I didn't think there would be many boarders out there, but man was I wrong. Of course, GTP redefines your everyday forum everyday.
I personally snowboard and have been doing so for 10 years. I also have been teaching for 8 of those 10. I could give a pointer or two to those interested. My favorite place to go is definitely Whistler/Blackcomb. One area there, name 7th Heaven, is just that, HEAVEN!. The snow is a beautiful 3 foot powder, with an amazing silk texture to it. In a bowl out there, I hiked to it of course, I dropped off an 80 ft cliff, and so far that is the best I have ever done. I estimated the height using a protractor and a ruler, then used the law of sines to figure it out. I know that doesn't sound right. "Dude, just dropped off this killer cliff and then.... Mathmatically theorized it's estimated vertical displacement using Newton's law of Sines and a common tape measure and protractor." But, I'm odd, what can I say.