Some cars I designed using microsoft paint.

What car should i paint next, i cant make up my mind.

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Mate that's not bad, i have become a fan of this stuff after first seeing it on youtube. As some others have said i think you could make something amazing if you took alittle more time. For instance i have a link here of a porsche that took the guy 9 hours or something. Now thats dedication!

All the same dude your doing awesome work, it blew my mind the first time i saw one of these, as others i never thought of ms paint as anything other than drawing squares or stick figures.
These are great! 👍

I also love to do my own designs on MS Paint, so I can understand how hard it is to draw something properly :sly:

I've been working on one myself, and has gone through quite some changes:

This is the original one

And this is how it has ended up :dopey:

Waiting for your opinions on my design :nervous:
So zedextreme8177 mate, I actually like the ideas you have put in to build one good car. Basically the new one is a whole lot better. The front and rear looks great but the side is bothering me a bit. I actually much prefer the old side which is simpler and sleeker. The new rims is better to me.

Those are my opinion, I don't even know if I could design and draw a car on MS Paint but that's a very good try mate. Keep it up! 👍
No problem and yes, I forgot to mention the other day that the A-Pillar proportion is off by quite a margine. Good try, and perhaps you can fix it when you have the time ;)

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