My mate told me that he is playing snooker with some friends
tonight, ahead of our crucial decider games tomorrow, so I decided to go back to the snooker hall at lunch time today and get a little more practice in. Again, I was blowing hot and cold, but I do think I am improving...
First exercise - set up a red midway between pink and black, then play consecutive shots on the red and black... I managed to pot 9 out of my 10 first shots, so I was really happy with that!!
Second exercise - red between black and pink again, this time place the white slightly further away and try potting the red at a slight angle into the corner pockets from both sides of the table. I missed
loads of these

This is what I call a 'bread and butter' shot - it looks like the easiest pot there is, but it's really quite hard and depends on the distance between the white and the red.
Final exercise - colours. I repeatedly missed the yellow yesterday, but today I got it on my second try, same with green, Then I managed to pot the remaining colours first time (not as a continuous break, however), but I was pretty happy with that given they were all fairly mid-difficulty.
I think my major issue is with aiming - I've tried adjusting my aim by aiming for a point on the back of the pocket, instead of aiming for the hole - sounds silly, but it seems to work. I'm also trying not to switch my focus between the cue ball, object ball and the hole - a few of my better shots I was just looking at the white while playing the shot; feels a bit weird, but I reckon that I need to pick my aim, set up the line, and then just focus on a clean shot and trust that I have the angle/aim correct; it seems to be delivering more pots than when I'm looking all over the place....
Snooker is a lot more tiring that I remember it being - after just one hour, I felt like I'd been at the gym