So are all of the 800+ cars in GTPSP, not going to be included in GT5?

  • Thread starter shenfrey
Yeah, but it's still silly:)

But I shouldn't complain, GT5 will be a fantastic game, even if it has 50 Skylines:bowdown:

Heck I want them all! Even tho each version varries by few HP from year to year.. Besides, Kaz mentioned that he wants all Ferraris to be in the GT games, so no complain there. Whatever he can, he will put most in the game.
All the cars in GTPSP are visually downgraded models from GT5. I remember that from an interview with KY. So that means all the cars in GTPSP are, or should be included in GT5.
I still believe that the GTPSP models are from GT4.

I don't want to drive an older B5 Audi RS4, when the current B7 model is out, and has been for a couple of years.
Doesn't make sense.
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The gtpsp car list is terrible, and I don't want those counting against the gt5 car count. If I want to drive a used car from 98-2004, I'll go down the street and just buy one.
So do it then instead of moaning and whining on here about it.
I still believe that the GTPSP models are from GT4.

I don't want to drive an older B5 Audi RS4, when the current B7 model is out, and has been for a couple of years.
Doesn't make sense.

I want the Audi S4 from 1998 to be in the game, because i saw it racing the BTCC and i would love to drive a road car that i somehow grew up with. I want the olter cars from the 80s and the 90s, because my father and other relatives had some of them when i started to be interested in cars. I had many toycars from that time and i allways emagined how awesome it would be to be able to drive/race them.
I also want to see the latest sports cars, but without the older used cars to begin your career with, GT5 would feel boring to me, just like Shift did after 3 weeks of constant driving and getting the platinum trophy. (the driving in shift was different, so hotlaping wasnt as much fun as in GT5 Prologue, which killed it for me pretty fast in combination with the low number of cars.)

Gran Turismo gave me the chance to do that!
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I want the olter cars from the 80s and the 90s, because my father and other relatives had some of them when i started to be interested in cars.

Same here, but I also want to drive the latest models that are available from a particular manufacturer.
So much hate...

I don't mind the many versions of each of those cars, good thing Polyphony goes the extra mile and put them instead of just placing a couple of them (good relationship with manufactures is good).

And let's keep it real, if GT5 featured only one model for each version (R32, R33, R34 and the GT-R) cutting the list down from 50 Skylines to just 4, the other 46 spots would not automatically be filled with different models from different automakers, ok?

Let's not lose focus here, I think the point of Gran Turismo was always the variety of vehicles not the quantity, but what can we do if both of those things keep appearing together in each GT version :P

By the way, people should be more worried about features and cars that may be exclusive for each territory (never got around to drive a Chaparral car nor got the chance to test said "Stage 5" turbo kit on GT4).
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In a recent interview, I think it was with IGN, Kaz said they were aiming for 1000 cars.

In the UK Playstation magazine, "The game contains over 950 cars, includuing - hippies rejoice - all the latest hybrid and electric models, plus you can link your Gran Turismo PSP to GT5 to transfer your unlocked vehicles."
I bought my first car (a Honda Integra) in the early '90s and I really loved the GT2 car list; what I liked best about it was how it showed the progression of models through the years, it really got me interested in Lotus, you can see how things developed from FR to MR, a new owner and a quick dabble in an under powered FF which was a failure then they were bought by Bugatti and went back to MR. You can see how the Power to Weight Ratio's improved over the years and the cars varied from road models to tuned and track models right up to the GT1 Race Cars which I thought were fantastic, and even in the Esprit how they refined the shape.

Elan S2 '64
Drive train : FR
Aspiration : N
Tuned min : 109hp
NA max : 210hp
Mod weight : 1291lb
Race weight : 1252lb
Dirt tire : available
P/W ratio : 5.96

Elan S4 Sprint '71
Drive train : FR
Aspiration : N
Tuned min : 131hp
NA max : 210hp
Mod weight : 1406lb
Race weight : 1362lb
P/W ratio : 6.49

Europa '74
Drive train : MR
Aspiration : N
Tuned min : 131hp
NA max : 236hp
Turbo max : 299hp
Mod weight : 1479lb
Race weight : 1432lb
P/W ratio : 4.79

Elan S2 '90
Drive train : FF
Aspiration : N
Tuned min : 139hp
NA max : 158hp
Turbo max : 233hp
Mod weight : 2021lb
Dirt tire : available
P/W ratio : 8.67

Elise '96
Drive train : MR
Aspiration : N
Tuned min : 128hp
NA max : 226hp
Turbo max : 262hp
Mod weight : 1397lb
Race weight : 1353lb
Dirt tire : available
P/W ratio : 5.16

Elise 135
Drive train : MR
Aspiration : N
Tuned min : 139hp
NA max : 212hp
Turbo max : 243hp
Mod weight : 1560lb
Race weight : 1512lb
Dirt tire : available
P/W ratio : 6.22

Elise 111S
Drive train : MR
Aspiration : N
Tuned min : 150hp
NA max : 219hp
Turbo max : 254hp
Mod weight : 1560lb
Race weight : 1512lb
Dirt tire : available
P/W ratio : 5.95

Elise 190
Drive train : MR
Aspiration : N
Tuned min : 197hp
NA max : 226hp
Turbo max : 263hp
Mod weight : 1358lb
Race weight : 1316lb
Dirt tire : available
P/W ratio : 5.00

Motorsport Elise
Drive train : MR
Aspiration : N
Tuned min : 211hp
NA max : 253hp
Turbo max : 328hp
Mod weight : 1419lb
Dirt tire : available
P/W ratio : 4.33

Elise GT1
Drive train : MR
Aspiration : T
Tuned min : 613hp
Turbo max : 613hp
Mod weight : 1825lb
Race weight : 1770lb
P/W ratio : 2.89

Esprit V8 GT
Drive train : MR
Aspiration : T
Tuned min : 365hp
Turbo max : 659hp
Mod weight : 2707lb
P/W ratio : 4.11

Esprit V8 SE
Drive train : MR
Aspiration : T
Tuned min : 365hp
Turbo max : 659hp
Mod weight : 2707lb
P/W ratio : 4.11

Esprit Sport 350
Drive train : MR
Aspiration : T
Tuned min : 365hp
Turbo max : 659hp
Mod weight : 2550lb
P/W ratio : 3.87

[R]Esprit GT1
Drive train : MR
Aspiration : T
Turbo max : 577hp
Race weight : 1984lb
P/W ratio : 3.44

I am disappointed that many of these and other historic cars have been dropped since GT2, as it's missing that developing history of cars feel in GT4 and GT PSP.
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