Sound adjustment levels

South Africa

So I just realized we can set the level of tire and transmission sounds.

What numbers are you guys running?

I find the default tranny noises are still too strong.

Any recommended numbers
Take it from someone who obsesses over properly calibrated audio systems, there are 3 schools of thought: set it to what a SPL meter says it correct, set it to what someone else says is correct, or set it to what sounds good to you. Everyone will have a different experience depending on the equipment. If you think the trans volume is too much, then turn it down to what you're happy with. In the end that's really what's important.
I beefed up other cars and my engine, dropped tranny whine a chunk and lifted tyre squeal a smidge. I don't remember the numbers, but I don't think I've finished fiddling yet. It's something like +10 for other cars and -15 for gearbox, but "normalised" so all the numbers are as small as possible, like you would with an EQ, because OCD.