Southpark vs. Comedy Central

  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City
(Warning! Spoilers)

So southpark took on Comedy Central last week and tried to air an image of the muslim prophet Mohammed. Comedy Central would have none of it, and in typical southpark fashion they raked the comedy central execs over the coals. What I found interesting about this was that comedy central allowed an image of Mohammed to air on a southpark episode not all that long ego (2001 or 2002 I think). Then, at the end of the southpark episode with the censored mohammed image, an image in which mohammed was simply "standing there looking normal", the terrorists in the show strike back with their own cartoon of Jesus defacating on the president and the US flag.

Interesting that comedy central doesn't have a problem with sacriligious humor about any OTHER religion.

I thought it was awful that comedy central didn't have the guts to poke fun at the muslims. Afterall, it's not like southpark doesn't poke fun at every other religion (christian, jewish, mormon, scientology, heaven's gate), somehow muslims are off limits though.


What do you think?
In a word: Agreed.

My only guess is that Comedy Central doesn't want to add fuel to the fire to the Danish newpaper cartoon issue that occured a few months ago. However, it strikes me that Comedy Central has no problem with hours of bathroom, physical, and sexual humor; but the moment they try something thought-provoking, they censor it.

It sounds a little simplistic and generalized to say this, but sometimes I think the media wants us to be stupid.
What I found interesting about this was that comedy central allowed an image of Mohammed to air on a southpark episode not all that long ego (2001 or 2002 I think).

Super Best Friends!

Wikipedia episode guide and...


Image of Mohammed! Oh noes!
Famine now you've implicated GTPlanet in a degrading depiction of Mohammed. I fear the retaliation over this link.
I think its pathetic that its come to this in this day and age. Why is it alright for other religions to be mocked week after week, but one is protected at the highest levels, even though it goes against the creators given right to freedom of speech, because a certain group is unable to handle it in a civilized manner?

South Park has always touched on hot issues in America, and around the world. They've made specific people look anything but human (ie. Paris Hilton) and expressed their views on everything from political parties to child abduction, so why draw the line at this? They've already pissed off every other group of person on Earth, why stop at this one?

Frankly, its pissing me off that they lost their balls when it comes to giving South Park the creative freedom they once had. 👎 :grumpy:
The muslims that rioted over the cartoon are the biggest hypocrites in recorded history. Period.

And Comedy Central is weak for not letting it happen. Especially when it was fine to have Jesus, the figure that SPLIT TIME, getting beatup, have a talk show and take a dump all over the president. Man, when did Americans get so weak in the backbone?
This is not the first time that Comedy Central has censored South Park, and almost every single time, it's been because of religion-mocking. They're just super scared about this particular episode, because the Muslim extremists have guns :rolleyes:
What I don't understand is what they were afraid would happen... that muslim extreamists would start hating America?? A little late I think.
What I don't understand is what they were afraid would happen... that muslim extreamists would start hating America?? A little late I think.

There's a point.

And people told me I was a "conspiracy theorist", "paranoid" and had "tunnel vision" when I said that the liberal media and FCC has no problem with offending christians, but they won't touch islam with a 100 foot pole. Weaklings!
There's a point.

And people told me I was a "conspiracy theorist", "paranoid" and had "tunnel vision" when I said that the liberal media and FCC has no problem with offending christians, but they won't touch islam with a 100 foot pole. Weaklings!
Again, it's because the angry Muslims have guns, and the angry Christians do not. But like danoff said, they already hate America, so why does it matter if we offend them? Besides, is Osama really watching a crudely-animated basic cable cartoon? (If he did, he'd know that he has farty-pants :sly:)
Again, it's because the angry Muslims have guns, and the angry Christians do not. But like danoff said, they already hate America, so why does it matter if we offend them? Besides, is Osama really watching a crudely-animated basic cable cartoon? (If he did, he'd know that he has farty-pants :sly:)

And a rather small...endowment.

I understand that not all muslims are like that. But I just can't understand how it's a condoneable thing to riot and KILL because of a cartoon! And then THEY have cartoons that make fun of moses and other jews all the time.
Am I the only one that thought it was the creators of Southpark that actually put the screens up for that portion of the episode? Did I miss something?

