Originally posted by Timmotheus
Even celestial objects are affected by time. A sun burns more and more of its fuel as time passes, and, when the supply of deutrium is completely exhausted, ceases to exist as a star. Are stars alive? I think not.
The concept of time is defined by the personal views of the recipient of the question. Christian wackos believe that time os completely linear, and has a start, Genesis, and an end, Armageddon. The standard relativistic approach defines time as continuous, and has always existed, for matter has always existed, and, truthfully, matter and the paths and positions define time, not life. Some theories not so commonly accepted define time as somewhat cyclical, and claim that molecules created after the big bang "tunneled" back in time to create themselves. Space-time is usually represented by a helical graph, where, in an isometric projection, the x and y axes represent space, while the z axis represents time. This is called a world line.
So, as soon as you actually discover what your question is, you'll have your answer. The thread is already beginning to degenerate into an argument over the true nature of the question, and I expect it will continue upon that path. Most likely, the members of the forum will never reach a concrete agreement.