so-called free content is bogus

Is anyone else having this trouble? Perhaps it's just fumble fingers.

Gran Turismo TV Content

Some items are listed as free... for example

"Top Gear Channel Introduction Movie" and
"Gran Turismo All about Ferrari Episode 1"

I pick them.

Shown in the "View Your Cart", I see the two items. Price is clearly $0.00 each. Yet when exiting it says "There are no items available for your account."

I don't know what that means. "No Items available???" They're in the damn shopping cart. What about my account? Its status is irrelevant.
Do you get to the checkout payment part to "buy" the items. Because you still have to go through the stage of paying, although your not charged.

EDIT: Some people have had problems because they're details for their PSN account don't match the card details that are attached to it, even though the items are not chargeable.
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Even when I just go to the cart, my two items are still sitting there ready. Nice ot it to remember. I press the red "Check out".

I get a blurb that asks me to "Decline" or "Accept" "these items cane be viewed only by the purchasing (!!!!) user while logged in to... etc. I press "Accept"

Then get "please wait....". Then "There are no items available for you account.".

I'm not a purchasing user. Especially not for these particular items. When they're free to begin with.
But I think you still need Credit Card Saved on the GT5P account. Other then that in PS Store you don't need one if you have free stuff.
By the way, what account do you use it? Maybe you use a Side account on you're PS3 and it can't find the Credit card info?
I've downloaded plenty of free movie trailers and demo games form the Play Station store. They never asked for any credit card number as long as I choose free stuff. I don't know why Gran Turismo TV Content is being evil about it.
I've downloaded plenty of free movie trailers and demo games form the Play Station store. They never asked for any credit card number as long as I choose free stuff. I don't know why Gran Turismo TV Content is being evil about it.

You need a credit card registered to your account, even though the GT-TV stuff your trying to DL is free.
Alright. Thanks so much for the explanation. Something GT should have done with a simple blurb. Such as:

"We acknowledge your current items in the shopping cart are free of charge. But we want your credit card info anyhow so we reserve the right to charge you when we feel like it."
I don't have a credit card listed and was able to download the Top Gear one earlier. When you go to the checkout screen are you placing a "check mark" in the little box with the description of the download is? Where the little "red box" is.
I just changed my card details and I can't DL the free stuff. I managed to DL it OK before I changed my card details. It's got to be something to do with that.
"There are no items available for your account."

I got this message when I tried to download items listed as free on the day (Friday?) when the special 0.99 pricing ended. At that time, all video clips listed as I went to town and tagged everything to be added to my cart. On checkout, I received that very same message.

A couple of hours later, I checked back with GT-TV and all of the prices showed up correctly (not to mention the free clips you're trying to download were added...I added those and could checkout without any problem).

Perhaps your problem has something to do with the PlayStation Networking having been down. "Gran Turismo All about Ferrari Episode 1" is not if it is showing up as such, perhaps it is a glitch similar to the one I encountered last week. Try removing it from your cart and download just the "Top Gear Channel Introduction Movie".
As far as i know this can happen if your account location does not fit with your game location,
ie - a japanese psn account should go with a japanese version of the game, a european psn account should go with a pal version of the game and so on...
Hope this will help.
I don't have a credit card registered with my account as well (because I don't have one), and I was able to download the free stuff (also the videos that say you have to make a 0,00 Euro purchase) without any trouble. I just gave it a shot to see if it works, and just before the system asks you for your credit card data, it says you got the items.
I don't have a credit card registered with my account as well (because I don't have one), and I was able to download the free stuff (also the videos that say you have to make a 0,00 Euro purchase) without any trouble. I just gave it a shot to see if it works, and just before the system asks you for your credit card data, it says you got the items.

Thats strange because if my card details don't match my PSN account I can't DL free stuff from GT-TV??? It's not like the PSN store where you can DL loads of free stuff without a card. It must be a glitch of some kind.
As far as i know this can happen if your account location does not fit with your game location,
ie - a japanese psn account should go with a japanese version of the game, a european psn account should go with a pal version of the game and so on...
Hope this will help.

I got the same problem, i got a Pal version of the game & a american psn acc,
so i could download the free videos unless i had a european PSN ID, the game version & psn ID has to be of the same region for the video to download..
