since theres so many tags. @Jordan would know. No big deal though - I also posted in the main thread so everyone should see it.
Preliminary Testing Begins

Dragon Trail Gardens

(SNAIL combo 5/16/18)
Chosen by @whatbadgerseat


(thanks @JamCar0ne and @Tecticles)

I have set a Target Lap Time we will try and shoot for. Everyone *should* be hitting this lap time (or within .250-.500) running 100% effort and no draft once Testing is complete. If you end up running 2 seconds faster than the target time with no draft on race night, something is seriously wrong.

I have come up with specific specs for you to test with, and I need you to run as many laps as you can until you feel like you've hit your optimal time. (Don't spend an hour running solo laps, 10-20 minutes should be a good amount of time for you to figure a "good" lap) We have already raced this combo - you should remember it pretty well.

Theres a handful of guys that have shown interest but did not participate when we ran this combo. Hopefully they can put a little extra time into it so I can get an accurate time from them.

I will PM you these specs with instructions. Since you dont know what our Target Time is yet, this should keep everyone honest.

This event is 16 days away. Try to get this done sometime before next week Wednesday 6/13

Once I hear back from the majority of you, we can then have an open discussion about the tuning/de-tuning, who needs adjustment, etc etc.
@BradESPN @spidermonkey @Mully465 @Raw10_2u @Oshawa-Joe @thracerviewr @FREEREVN @stelephant @TexasJDC @Tecticles @Nick Cannella @TomMang_68 @basswerks1 @JamCar0ne PM's sent shortly

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In the PM's I listed it as GR 3 and GR 4 on accident. Ill go back and edit it, but were using the ALFA ROMEO 4C GR 4 .

The sooner we get the testing done, the sooner we can adjust specs and test it with some mock races to make sure we've found the sweet spot for everone.

Also we will try to utilize all times of day on race night. We'll start the first race at the earliest time (6:00) and do the finale on the latest time setting.
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I didn't get tagged or a PM yet I am interested.

You've been known to show interest in an event and then completely jump ship. Since this requires a lot of individual fine tuning, itd be a waste of time just to have you bail out.

Are you actually interested in this and will you show up on race night?
Ok I'll come up with specs for you tonight that you can test.

If everyone that has shown interest so far shows up race night we'll have a full lobby. Since were still 2 weeks out, theres a chance more people will want to join. For our inaugural event the entries will be on a first come first serve basis.

While I like the idea of having a KO qualifier (20 people set qualifier times, but only the top 16 make the show. Remember, everyone should have an equal chance at pole position) it would be difficult to coordinate who leaves to make room for someone that hasnt set a qualifier time, who stays, etc.

Or what we can do is - lets say theres 19 people that want to race. The first 16 that join the lobby are locked into Heat 1. After Heat 1 the bottom 3 finishers are done and need to exit the lobby (multiple people will be streaming, so they can still watch)

The next 3 on stand-by can enter the room and start Heat 2 from the back. Then we just continue the night like normal.

A rough draft of how I see the night going, including the scenario above (based off 3 lap / 5ish minute races/heats:

Qualify 9:00-9:30EST
Grid Fastest First

Heat 1 9:30-9:35
16 entries
Top 13 survive (3 KO's)

Heat 2 9:40-9:45
16 entries (3 stand bys)
Top 13 survive (3 KO's)

Heat 3 9:47-9:52
13 entries
Top 10 survive (3 KO's)

Heat 4 9:54-9:59
10 entries
Top 7 survive (3 KO's)

Break 10:00-10:10

Heat 5 10:10-10:15
7 entries
Top 4 survive (3 KO's)

Heat 6 10:17-10:22
4 entries
2 survive (2 KO's)

FINALS 10:25-10:35 (we could increase laps if we wanted to)
1 winner (1 KO)
I am interested though I am not sure at this point if the 22nd of June is availiable for me. I will test and get the information back to you ASAP. Once I get the specs of course.
I'm already learning a few things about a series like this in the short time its been here as data rolls in. I'm really anxious to see how this all pans out.

Like with the ROC/Invitational, consistency will be key. If you make a mistake its going to be nearly impossible to catch back up if everyone in front of you keeps it smooth. Especially with only 3 lap races.

The majority of everyone has already got their times back to me. Thanks!

That only leaves us with @TomMang_68 @basswerks1
left. (Red cant 100% commit)

Check your PMs. You still have a few days, but the sooner the better.

Once I get your times I will post the spreadsheet I created so everyone can see where everyone sits. Then we can put it to the test and do some practice races.

Really hoping this turns out well
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Is it too late to sign up for this race?

No sir. I dont think you're in SNAIL are you? Since we wouldnt have any of your race data and since I have no idea how quick you are, we'll start you out at the stock setup and tweak hp/weight/tires from there. I will PM you.

Edit: This is just a one-off event branched from our main Sunday Series.If you're also interested in more of a full-time series Check us out here
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Do you know if you want to do timed races at five minutes or a set number of lap to equal around that?
Post #3 is updated with everyone's Time Trial


Thanks for getting it done so quickly everyone. From this point forward any new drivers like @Grandpa Money will be given specs here in the thread, as well as any tweaks to specs needed to be done to anyone. I wanted to do just the prelim testing blind since you guys would have no idea what time you're shooting for. I'm pretty happy with the results so far but some minor tweaks need to be made.

