All by all it was a nice day yesterday except when a piece of food got stuck in my trachea.
Yesterday noon, I was eating vegetable soup when a piece of bay leave got stuck in my windpipe. I wasn't able to swallow and I could barely breathe. I felt the piece of leave cutting in my throat when I tried to swallow or breathe.
The first thing I thought about was the heimlich manoeuvre but I wasn't able to stand behind myself and put my arms around my chest
. My father was just standing there and doing nothing. He didn't know what was going on. I was lucky that I was able to get some air in my lungs and I started to cough very violantly, trying to emulate the effects of a heimlich manoeuvre. It was hurting a lot. I felt my head was swelling up.
I stayed very calm though and after a few minutes I got this piece of leave out of my windpipe. It was still a 'daring exploit' to get it out of my throat eventough it wasn't stuck in my windpipe anymore.
When I got it out, I got inside, sat at the table and eate my soup and the rest of lunch.
Afterwards I wasn't able to speak properly for a while. And my voice got hoarse.
Some time later I drank some pine juice and it was hurting. That's when I knew that I had injured my throat. It felt, and it still does, like I had a throat infection. It still does at the moment. My voice is still very hoarse. I guess it's going to take a while before I'm going to be able to sing like a female soprano again.
That piece of bay leave was as big as one Euro cent. Maybe that was my luck. Maybe it was too big to go down my trackea all the way. And because it was a leave, I was still able to get a little bit of air inside my lungs.
When I tried to breathe it felt the same as when I have an allergie (kind of astma) attack and my throath gets swollen. I haven't had an astma, allergie attack like that in yeaaaaars. My last attack was when I inhaled too much cigarte smoke at a party or was it when I was at a riding school, hence my allergie attack.