The point I was trying to make earlier on Family Guy was that Family Guy was/is not made to be informative and get the viewer to think about current issues in the world, which is really saying that it is just about the opposite of Southpark, even though Southpark has some similar episodes of unintelligent humor. Every now and then Family Guy will bring something up about a current event, but not on a regular basis, which Southpark does do.
American Dad is a completely different story when compared with Southpark. Seth MacFarlane does try to do some opinion broadcasting, but he does not do a very good job of it at all, especially when compared to Southpark. American Dad tries to get the viewer to think about some of the things in the episode, but fails.
There is one thing all three episodes have in common and that is each tries to push the envelope as far as they can when it comes to different topics. American Dad doesn't really do it anywhere near that of Family Guy or Southpark and Family Guy doesn't go near the lengths of Southpark.