1:50.000 will be our "Target Time". This should be a time that you can comfortably run, not a lap you have to ace every sector in order to achieve. But I dont think anyone should be capable of running anything faster than lets say a 1:49.4xx. If you can hit that time without a draft, you need more weight in the seat or less hp. It goes without saying everyone should be putting 100% effort into these test laps. If someone isnt giving it their all during this time, they will be given inaccurate specs and be running much faster laps than the majority of everyone on race night. Half the fun of this is getting everyone evenly matched, please dont purposely try to game the system.

This sheet has been revised a few times which is why some of the %'s arent really uniform with eachother. As people started to submit their times I would alter other's specs who hadn't posted a time yet based on the submitted times since I had something to go off of.

The Test Time in parantheses is that person's Fastest lap. The 1:xx.xx's-1:xx.xx's is what they were consistently running.

For me I'm having a tough time hitting consistent times at Gardens. I dont know if its because its a new track or what, but I'm finding myself gaining time out of nowhere (and I already raced this combo 2 of 3 weeks and practiced plenty for it). I originally set my handicap at 89% power/110% weight on SH's. I was running 1:49.7's. Tonight I hopped on to test again and increased weight to 111%. I managed even quicker times. So I think the people just a hair over the 1:50.000 target time like @Raw10_2u @Neutty and @TomMang_68, we'll keep them at their respective handicaps and see if they slowly start to shave off a few hundredths the more they practice.

If anyone is around before Sunday racing tomorrow, or maybe Monday night, we can run some mock races and see what its like with so many differently modified cars on track. Tom and I ran a few laps earlier tonight and no one was really pulling away, it was awesome. He's on SM's while I'm on SH's and it was really interesting to see the gaps gradually build and then decrease throughout the lap in certain sections. On paper this seems like it should make for excellent close racing, but we wont know until we try it.

From top to bottom lets change everyone to the following new Specs. If you run some laps with them post your new times in here.

@Neutty No change
@spidermonkey HP: 91% Weight: 110% SH
@SAMHAIN85 HP: 89% Weight: 112% SH
@FREEREVN HP: 92% Weight: 110% SH
@Rednose58 No change
@BradESPN HP: 93% Weight: 109% SH
@thracerviewr HP: 93% Weight: 110% SH

@Mully465 HP: 90% Weight: 108% SM
@DesertPenguin HP: 90% Weight: 110% SM
@TomMang_68 No change
@Raw10_2u No change
@stelephant HP: 92% Weight: 106% SM
@Oshawa-Joe HP: 92% Weight: 105% SM
@Tecticles HP 94% Weight: 105% SM
@basswerks1 HP: 96% Weight: 103% SM
@JamCar0ne HP: 99% Weight: 101% SM

@TexasJDC HP: 99% Weight 100% SS
@Nick Cannella HP: 99% Weight: 101% SS

@Grandpa Money HP: 93% Weight: 109% SH
1:47.011 was your fastest lap average, but knowing how quick you are your test specs arent going to align with the chart. Try that on for size and let us know what kind of laps you are running.

For any new and future entries; its important to run these test laps in the same conditions as everyone else. See below:

Do not run laps in Time Trial/Arcade mode.

Create a Lobby > Use these Settings below:

Set Max Participants to 2 (you don't want a bunch of random people joining as you're trying to put down laps)

Track: Dragon Trail Gardens
Car: Alfa 4C GR4
HP: 295 Weight: 2249 Class: GR4
Time of Day: 6:30

Slip stream strength: real
Mechanical damage: light
Tire wear: 1x
Fuel consumption: 1x
Grip Red. On Wet Track / Track Edge: real
Tuning: Prohibited

Disclaimer: this is my first time every trying to organize something of this magnitude. I may not get it perfect but I will try my best

I'm also thinking that this might be a more suitable name for this event:


Let me know what you think
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Yeah I'm pretty happy with how its turned out so far. But if we do this again in the future I think it would make more sense to have the Target time be the average best lap time of ALL the average times, rather than setting the Target time be the slowest time of the group. I forgot that people can be given +HP and -Weight to increase performance and decrease lap times. That way we wouldn't need to make such drastic changes to hp/weight. Like I said I'm new to all of this
@SAMHAIN85 , Awesome stuff Brother! Thank you for the effort and time you have given to SNAIL for the benefit of our community in general.This looks like it may make it possible for all the divisions to participate on a more level playing field. I have a feeling this may lead to some interesting events in our future.:cheers::gtpflag:

PS: The name ROCKS!
@SAMHAIN85 The change didn't really change the stopwatch from what I would could tell. I did figure out where my 1:49.3 came from, the last sector almost every time. If I get the last sector right I gain .6-.7 secs. At the first two time gaps I am pretty consistent under a tenth between laps, then the last sector gets me.
So I've spent valuable combo time messing with this :)
@93 and 109 I averaged mid 151s with a best of 50.9
I bumped to 94 and 108.... And after a total of 30 laps I'm constantly 150.4..
That ought to work?
Never really found my stride with this combo, I like it.. It don't like me.
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