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Originally posted by hanker
Damn you, dont tell me you just plugged the arteries of this great place we call Gt Planet with another useless post. What was the point in that post anyways please explain :odd:

Rumple quoted him, and then darklegion changed his mind, and claimed he hit the wrong button.


Darklegion gets mad very easily. I'm sure he has had his ass kicked innumerable time in school. Oh well.
Originally posted by Sage

And if my email inbox gets flooded with reported posts from you know who, I swear I'll kill both you and PR (and maybe Klos too, but there isn't a word for "three" like how "both" is for "two", so I had to cut it down to two people).


Originally posted by Rumple"I swear I will kill the trio of you, including that Quebec bastard PR". ;)

You're just mad at me because the Habs destroyed the Leaves Saturday night. :lol: Hottest team lately, I tell you.
Originally posted by darklegion_ca
I didn't change my mind at all and i'm not mad. Why does everyone think i'm allways mad?

The angry monkey does wonders. Add in the fact that you're easy to make fun of and equally easy a person to piss off
Originally posted by emad
The angry monkey does wonders.

Man did it ever! :lol:

That monkey with the angry face and feverishly pointing the finger "at someone else", completely summed up km's attitude and behaviour.

I'm glad someone else saw that the same way I did.
I'm sick of km, too. Yesterday I posted this (in response to the quoted statement) because he acts like what he thinks matters in the slightest, and it bothers me.

He reported me. Pfft. Baby.
So, another of Doug's threads gets hijacked and closed...

Darklegion_ca, you have to calm down. Stop taking everything so personally. Stop reporting every damn post!

Perhaps, if you thought about what you wrote before you wrote it, you may not get such aggravated replies. You complain about the replies you get, but you're completely unaware that you're causing those replies by coming out with meaningless sentences!

Go and read your first post in this thread again. What does it mean? How does it sound? Could you have put any less effort into that post?

Generally in life, you get back what you put in. You're getting fairly poorly treated by GTPlanet, and by a lot of the more senior, more respected, and more educated members. You might perhaps want to think about why this is happening. You seem to have little or no respect for GTPlanet. You're on your second warning of your second account. Due to an administrative oversight on my part, you are actually owed a warning for an offence in the motorsports forum.

So, time you went...
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