Originally posted by emad
here's all i'm gonna say because i got class in 20 minutes, and it's impossible to change a person's opinion too easily and i'm just not gonna bother trying against anyone. people have a tendency to be stubborn and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
That sounds a little like relative moralism to me. I cannot deny that freedom of thought and expression is a crucially important right. However, I feel that too often people mistake freedom of expression as a compensation for freedom of thought which they seldom use.
Originally posted by emad
you guys gotta start watching foreign news reports. if you did bother to watch, a good number of suicide bombings happened AFTER something drastic caused by Isreal. you would know that only if you were to watch both local and foreign (especially arab) news and to take both.
And that something drastic by Isreal is usually a strike against militants, which was in turn, caused by a suicide bombing or gunman attack. I don't need to watch Al Jazeera to conclude that there is a vicious cycle of violence occuring there.
Originally posted by emad
keep in mind that almost all news is propaganda in order to get people to change their minds on a topic and to support current government views. the only way u'll get the whole story is to see both sides of it since both sides overexaggerate everything. the thing here, is that censorship in the western world is too great and so the true extent of anything is never shown now is it?
Censorship in the western world is too great? Compared to Arab-Islamic media? Are you serious? Do you actually expect us to believe that the various state owned and run Arab-Islamic media companies, based in one of the most intellectually repressed societies in world, excersise more fairness and objectivity than western media outlets?
Give me break.👎
Originally posted by emad
i'm totally against the suicide bombings....but i can understand where the disparity to drive a person to that extent comes from. I'm also completely against Isreal's actions in Palistine. they have broken a good number of UN laws that they have agreed to comply by. this has been proven by numerous non profit organizations working towards humanitarian causes. .
This is the only thing I agree with. Israeli leadership has failed to take positive actions to end the stalemate. It has failed to curb new settlements and tightening security and putting up walls is not going to address the core issues. On the other hand, Palestinian leadership has failed equally. They have failed to hold militants to a ceasefire and have failed to unite on key issues. Its pathetic to see when two people who claim to want peace do nothing to achieve it.
Originally posted by emad
but the information has never been taken seriously or analysed thanks to media censorship by minimising exposure to it.
Media censorship can only occur when a government entity places restrictions on what it can tell the public. If the media is has no access to information, then it has nothing to tell, hence, not censorship. If the media has information, but chooses not to tell the public, its not censorship.
But the problem is not the media. The problem is that most other people in the world don't give a damn for the most part. Sure, people pay lip service when they need to and try to sound sanctiminious about it, but when the buck stops, no one is interested in fixing Isreal and Palestine's problem.
If we really, really did want to help the situation, the entire occupied territories would be COVERED with UN peacekeepers from all different, neutral countries. Isreal would have aid and trade sanctions imposed on it not only from the United States, but from Europe and Asia too, until a formal declaration of peace has been signed, and a new Palestinian state is ratified.
So the biggest problem isn't that the two key players in the struggle aren't interested in doing what is nessessary for peace. The biggest problem is that
no one else seems to be either.