Okay, nevermind, after having read some stuff on the web, that is pretty weak by Comedy Central. But watching Comedy Central last night, they aired Carlos Mencia's "No Strings Attached" and he kinda ripped Muslims on it.

Very weak by Comedy Central. 👎
Like every else is saying, pretty lame. I thought both episodes were awesome, BTW!
The episodes were extremely funny. I guess I completely missed the message on the screen when it was edited. At the time of the showing, I had just assumed that it was Trey Parker and Matt Stone throwing in another joke.
And then THEY have cartoons that make fun of moses and other jews all the time.

EXACTLY! They do what they want to other cultures and religions, call America and the rest of the world whatever they want, burn American flags (which is one thing America hates, around the same as they hated the cartoons) and yet they expect nothing but respect for everything they do and believe in (religion, etc), and when they don't get it, they blow innocent people up and look for support!

Honestly, i'm on Trey and Matts side through this as its a sad fact that we have to take away our right to freedom of speech because of someones inability to take a joke.
Super Best Friends!

Wikipedia episode guide and...


Image of Mohammed! Oh noes!
On you, I proclaim Jihaaaaaad! Now, find me an Amrikan flag, some gasoline, lighters, and a KFC!!!

... durka durka

Erm, yea. As a muslim, I really don't see what gives about the south park thing... it's not as though the writers did something like saaaay... put Mohammad on a cross. I'm sure someone somewhere would take it seriously and find it offensive, but damnit, that's South Park. The whole bloody show is a satire to get you to think on current events

Oh, and I can honestly say, those two were amongst the best South Park episodes ever 👍
I'm sure someone somewhere would take it seriously and find it offensive, but damnit, that's South Park. The whole bloody show is a satire to get you to think on current events

I completely agree with this statement. 👍
Naturally, Comedy Central has no problem with an episode depicting Nazi-Germany death camps, and a gerbil wandering through a human colon.
I think it is like the episode said, talking about the manatees, the station either lets the writers write about everything or absolutely nothing at all. There really is very little room for interpretation there.

The writers should not have to worry about how their piece comes off to those who watch, at least when it comes to offending people. At the same time, the writers should not just be writing to offend people in the first place, but instead to inform or get the audience to think about what they are saying. Southpark does do a pretty good job on at least making the audience think about some of the things they show, be it in an absurd way that they do.
I missed it! I saw the first episode where they poked fun at Family Guy and showed Mohammed walking with Peter and getting tea from Mr. T. Everyone was freaking out "OMG, they're gonna show Mohammed and stuff! Ahhh!!" At the end of the South Park episode they said the next Family Guy, in the next South Park, would have Mohammed uncensored. What happened? Did Comedy Central really freak out and actually censor the uncensored Mohammed? What a *****! Speaking of censoration...
Five bucks says Parker and Stone did this just to watch it get censored, so they could make a satement about censorship in this fashion.
That's a pretty safe bet... It wouldn't be the first time they've pulled counter punches. Wether they were meant to be jsut that in the begining. They're either very clever at setting the trap, or at least scrambeling to make ends meat once their ideas are shot down...
I would love to see Parker and Stone come back and say something against this kind of censorship. That would be great stuff! 👍
Perhaps Comedy Central didn't want to get sued by the family of the victim who was blown up by a letter bomb in the mailroom after the mohammed episode aired.
Five bucks says Parker and Stone did this just to watch it get censored, so they could make a satement about censorship in this fashion.
That was the point of the whole episode with the Muslim's retaliation cartoon at the end that took a shot at everything non-Muslim. Comedy Central played into their hands by censoring Mohammed and then letting that go. We can show Jesus defecating on the president and teh American flag and getting defecated on but we can't show Mohammed just standing there.

According to they did it in response to Comedy Central planning to censor the episode just to make the point clear.
Perhaps Comedy Central didn't want to get sued by the family of the victim who was blown up by a letter bomb in the mailroom after the mohammed episode aired.

The that's what the first ammendment is for.