Some tips for newibe please.

  • Thread starter MaTeJ^
Well, I am newbie to PS2 and GT series (bought the ps2 in Snday). I noticed that i am verry bad player in the GT. My lap times are like 5-10 seconds worst as the times on: Do you have any driving tips for me or, I just must practice, practice and practice...

Well, I am newbie to PS2 and GT series (bought the ps2 in Snday). I noticed that i am verry bad player in the GT. My lap times are like 5-10 seconds worst as the times on: Do you have any driving tips for me or, I just must practice, practice and practice...


You said it yourself - Practice, Practice, Practice, Dinner, Practice, Practice, Practice, Sleep (may be left out), Practice etc. etc....

And you might consider moving this to the GT3 forum as it's association with GT4P is somewhat missing ;)

Cheers, And welcome...

Ohh.. Forgot... Read the AUP, the TOS and use the search button ;)
The lap times usually posted on the internet are made by people who have played the game a lot. Therefore you would be more correct in making a thread if you were driving faster than them not slower.
You said it yourself - Practice, Practice, Practice, Dinner, Practice, Practice, Practice, Sleep (may be left out), Practice etc. etc....

Its funny how blurry the image shown on the tv becomes after to little of that sleep-thing. :lol::lol:
Depends how much you're into driving. Any racing related sites with advice will help, cornering techniques, braking, weight transfer, learn all you can! You will notice one thisg though, the further doen the road you look the faster you can go. You'll have to force yourself to do it first, and it'll feel weird, but it'll come to you mate!
If you race against AI, you can change it in options menu. Normal difficulty level gives you 2 laps, hard 3 laps, and professional 5 laps.

And welcome to GTP! :cheers:
Just for a reference point:

After you've practiced and gotten better, you'll know you're good at the game when pro difficulty in GT4:P is a cakewalk.
I have never actually gone into Arcade yet. Hahaha. I'm just trying to kill the tests before I go do the arcade. More rewarding :P

Ever tried playing this game after like 6 beers? It really is a simulator. I'm good at GTA though after some beers.
Actually having said that I managed to complete all of the last few tests after quite a few beers...

Me and a mate were playing whilst drinking... and it took us about 2-3 hours to do the Mclaren test due to failure to stay on the track...

And after 2-3 hours of drinking and playing I passed it... and then we went on to complete the rest of the tests with relative ease (Once we'd worked out how to keep that Evo on the road!)

Carling actually!! (Which is weaker than Grolsch in this country)

I prefer Stella but it weren't cheap in the shops unfortunately!!

No, Stella expensive. Reassuringly expensive, (clever line to stop people thinkning they're being ripped off eh).
Fortunately I can get my Stella for £1.40 a pint... the pub I work in (2nd job!) does drinks for half price!!! Sweet!!
