So. 100,000 per day.

  • Thread starter maxpontiac
Glad you agree. :-)

Not to rehash this, but I remember not so long ago thinking how awesome it was that you could run 24 hour races on GT4. My only beef was that it was sunny and dry the whole time. And what did they do? They fixed it. Same with saving your progress.

And also with the Italian exotics. I used to think "where are they?" PD delivered.

My feeling is they really do listen to their fan base and address the biggest issues and wishes they can. It's my impression that if they took care of every last whim we'd be waiting a long, long time between each release.

I think they should just charge for expansion packs and allow people to update when they're ready. Not sure how to iron out the details to accomplish this, but it's an idea.

I can give you a list of things fans have been complaining about for some time, a lot more important than Italian exotics and 24 hr I'd say PD is middle of the road at best in listening to the fanbase.
I used to love GT like you say sporkafife, but since I saw how PD decided to deal with modding I'm skeptical with them, and since details of GT6 have surfaced that love I had for them and their game is completely gone.

My feeling is they really do listen to their fan base and address the biggest issues and wishes they can.

Oh really. So where are the improved sounds, where is the reworked, competitive AI without rabbits, where is exciting racing in GT6? Where is the advanced customization like a livery editor or the part swaps that the community obviously wants, so much that they brake rules to access it? Do you really expect them to deliever this time?

Same one as here, here and here, I suspect.

I knew GT5 was going to sell well because I didn't put much stock into the small but very vocal minority and their complaints. Yes, some of the issues are significant but I knew it wouldn't really matter.

Of course it wouldn't matter for a game like Gran Turismo that can sell on its name alone. I doubt the majority that bought it were even aware of the most controversial flaws like standards cars. I still remember the first few days after release in the forum. "I bought a Veyron, why doesn't it have cockpit camera??!?"

It'd be really interesting to see what GT6 is going to sell in comparison. I suspect there will be a little more distrust this time around. Hell, I wouldn't even be surprised if it achieved half the numbers regardless of the game's quality.
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I've actually gone back to GT5P and found it better then GT5.

Still, despite the grinding it gives, GT5 is a good game to me:
Standard cars: I don't really care about it.
Engine sounds: Don't care about it either.

Well it is coming from a 3rd person view driver... :lol: