Some rough notes about car settings

  • Thread starter eclipsee
Thank you very much for this amazing guide to tune the cars. Easy to understand and I finally feel that I can try to tune for myself with this schoolbookexample:)

You are most generous to share.
Thank you:)
:tup:Great write up Eclipsee, all my experience with tuning has shown similar findings regarding springs, bars, ride height having the reversed effect from real life etc. One thing I would add though is that, even though the springs/bars/dampers/ride height adjusting effects in GT5 act reversed from how they would in real life, I don't think they are actually reversed in the GT5 code as far as what they are doing to the car's suspension. Meaning increasing rear spring in GT5 does actually make the rear of the car stiffer- you can feel this over curbs etc. You can see in pics, raising the front ride height raises the front of the car. However I think the lacking GT5 tire model is what causes the spring/bar/height adjustments to have the opposite effect that they should compared to real life. The non linearities in weight vs lateral grip of a real tire are what cause real life tuning to work the way it does. The GT5 tire model seems to give more grip on the axle that has more weight transfer (opposite of real life) which makes the tuning adjustments work opposite of real life.

Would be great if they stickied your post in the tuning forum, its very good and seems much more accurate and up to date compared to the other stuff that is there now. I'm sure it will be helpful for others 👍
Very nice.👍

Extension: Higher front than rear means more over-steer on acceleration, lower front than rear means more under-steer on acceleration.
Compression: Exactly the same as above, but for deceleration. Keep in mind, this works in tandem with the BB and LSD, the best way to test is full lift entering turns, if it's over-steering, make the front lower or rear higher, and vice verse.
For example, the Alfa under-steered exiting corners for me, and over-steered entering corners. My shocks reached 10/1(to make it oversteer more exiting corners) 1/10 (To stop the over-steer entering corners)

You can use shocks to help with bumps, etc, but I've found them much more useful employed this way.
I use low ARB (anti-roll bar) settings if I need to cope with large bumps. I've found it more effective than shocks for this purpose, and it leaves the shocks to be used in my preferred method.
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Thank you eclipsee for sharing these notes
A lot of what I thought has been confirmed even though as you say the method is one that works in GT5 and not necessaraly in real life. What matters is it works in GT5 👍
Thank you eclipsee for sharing these notes
A lot of what I thought has been confirmed even though as you say the method is one that works in GT5 and not necessaraly in real life. What matters is it works in GT5 👍

Lexus 8 gears help hehe:dunce:
I'm really sorry to have to do this, but I have edited your first post to remove the Spanish version.

The first rule of the AUP is:

You will post all messages in English.

I'm really sorry to have to do this, but I have edited your first post to remove the Spanish version.

The first rule of the AUP is:

What's the problem Scaff? Have you anything against spanish language?
The text is already in english, I just translated it in spanish for spanish users that don't understand english, online translators are usually rubish.

What's wrong with that?
I'm really sorry to have to do this, but I have edited your first post to remove the Spanish version.

Surely if the entire post was in Spanish, there could be a case to answer - but it seems really harsh to remove the Spanish version which is underneath the English version - the post IS in English, primarily, I would argue.

With Jordan's blessing, I have restored eclipsee's original Spanish language translation.

I should note that Scaff was merely enforcing the site rules as expressed in the AUP, so don't blame him.

Please note that any discussion or follow up posts must still be in English.

Top job on the guide, eclipsee. 👍
What's the problem Scaff? Have you anything against spanish language?
The text is already in english, I just translated it in spanish for spanish users that don't understand english, online translators are usually rubish.

What's wrong with that?

Surely if the entire post was in Spanish, there could be a case to answer - but it seems really harsh to remove the Spanish version which is underneath the English version - the post IS in English, primarily, I would argue.


I have nothing against the Spanish language at all, or any language for that matter. However the first rule of the AUP is that all posts, and that does include parts of posts, must be in English.

Its the single language that every member of staff speaks, and as such means that it can be moderated.

As I said, I am sorry that I have had to do it, but the AUP is quite clear on this one.

Thank you Vaxen and thank you Jordan.

I understand that this is an English forum and all messages must be written in English, I encourage other people to transtate their messages to English if they aren't already in that language, as you can see in one of my posts in the first page.

I've written the Spanish version in order that more people understand it, since the first post is written in English and it is followed by a translation to Spanish of the same text, I thought that there wouldn't be any problem.

I can understand too that maybe that text in Spanish can lead to some replies in Spanish, this isn't my intention and if you want to lock this thread to prevent those supposed replies in Spanish it's fine with me.

I don't blame Scaff for doing his job, he applied the AUP right away but when there are intentions of altruism and good will, I can understand that the AUP can be bend in some cases and it shouldn't be so strict.
Hey Rob, some years ago I had in mind to get the "Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez" nick, but it was so long ... :dopey: ;)

BTW, I still have the X-Port here, in my historical museum showcase. :D 👍

Greetings mate. :cheers:
Hey Rob, some years ago I had in mind to get the "Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez" nick, but it was so long ... :dopey: ;)

BTW, I still have the X-Port here, in my historical museum showcase. :D 👍

Greetings mate. :cheers:
Hi mate, guess what!! I still have mine in it's box too 👍
starting on this game just now...Tks eclipsee, you just made my life much easier...very nice of you share your thoughts...Normally the faster drivers don't do that. Congratulations for the many first places you have, cheers
Hola Ramon hay una cosa que no entiendo y es en la relacion de marchas, no consigo ver la linea imaginaria despues de seguir tus pasos. Podrias explicarlo de otra manera. Muchas gracias y un saludo amigo.
These rough notes are written in English and Spanish for a better understanding in both languages, if you don't speak English and want to leave a reply, use an online transtator and I'll try to deal with that, but please, reply in English as explained in the AUP.

Estas notas a grandes rasgos están escritas en inglés y español para su mejor entendimiento en ambas lenguas, si no hablas inglés y quieres dejar una respuesta, utiliza un traductor online y yo intentaré lidiar con eso, pero por favor, responde en inglés tal como se explica en la política de uso aceptable.

I can understand too that maybe that text in Spanish can lead to some replies in Spanish, this isn't my intention and if you want to lock this thread to prevent those supposed replies in Spanish it's fine with me.

As I stated, can a moderator lock this thread please? I can't find the lock option.
As I stated, can a moderator lock this thread please? I can't find the lock option.

Yes, closing it now, and moving to the archive.

Unfortunately, your notes don't really apply across the board any longer, in light of the 2.08 update. Send me a PM if you want it moved back here for any updates. 👍